Mrs. Li felt relieved when she saw that Li Mingfang was not drunk at all.

It would be really rude to get drunk in front of so many people, not to mention this is a palace.

She glanced at the expressions of the Queen Mother and the Empress, and was relieved when she saw that there was nothing strange.

Although she doesn't like this marriage, her daughter still has to marry in the end. If she is rejected by her husband's family before she gets married, then the future life will be really sad.

Although the Queen Mother didn't show it on her face, she was a little disappointed with Li Mingfang in her heart.

Why didn't she inherit a little bit of her grandmother's cleverness and tact!

Three large bowls of strong liquor, and she was fooled by someone else's provocation. Such a temperament was too impulsive.

The activity of "picking vegetables" continued, and no one paid attention to Li Mingfang's condition.

When the flower fell into her hand at first, she could subconsciously pass it to the next person, but in the second round, she held the flower and didn't respond.

"Mingfang?" Chu Die, who was sitting next to her, quietly pulled on her sleeve.

Li Mingfang looked both ways before finding the direction of the sound. She was so drunk that she pointed a finger at Chu Die. Because she was drunk, her voice was much higher than usual: "Did you call me?"

After hearing this, everyone looked over and the drums stopped.

Chu Die smiled awkwardly: "It's your turn Mingfang."

"It's my turn? What's my turn?" Li Mingfang didn't know why.

"It's your turn to pick the food." Chu Die was secretly anxious.

"Choose vegetables? What vegetables? I don't choose. If you want to choose, I will choose the sword!"

Everyone: "..."

Mrs. Li quickly stood up and blessed the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother: "The Queen Mother, the Queen Mother, Mingfang must be too drunk and a little drunk. I took her and left first."

The Queen Mother nodded with a look of confusion on her face: "Let the official daughter take you to the Guest House to rest for a while, and drink the sobering soup before leaving!"

She doesn't like people who don't know their own abilities.

The distance from the imperial garden to the palace gate is quite long. There are imperial guards stationed every three steps and one sentry every five steps along the way.

Mrs. Li also thought that Li Mingfang walked out in such a drunken state and was looked at badly by the imperial guards, so she nodded.

The queen then motioned to the maid next to her to take them to the guest courtyard.

After Li Mingfang left, the activity of "picking vegetables" continued, but no one could guess the rest. They were punished for going up. When the silk flowers fell into Xiaoer's hands again, Fu Ranhui seemed to have found a savior: "Sisters, , how about letting County Master Ruian guess the rest of the dishes for us?"

There is nothing wrong with this! Simply great!

"Okay!" everyone said in unison.

After Li Mingfang left, the fifth princess brought out a pot of stinky tofu from nowhere. She asked whoever guessed wrong and ate a piece of stinky tofu. Several girls present had already eaten two pieces in a row. It felt like The whole thing stinks.

Xiaoer glanced at Fu Ranhui sadly. She had planned to deliberately guess wrong and eat stinky tofu. The smell of this stinky tofu was so authentic that she didn't know where the fifth princess got it.

Xiaoer likes to eat stinky tofu, and the fifth princess also likes to eat it.

"Grandma, the Queen, can you do that?" Fu Ranhui asked.

"These are all activities for you girls to play by yourself. If County Lord Rui'an agrees, the Ai family will naturally have no objection. Just this box of jewelry, the Ai family will reward County Lord Rui'an!" The Queen Mother has long been unable to stand the smell. It tastes bad and I want to end this activity quickly!

"The same goes for this box of jewelry from my palace." The queen was also indifferent to the smell. It would be great if someone came to save them.

"Reward, reward! Just don't let me eat stinky tofu again! Anyway, I'm not the one who gave out the jewelry, and I'm not the one who lost money!" Fu Ranhui said generously.

The Queen Mother and the Queen burst out laughing after hearing this.

The queen smiled and said: "I want to regret it. Since the idea came from the princess, of course it must be the princess who offers the reward."

After hearing this, Fu Ranhui quickly stepped forward to take away the wooden box placed next to the queen, threw away a few words and ran away: "Queen, you are the mother of a country, how can you go back on your word!"

The eldest princess shook her head: "This child is becoming more willful."

"Cousin, you are so naive!" the fifth princess said.

"I like girls with this kind of temperament, they look energetic." The Queen smiled.

"Don't hold yourself tight to Hui girl. When she gets married, it will be difficult for you to see her so lively!" the Queen Mother also said.

I thought that the elder princess would be innocent and lively when she was around him. After getting married, her words and deeds would be inseparable from the words "rules and etiquette".

It’s better when a woman is still young and not yet married! The Queen Mother thought.

When the fifth princess saw Fu Ranhui carrying the jewelry box to Xiaoer, she also said hurriedly: "County Master Ruian, if you guess all of them correctly, I will reward you with all the stinky tofu!"

Oops! Lord Ruian County will not refuse after hearing this! The other girls felt desperate.

After hearing this, Xiaoer nodded decisively: "Okay!"

She had food to eat and jewelry to take, so why not do it.

The girls present all breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't expect County Lord Rui'an to have such a spirit of self-sacrifice.

Xiaoer and others walked to the flower stand, pointing and talking, and in a few breaths they guessed the names of the remaining dishes on it, and none of them were wrong.

Everyone applauded and praised one after another.

Xiaoer said generously: "These things have really grown up with me. Even now, there is a piece of land in the backyard of the mansion, full of vegetables! My father goes to the ground to take a look every day."

"Marquis Shengping has indeed fulfilled his duties as Nong Zhengqing." The Queen Mother said with a smile.

The queen also nodded, and she was even more satisfied with Xiaoer's honest attitude about her origins and her lack of shame.

No one has any objection to this! As a farmer, I have never seen someone do such a good job!

The man also finished guessing, and it was Jingrui who also guessed all the dishes.

It can be said that the two brothers and sisters stole the show at today's "picking vegetables" banquet event.

After the event, the emperor gave a banquet, and after the meal, there was a big show.

In this dynasty, there were no entertainment programs, but theater was still loved by many people, just like many modern people like to watch TV series and movies.

Mrs. Liu loves to go to the theater, but because she is an advanced maternal age, she did not enter the palace this time, otherwise she could watch it for half a day even with her belly.

Xiaoer is not too keen on this.

Ming Jingya had been sitting for a long time, and she already felt aching in her back. She said to her mother-in-law, the general's wife, "Mom, I want to go to the toilet and do some exercise."

The general's wife nodded hurriedly after hearing this. She also knew that pregnant women would suffer from back pain after sitting for a long time: "Go, be careful, I will ask Junya to accompany you."

"No, let my sister watch the show. I'll just ask the palace maid to take me there." Ming Jingya stood up holding her waist.

Seeing this, Xiaoer said: "I happen to be a little anxious too, so I'll go with my sister-in-law."

Xiao'er is Di Shaowei's god-sister. In front of the elders, she always calls Ming Jingya sister-in-law, although she thinks it's not as nice as Sister Ming and calls people old.

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