"My brother, Lord Ruian, is not such a person. Don't spit blood! That Tibetan Mastiff probably ran to look for me. Mrs. Shizi misunderstood it and thought it was to bite her. Then she hit it with her purse. The Tibetan Mastiff was then I will chase her and bite her." Li Mingfang couldn't help but say after hearing this.

She didn't expect that after just talking to Di Shaowei for a while, Ming Jingya would be forced into the lake by her Tibetan Mastiff.

If something really happened to Ming Jingya, Di Shaowei would be even less likely to help her! The queen would not help her, after all, Ming Jingya was carrying the hope of the Di family's future.

The success of this generation of the Di family is all attributed to Di Shaowei, and the Di family has a family motto that only a man of thirty-five and childless can take a concubine!

The general's wife had given birth to her eldest son, but could not conceive again, so Di Shaowei was destined to be the only son of the Zhongyong Hou family.

It is foreseeable how much the whole family attaches importance to the child in Ming Jingya's belly!

"Call Li Mingjun to ask what happened and why his Tibetan Mastiff suddenly chased and bit the Crown Prince's wife."

But when Li Mingjun saw something was wrong, he recalled the Tibetan mastiff and left the palace.

"The Ming army must have been so frightened that they didn't know to call Tianlang back. Even when I saw that scene, I was so frightened that I forgot to react." Li Mingfang explained again.

When she saw Tianlang chasing Ming Jingya, she really forgot to react.

At this time, the seventh prince with short arms and short legs ran in and said angrily: "That's not what it is! It was Li Mingjun who deliberately said to that beast: 'Sirius, go bite that big-bellied woman, and I'll give it to you when you get back.'" Eat your leg of lamb! That beast will come and bite my cousin!"

As soon as the Seventh Prince said these words, everyone's eyes changed when they looked at the Li family!

Is the young master of the Li family so vicious at such a young age? !

"Sixth Prince, who taught you to say this?" Li Mingfang's expression changed after hearing this. She did not believe that her brother would do such a thing.

After hearing this, the queen glanced at Li Mingfang lightly and snorted coldly.

Is this because you want to disown your account?

"No one told me. I heard it with my own ears. I was on the rockery at the time. What I heard with my own ears was that the rockery was too high and I couldn't get down for a while. That's why I came here so late! Look at the clothes on my body because I was in a hurry. Climbing down the rockery, I was hooked by a sharp stone! If I climb the rockery, my mother will punish me, but I risked getting slapped for saying it! How could I say panic!" The seventh prince pointed to the clothes on his back. .

Many ladies and ladies couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

Only then did everyone realize that there was indeed a place on the back of the red brocade robe of the Seventh Prince that seemed to be scratched by something, and the clothes on the Seventh Prince were also a little dirty!

Queen: You know I will punish you for climbing a rockery.

"You probably heard it wrong!" Li Mingfang said unwillingly.

After hearing this, everyone looked at Li Mingfang with "Are you an idiot?"

"How could I hear it wrong! I'm not deaf! Let me ask you, is your dog called Sirius?" Although the Seventh Prince is short and fat, when he said these words, he felt that he was born with it as a prince. His dignity and aura of looking down on the world were revealed.

"Yes." Li Mingfang nodded unconsciously under this momentum.

"Does it like to eat lamb legs?"

Li Mingfang nodded again!

"Then it's over. Both of these points are correct. How could I hear it wrong! Li Mingjun used the leg of lamb as bait to let the beast named Sirius bite my cousin-in-law!" The fat seventh prince Strictly speaking.

The ladies present all nodded after hearing this. At the same time, they felt that the Seventh Prince was too powerful. He is only seven years old now, but he already has such strong analytical skills!

"The little grandson of the Ai family never says panic!" The Queen Mother also said at this time, her grandson is not deaf, why did he hear it wrong!

"That's right, Taifu said: The real person is the most sincere. If you are not sincere, you can't move people. We can't be dishonest people! So I never say panic!" The seventh prince nodded seriously.

In fact, what he was most afraid of was what Xi'er said: If you talk in a hurry, you will lose your teeth! His front teeth have already fallen out. If the big teeth fall out again, he will not be able to eat! This is absolutely not allowed!

After hearing this, all the ladies looked at the little chubby boy with new eyes, and their words of praise were beyond words.

With the testimony of County Lord Rui'an in front of him, and what the Seventh Prince heard with his own ears, Li Mingjun's charge of deliberately letting dogs bite people is proven true!

"Ming Jun is just a half-grown child, he is just playing around and playing around!" Seeing this, Mrs. Li couldn't help but defend her son.

"That's enough! You have to admit when you're wrong!" Mrs. Li said angrily.

The Seventh Prince has seen and heard it with his own eyes, and now he still wants to excuse Li Mingjun! They, the elders, will also be said to be indifferent to right from wrong!

Ming Jun just said that if the children did something wrong, they could say they were ignorant. They just had to admit that they were not disciplined enough and go back to punish them!

The facts are already in front of us. If they only focus on shirking their responsibilities, it will only make everyone think that they are all the same! This is the family tradition! Who would dare to associate with the Li family in the future!

"I won't make fun of this kind of thing." The seventh prince muttered.

The seventh prince is only seven years old, and Li Mingjun is already twelve years old! A seven-year-old knows not to joke about this kind of thing, but if a twelve-year-old doesn’t know, who will believe it!

Although twelve years old is still considered a child, some girls at this time are getting married at the age of thirteen! Of course, this is when there is a reason for the incident, for example, an elder in the man's family is about to pass away, and the marriage is for happiness. In this case, the consummation of the marriage is only allowed after the woman has had her period.

Of course, this is all under forced circumstances, and people usually marry after the age of fifteen.

"It's all because of my poor discipline that I allowed that evildoer to get into such a big disaster!" Old Master Li saluted and apologized to the general's wife.

"Old Mrs. Li, you have to give me an explanation for this matter!" The general's wife avoided the gift with anger in her heart. She looked at Old Mrs. Li and said firmly.

If you don't give yourself a satisfactory answer, then the two families will sever ties from now on!

Even though I had a life-saving grace in the past, I have long since paid it off.

"I will definitely come and apologize in person with that evildoer, and the general's wife can do whatever she wants!" Mrs. Li felt that her face was completely lost.

"I don't need to apologize!" What's the use of apologizing! Moreover, the Zhongyong Hou Mansion lacks nothing, so who cares about her apology! She just wants to vent her anger!

Mrs. Li: "..."

At this time, Dr. Luo came out, and the general's wife no longer cared about her. She hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "How is the prince's wife?"

"Don't worry, ma'am. I'm just a little frightened, a little cold, and have some fetal turbulence. Fortunately, it's been three months and it's nothing serious. I've already prescribed the medicine. Just stay in bed and take good care of yourself these days." ”

I was a little frightened, a little cold, and had a little fetal movement, but I still said it was nothing serious? ! How can this be reassuring! The general's wife quickly ran in to see her daughter-in-law.

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