Mrs. Li breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. It was good that the fetus was fine and not dead. Otherwise, she really couldn't explain the matter.

Although his son saved General Di's life, the Di family child also saved Mingfang and his own son's life with medicine, and according to his son, the child also saved Mingfang's life in the desert.

They have long since repaid this life-saving grace.

If something happened to Ming Jingya's fetus this time, the Li family would owe the Di family a life.

The descendants of military generals' families are not sure when they will go on an expedition, and they don't know if they will come back. Therefore, the descendants are much scarcer than those of civilian families.

Most civil servant families have a large number of legitimate children and concubine children, but it is rare for a military general's family to have a large number of descendants.

In the generation of Marquis Zhongyong, Di Shaowei is the only man who can continue his popularity.

After hearing this, the queen said: "Since the Crown Prince's wife needs to rest, let's all disperse. It's getting late."

After hearing this, the ladies and ladies present bowed and left.

The queen glanced at Mrs. Li and Li Mingfang: "Fortunately, this time did not lead to a big mistake. Mrs. Li has always been sensible and will definitely know how to teach her grandson. I will not say anything more. I believe that Mrs. Li will give everyone a satisfactory answer."

Well, so many married women and wives are watching how you teach your grandson, so don’t let the thunder be loud and the rain be small!

The Li family is full of loyal people, and Li Mingjun is also the only male grandson in the Li family. The queen is not good at all and refuses to give face to General Li who has been stationed at the border for more than ten years. She can only verbally beat them to give a satisfactory explanation. .

"What the Queen said is that when I go back, I will definitely teach that evildoer a lesson."

The queen asked the maid to send everyone out.

The general's wife walked into the room, and Di Shaowei was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding Ming Jingya's still cold hand and sending her some internal energy to warm her up.

When Di Shaowei saw the general's wife walking in, he quickly stood up and said, "Mother."

Ming Jingya's complexion improved a lot. When she saw her mother-in-law coming in, she wanted to sit up and salute.

The general's wife quickly stopped her: "Don't, don't move, just lie down!"

After hearing this, Ming Jingya stopped moving and said with a smile: "I'm fine now, I made my mother worry."

"As long as it's okay, it's okay! Let's go back home after a rest. Listen to the doctor's advice these days and stay in bed to take good care of yourself." When she first heard the news, she was really scared to death!

She finally looked forward to a daughter-in-law, and she also looked forward to a grandson! Seeing her son smiling every day, she was also happy. She really couldn't imagine what her son would do if something happened to Ming Jingya.

Ming Jingya nodded obediently.

After the general's wife had finished watching her daughter-in-law, she looked at her son with a fierce face, stretched out a hand and pinched his ear directly: "Were you dead at that time? You watched your wife being forced by an animal to slip and fall into the lake. !”

Di Shaowei felt uncomfortable, and he wanted to slap himself twice.

Didn't he just watch his wife being forced into the lake by an animal?

So he kept silent and let his mother teach him a lesson.

"Do you know that the water in the lake is the most chilling at this time! Women are the most chilled, not to mention that your wife is twins! What if the root cause of the disease is found." She thought that she was accompanying General Di at the Di Shaowei was born in a place where thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow drifted in the northwest. She caught a cold during confinement, and she never became pregnant.

Seeing this, Ming Jingya hurriedly sat up and said, "Mother, this is none of your business. No one knows that the Tibetan Mastiff will suddenly run out! I am too timid to be scared by the Tibetan Mastiff. Don't choose a way out in a panic, otherwise your husband will definitely come over and save me!"

"You don't have to protect him. It's his fault that he didn't protect you in your body!"

Di Shaowei quickly supported Ming Jingya: "Jingya, lie down and don't move. The imperial doctor said you had fetal motility! What my mother said was that I shouldn't have gone far at that time. I really should have been taught a lesson, so that my mother could Kiss me and hit me, I feel better."

The general's wife also let go at this time. After hearing this, she stretched out her foot and kicked Di Shaowei again: "You brat, if you want to feel better, just dream!"

Is this really my mother? Dishaowei was sad.

"What happened at that time! Why were you too late to save Jingya? What were you doing at that time?" How could his son let Ming Jingya be forced into the lake by a Tibetan mastiff?

After hearing this, Di Shaowei felt infinite regret and told what happened.

The general’s wife gritted her teeth in anger! At first, she didn't know the reason why Di Shaowei insisted on breaking off the engagement. Later, it was Di Junya who learned from Zhao Minhua that Li Mingfang fell into the lake and was rescued by Zhao Youwei, so she told her.

The general's wife was so angry that she wanted to pinch Dishovi's ears again!

He wanted to scold Di Shaowei a few words, but he was afraid that Di Shaowei's feelings for Li Mingfang would not last, and he was worried that Ming Jingya would listen to it and affect the relationship between the two couples, so he could only endure it. In the end, he could only say:

"The family tradition of the Li family is different from before. As the saying goes, people with different moral principles do not want to work together. Moreover, Li Mingfang is now the future third prince's concubine. You must avoid suspicion in the future. You are no longer a child now! Do you understand what I mean?" The general's wife looked at it. He said to his son.

"My son knows." Di Shaowei nodded.

"Mother, this has nothing to do with my husband. I wanted him to listen to what Miss Ming has to say because our two families are family friends and the relationship has become tense."

"Good boy, you don't have to protect him in this matter. It's his fault! If the Li family asks for anything from now on, just refuse it. Things are different now."

Both nodded.

In fact, when Li Mingfang and Di Shaowei got engaged and the two military generals got married, the Queen Mother was very afraid. She was worried that the Queen's relatives would become dominant and support themselves with troops!

Later, the two families broke off the engagement, but who knew that the Admiral's Office would propose marriage again. The Queen Mother was very worried when she found out about this. Otherwise, the Queen Mother would not ignore Li Mingfang's reputation of being divorced and still propose Li Mingfang to the third prince. This shows that the Queen Mother is really worried.

Of course, the third prince also has selfish motives.

Even if the emperor was determined to pass the throne to the queen's son, he would not be happy to see the queen's family's military strength being enough to threaten the court.

Even if he could not threaten the emperor of his generation, he was unwilling to predict that his son would be threatened.

Therefore, Di Shaowei was determined to break off the engagement. Although the people in the Zhongyong Hou Mansion scolded him, they were relieved in their hearts.

The Sacred Heart is unpredictable, just like the weather, who can predict when there will be lightning and thunder!

They, those in high positions, naturally have to be more cautious.

So after Mrs. Di analyzed the stakes of the matter to the general's wife, she felt that there was nothing wrong with Ming Jingya, who was of a lower family background.

Now seeing her son's face full of happiness every day, she thinks this is even better!

Thank you to the book friends who voted. Today’s update is too late. I’m sorry.

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