Li Mansion

Mrs. Li came back to the house and asked Li Mingjun for questioning.

In the flower hall, all the maids walked out, leaving only two confidants standing guard outside the door!

"Ming Jun, did you intentionally ask Tianlang to bite the Crown Prince's wife in the Imperial Garden today?" Mrs. Li looked at her grandson with a serious face.

"Back to grandma, I don't have any grandchildren. Sirius suddenly ran out by himself at that time, and I couldn't hold him back. She hit Sirius with her purse, and Sirius got angry, so he chased her and bit her!" Li Mingjun had long ago Having thought of his words, he said calmly.

He was sure no one noticed him at the time anyway.

"Obstacle! You didn't pay attention to the truth! The Lord of Rui'an saw you standing by the rockery, and ignored the wolf to chase the crown prince's wife! The seventh prince even heard with his own ears that you used mutton as bait to let the wolf to bite the crown prince's wife. ! Mrs. Shizi is a twin. She was so frightened that if she slipped and fell into the lake, she would kill two people! What can you use to compensate others? How do I usually teach you! Don’t ignore good deeds because they are small. Don't do it out of spite!" Mrs. Li was so angry that she threw the tea cup to the ground.

The teacup was shattered on the floor.

When Mrs. Li saw this, she was so frightened that she quickly pulled her son to kneel down: "Mom, calm down, Ming Jun is still young, just teach him slowly!"

"Ming Jun is already twelve years old. How young? He can marry a wife in three years! The eldest son of Marquis Shengping is already a scholar at the age of twelve! The seventh prince also understands at the age of seven: 'The true man, the most sincere, is not refined. Dishonesty can't move people's truth! Other people's twelve-year-old children are sensible and sensible, but your twelve-year-old child needs to be taught slowly!" Mrs. Li became even more angry after hearing this. She is indeed a loving mother. Bai'er, she was the one who manipulated the Ming army into destruction!

Mrs. Li's face was full of sarcasm after hearing this. How can other people's children be sensible and sensible at the age of twelve, but her child is still young at twelve years old! Isn't twelve years old just a child? And she doesn't think Ming Jun is wrong, it's just that it's not good if someone catches him! The people of the Di family just need to be dealt with! ungrateful! Her son won’t teach her a lesson! I want to teach myself a lesson too!

Today my son gave me a sigh of relief! I can't say this, but my son is only a half-grown child, and no one would really be serious with a half-grown child! Everyone knows that half-year-old children are not very sensible, so just give them a few words of instruction! No pain or itching!

"Mingjun, you did something wrong this time. Please admit your mistake to grandma!" Mrs. Li said calmly, and winked at Li Mingjun after speaking.

Seeing this, Li Mingjun quickly kowtowed: "Grandma, my grandson is wrong. He shouldn't have let the dog bite people intentionally. He was just angry that the woman took everything that belonged to his sister! If she hadn't seduced Brother Di , how could Brother Di break off the engagement? If Brother Di had not broken off the engagement, my sister would not be accused of marrying to the sixth prince, and my mother and sister would not hold each other and cry all night. The grandson is also heartbroken for his sister, but now the grandson If you realize your mistake, your grandson will never do it again!"

Li Mingfang felt a little guilty after hearing this, and now she dared not tell the truth about the breakup.

If his grandmother knew that Di Shaowei broke off the engagement because he confessed to Zhao Youwei, and because he was rejected and couldn't think of jumping into a lake, and was rescued by Zhao Youwei, Di Shaowei broke off the engagement, her grandmother would definitely break her legs. !

Moreover, she knew that Di Shaowei was eavesdropping, so she said those words to make him retreat.

She never expected that fate would be so cunning that her mother rejected the Zhao family’s marriage proposal!

After she finally convinced her mother, the Zhao family stopped sending people to propose marriage!

Mrs. Li did not expect that her grandson would let the dog bite people for this reason. Her tone unconsciously softened: "The reason why your sister was accused of being married to the third prince was because your mother asked me to ask the Queen Mother to marry her. It's just that I didn't point it out at the time. The Queen Mother made a mistake. The third prince has been married since he was a child. Having grown up beside the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother has given her favorite grandson to Mingfang in marriage."

It was also her fault that she gave up an old face and didn't make it clear which prince it was.

After all, it doesn’t matter if the Queen Mother likes it, it’s not the Queen Mother who will pass the throne in the future!

The third prince is not favored by the emperor, so the chance of ascending to the throne is slim, but after marrying into his own family, things will be different.

well! She has been very troubled recently! Seizing a direct descendant is the most dangerous thing! If you don't take it away, can you survive?

The Queen Mother promised Mingfang to the Third Prince, which might as well give the Third Prince a hope and give the Queen a check and balance.

After hearing this, Li Mingfang looked at her mother in disbelief: "Mother, how could you do this! Are you trying to kill me?"

She knew that the one she really wanted to marry was Zhao Youwei! She also had to ask her grandmother to propose marriage to the Queen Mother. She was really angry!

"Mother, I am determined not to marry the Third Prince. If I want to marry you, marry me!" After saying these words, Li Mingfang ran out!

"Hey, what are you kidding about? If I can marry, do you think I don't want to marry? After all, he is also a prince!" Mrs. Li muttered.

What's the point of marrying a general and spending all day in fear and alone in an empty house?

"Fuck you!" Mrs. Li was so angry that she picked up the teapot on the table and poured tea in her face!

"Mom, I was joking, don't be angry!" Mrs. Li reached out to wipe the tea leaves from her face and said with a smile.

Mrs. Li didn't even look at her daughter-in-law, who was missing a muscle. She turned her head and said to Li Mingjun, who was kneeling on the ground: "Anyway, it's your fault for letting the dog bite people. Tomorrow we will prepare gifts and come to your door to apologize." !”

"It's grandma!" Although Li Mingjun was dissatisfied, he didn't dare to say no! He glanced at the teapot on the table, worried that his grandmother, who had no tea to pour, would throw the teapot at him.

"Ms. Zhang, go to the warehouse and take out the century-old wild ginseng, the top-quality blood swallow and fish maw that were rewarded in the womb, plus a piece of silk fragrant cloud gauze given by the emperor, and you should be ready. I’ll think about what else I can give tonight.”

After hearing this, Mrs. Li bit the tip of her tongue to stop herself from screaming. She said in a weird voice: "Mother, didn't the Lord of Rui'an County give a thousand-year ginseng to the old lady of Zhongyong Hou Mansion a few years ago? Come to think of it. His family doesn’t care about this century-old wild ginseng, so it’s better not to give it to him. This century-old wild ginseng will also make him look good when he is used as a dowry for Mingfang in the future!”

"The thousand-year-old ginseng in the Zhongyong Marquis Mansion is used to save lives at critical moments. We sent this ginseng there just in time for the Crown Prince's wife to eat. It can be regarded as our sincerity. The top-quality blood swallow and fish maw are also good for the fetus. In this way It only shows that we are sincere. The two families have known each other for many years, so we can't become enemies over this matter." Mrs. Li said.

Mrs. Li was thinking that if something unexpected happened in the future, she could come to her door to ask for help and keep a tightrope in everything so that she could meet again in the future.

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