Mrs. Li was about to cry but had no tears. Others' thousand-year-old ginseng was used to save lives, and her family's century-old wild ginseng was also used to save lives at critical moments! Why is that bitch so cheap?

The imperial doctor told me that she was just a little frightened, had some fetal turbulence, and had a little cold. It was nothing serious. She was just the concubine of a county magistrate. She was just the concubine of a county magistrate. She ate so many good things, so she was not afraid of losing her fortune!

The next day, Mrs. Li personally took her grandson to the Shengping Marquis Mansion to plead guilty.

Li Mingjun knelt in front of the gate of Zhongyong Hou Mansion, with Mrs. Li accompanying him.

When the people passing by saw it, they stopped to watch the excitement.

Mrs. Di and the general’s wife’s faces darkened after hearing this!

Coming here to plead guilty in such a high-profile manner doesn't mean they shouldn't be beaten too hard!

If the Zhongyong Hou Mansion were to attack someone like this, others would say that they were ruthless and ruthless, not even sparing a half-year-old child. On the contrary, it was their fault. After all, Ming Jingya had a near-miss!

If you hit me too lightly, you will feel aggrieved! It's better not to fight if you haven't even finished taking a breath and it's hanging in your heart.

Mrs. Di has seen people like Mrs. Li who don't distinguish between right and wrong. What if the beating is severe, what if someone suddenly dies or becomes disabled and ends up relying on her own family instead!

Because Mrs. Li was there, Mrs. Di could only receive her in person.

She thought for a while and then waved her hand and said: "Fortunately, it didn't lead to a big mistake. Let's forget it like this. You don't have to apologize for it. Just know that you are wrong! Besides, since the old lady has already disciplined the child, I can't teach it anymore. That's right." As the saying goes, it is the father's fault whether he raises or not, so there is no reason for us to educate him. I remember when Shao Wei used a little flower snake to scare Mingfang. When he made a mistake, his father chased him all over the martial arts training ground with a long stick and beat him to death. Yue can't get out of bed, does Mrs. Li still remember?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Li knew that Mrs. Di didn't want to fight, but needed them to fight on their own! And it can’t be taken lightly! If you can't get out of bed for a month, how serious the injury will be!

Mrs. Li could only pick up the thorns and hit them by herself. Every time she raised her hand high, she lowered it gently.

Mrs. Di snorted in her heart. After all, she was her own grandmother. Since she couldn't bear to fight, why did she come here?

Every time Mrs. Li hit her, Li Mingjun screamed.

"Ah, grandma, my grandson has realized his mistake and will never dare to do it again!"

"Ah! It hurts so much, it hurts me to death!"

a shame! Mrs. Di didn't say anything, she didn't show it on her face, but she rolled her eyes in her heart:

"Okay, okay, Mrs. Li, please stop beating. The screams of the Mingjun child are too sad! The beating was so severe, what if the beating is broken? I saw a little blood on the child's clothes. It’s gone!” Mrs. Di deliberately emphasized the words very hard.

Thorns hit someone so many times and only a little blood came out. Is this considered a beating?

The general's wife walked in at this time and saw this scene and said: "Old Mrs. Li, are you scratching an itch? Aren't the thorns bloody when you hit someone? How come there is no blood?"

Mrs. Li paused with her raised hand, gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, and then the thorn strips fell heavily.

"Ah! Grandma, why are you trying so hard? It hurts so much..." A shrill scream echoed through the sky.

After hearing this, Mrs. Li's face turned red as she was exposed! This evil! She gritted her teeth, gritted her heart, and whipped it hard!


"Ah..." The shrill screams rang out one after another.

This is really sad! But the Di family man never screamed when he was beaten!

Mrs. Di snorted disdainfully in her heart. It took her a long time to feel calm before she said: "Mrs. Li, stop now, stop now. It's pitiful that you hit me until your flesh and blood are blurred. You really did it." ! As the old saying goes, a filial son will emerge under the stick. The Li family has such a strict family tradition, which shows that Ming Jun will be a filial son in the future."

When Mrs. Li looked at her grandson's bloody back, it really hurt her body and her heart!

This is her precious golden grandson!

"Quickly go and get some of the golden medicine that was rewarded by the palace for Young Master Li." Mrs. Li said.

"Mother, have you forgotten? Didn't all the golden medicines go to the military camp last time?" How could the golden medicines given by the palace be given to him for use? Even for cats and dogs, she didn't give them to him either. She didn't. Just sprinkle some salt on it and it’s ready!

"Look at me, I can't remember things at this age! Go and tell the imperial doctor!" Old Mrs. Li slapped her head and said in annoyance.

"No need, a little skin injury may be life-threatening. Just go home and lie down for a few days and it will be fine." Old Mrs. Li said feebly. She was also a little angry in her heart, because Zhongyong Hou Mansion did not care about the friendship in the past.

It seems that this time, the people of Zhongyong Hou Mansion have been completely offended.

"Someone is here to find a set of clothes for Young Master Li to put on, and then let Ping An send Mrs. Li and Young Master Li home."

"No need to bother, we can just walk by ourselves." Mrs. Li waved her hand.

She couldn't change her clothes. She wanted the world to see Ming Jun's injuries and the cruelty of Zhongyong Houfu!

"That's okay. We won't send it away and let the Ming army go back to apply for medicine as soon as possible." Mrs. Di took advantage of the situation.

Mrs. Li snorted coldly and returned home with her seriously injured grandson.

The people saw two servants helping the dying Li Mingjun out. Li Mingjun's whole back was covered in blood.

This is too heavy a blow!

"What on earth did the young master of the Li family commit? He had to go to the house to plead guilty, and he was beaten so badly! His back was all bloody!

"No, I didn't expect the people of Marquis Zhongyong to be so cruel. What a great hatred!"

"This is extremely unkind to the Zhongyong Hou Mansion!"

"I heard that it was because the young master of the Li family sent the Tibetan mastiff to bite Mrs. Di Shizi, causing her to slip and fall into the lake, almost killing two people. That's why Mrs. Li and her grandson came to plead guilty!"

"Isn't it? This is too..." Vicious! The people did not say the rest of the words, for fear of offending the people in General Li's mansion who were not far away, but who didn't think so in their hearts!

Let the Tibetan Mastiff bite the Crown Prince's wife, and the Crown Prince's wife is still twins. No wonder she has to come to plead guilty!

This accident can kill two lives! After hearing this, everyone felt that Mr. Li was not unjustly hurt!

"Anyone who lets a Tibetan Mastiff bite anyone should be taught a lesson!"

"Yes, it's time to learn a lesson, it's so lawless!"

"Is Madam Prince okay? Have you been bitten by the Tibetan Mastiff?"

"I don't know if he was bitten or not. I heard he had fetal motility. He was a little frightened and a little cold. He needs to lie in bed to recuperate for a while."

"The lake water is still bitingly cold today. Madam Shizi is so pitiful! I hope the root cause of the disease will not be caused. I also hope that nothing will happen to the child in her belly."

"It should be fine! It's hard to vent your anger even if Mr. Li's back is broken if something happens!"

Listening to the words of the passers-by, Mrs. Li quickly got into the carriage and left.

The people knew so clearly that the Ming army released Tibetan mastiffs to bite people, and they didn’t know who told them.

Mrs. Li glanced at the Zhongyong Hou Mansion and sighed.

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