General Li's Mansion

When Mrs. Li saw her son being carried in, motionless, with blood all over his back, she was so frightened that she screamed: "Son! You died so miserably! I will never let go of the person who killed you!" Mother, why did you let the Di family beat the Ming army to death!"

Old Mrs. Li was so angry that Mrs. Li said "You died so miserably" that she could not calm down for a long time.

After finally regaining her composure, she threw the cane over: "The Ming army is not dead yet, why are you crying!"

"Not dead? The one who killed a thousand swordsmen from the Di family was too cruel. He beat the Ming army to this half-dead state! If not, I will go to them to settle the score!" Mrs. Li walked out aggressively.

"Stop! I was the one who defeated the Ming army! If you want to settle the score, settle it with me!" Mrs. Li had a headache when facing her daughter-in-law.

"Mother, why did you beat the Ming army?" And you beat them so hard! After hearing this, Mrs. Li turned back to look at Mrs. Li, her face full of disbelief.

"You think I want to fight, but the people in the Zhongyong Hou Mansion are unwilling to fight, so I have to fight myself!" Mrs. Li was filled with anger and had nowhere to vent her anger, so she could only take it out on her daughter-in-law!

"Wouldn't it be better if they didn't beat me? Mother, why did you do it yourself! Oh my God! Beat Ming Jun's back into such a bloody mess? Mother, Ming Jun was not born by you, so you don't feel heartbroken? You How could you do this!" Mrs. Li was so heartbroken as she spoke that her tears kept falling.

After hearing this, Mrs. Li was so angry that she almost vomited blood! Did she think she was willing to take such a heavy blow? Even if there is even the slightest possibility, I would not let it go!

The Zhongyong Hou Mansion has obviously complained about them! Instead of fighting openly and openly to make people feel more comfortable, what if Prince Di secretly finds an opportunity to use a sack to beat someone to a disability?

Rather than letting others beat you, it’s better to beat yourself! You know the importance of it before you start it, so you won't break it!

It's just that these things can't be explained clearly to my wife here, and she can't explain them.

Mrs. Li waved her hand feebly:

"Stop talking, I'm tired. Take Ming Jun down quickly to apply medicine! It's just a skin injury, it will heal after a while!"

Mrs. Li then remembered that her son’s wound had not been treated yet! She was so angry that she jumped up and pointed at the young man and cursed: "Are you dead? Why are you standing here without moving! Please carry the young master back to the house to apply medicine!"

"Take the golden medicine that was gifted by the palace before! That medicine is very effective in relieving pain and stopping bleeding. It won't take a few days for the wound to scab." Old Mrs. Li reminded.

After hearing this, Mrs. Li's face froze.

"Um, old lady, do you still have the golden medicine?" Mrs. Li asked cautiously after hearing this.

"No more. Didn't I give them all to you? Didn't I ask you to keep one bottle at home for backup and send the remaining two bottles to the northwest? Why, didn't you keep them?"

"Last time my sister-in-law came over and said that my nephew climbed a tree and broke his head and was bleeding, so I gave her the bottle of golden medicine!" Mrs. Li looked at Old Mrs. Li's face getting darker and darker. , the speaking voice became smaller and smaller.

"You!..." Mrs. Li was so angry that she couldn't catch her breath and passed out.

Mrs. Li helps her mother-in-law's family more than just a day or two, but the golden medicine given by the emperor is most indispensable for a family of military commanders like them. It is a life-saving medicine at critical moments!

After all, the sword has no eyes on the battlefield. Who can guarantee that you will not get hurt!

Such important medicine was given to my mother-in-law casually!

The Li Mansion was overwhelmed with people, and it was not easy to arrange the old and the young. The imperial doctor finally came to the door.

After showing the old man and the young man that they were all fine, Mrs. Li felt relieved, sealed a big purse and gave it to the imperial doctor, and asked him to send him out of the house.

Di Shaowei couldn't get over what happened to Ming Jingya. After Li Mingjun recovered from his new injury, he sent someone pretending to be a robber to beat him on his way to school. Unfortunately, his new injury was just fine, and he was injured again. I was seriously injured and this time I really had to stay in bed for a full month before I could get out of bed.

The matter was thus revealed.

The east wind prevails over the west wind, and the days are getting warmer.

Xiaoer saw that the wisteria flowers on the wisteria frame were blooming just right, fresh and beautiful, and with a pleasant fragrance.

She said to Jing Hao who was reading under the flower stand: "Jing Hao, can you eat the wisteria flower chiffon cake that my sister made?"

Jing Hao raised his head slightly after hearing these words. Under the green onions, strings of small purple flowers hung upside down on the vines. The right shade of purple bloomed from the branches, as beautiful as clouds, light and elegant, Beautiful and elegant.

"Can this wisteria flower be eaten?" He couldn't help but swallowed: such a beautiful flower, the food made from it would be delicious.

"Of course, I haven't eaten for a long time. Hurry up and pick some flowers for me. I'll make them now."

"Okay!" Jing Hao decisively abandoned the book in his hand and went to destroy the flowers.

Yang Liu went to get two baskets to hold the flowers.

Shangguan Xuanyi walked over from a distance and saw strings of wisteria flowers hanging down from the long flower stand. The sun was flowing among the flowers, the breeze was blowing, and the flowers were spinning and dancing, like a dream. The girl in purple clothes walks among the flowers, like an elf transformed from the wisteria flower, light and refined.

Shangguan Xuanyi found that he couldn't bear to take his eyes away, it was so beautiful, that was his elf!

Time passed in a flash, and the little girl with a sallow face and skinny muscles had grown up. She once attracted his attention with her wisdom, and now she was so beautiful that he couldn't move away from her.

Their wedding date has been set. It's great that they have spent so many wonderful times together.

However, Shangguan Xuanyi looked at the embarrassing Jing Hao next to him, frowned, and said:

"Jing Hao, Marquis Shengping is looking for you."

"Brother Shangguan is here, what does my father want from me?" Jing Hao turned around after hearing the voice and saw that it was Shangguan Xuanyi who hurriedly saluted and asked.

"have no idea."

"Brother Shangguan, please help my sister pick flowers. I'll go see what my father wants from me."

"Okay." Shangguan Xuanyi stepped forward and took the basket from his hand as if nothing had happened and walked towards Xiaoer.

"Brother Shangguan, just pick these freshly bloomed flowers. I want to use them to make wisteria chiffon cake." Xiaoer only glanced at him and continued to focus on the wisteria flowers.

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't say anything, handed the flower basket to Yang Liu, and waved Yang Liu and Yang Mei to leave.

He came to Xiao'er, who was standing on a wooden stool, and the two were about the same height.

Xiaoer's eyes met Shangguan Xuanyi's. She lowered her head and glanced at the stool at her feet: "So you are so much better than me!"

The height of this small stool must be at least thirty centimeters!

Xiaoer is mentally unbalanced! It seems that no more space food can be given to Shangguan Xuanyi!

This man grows up too fast. If he stands next to him, he will become a little boy!

Originally, I was already considered tall among women.

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