"This height is just right!" Shangguan Xuanyi reached out and brushed her hair that was messed up by the breeze.

"What's just right! I can still grow taller!" After hearing this, Xiaoer thought that Shangguan Xuanyi meant that her height was just right.

If she were so short, she would have the urge to forcibly overthrow her!

Shangguan Xuanyi laughed after hearing these childish words: "I mean your current height is just right..."

He didn't say the last words, but expressed them directly with actions.

The four lips touched each other, and both of their hearts trembled.

Shangguan Xuanyi couldn't help but reach out and hug the person in his arms tightly.

Xiaoer was a little hurt by the force. When she came to her senses, she quickly reached out and pushed him away.

This is a garden! If someone comes and sees her, she should find a hole in the ground!

Xiaoer glanced around. Only then did they realize that the only space they could see was the two of them.

When did the willow and bayberry disappear?

As if he had guessed what Xiaoer was thinking, Shangguan Xuanyi said, "I asked them to retreat."

Shangguan Xuanyi wanted to come forward again, but Xiaoer quickly reached out her hand to cover his mouth: "No! What if Jing Hao runs back!"

This person must have deliberately pushed Jing Hao away just now.

Shangguan Xuanyi kissed her palm but did not insist.

"Girl, the Imperial Master and the Qin Tianjian have already chosen our wedding day!"

"So soon?! The second prince and the others haven't gotten married yet!" Xiaoer was a little shocked. She didn't want to get married yet!

"How soon! Their dates have also been decided. They will get married within this year. Ours will be next year!" Shangguan Xuanyi snorted dissatisfiedly. It's them at the latest, okay?

"Next year is coming soon. I don't want to get married yet!" She will be fifteen years old next year. She will get married so early, have children, and be bound by children. Such a life is not as beautiful as she imagined. I can't go anywhere because of my children, how can I have such freedom now!

"Don't you want to marry me?" Shangguan Xuanyi couldn't express his feelings after hearing this.

He thought that she was just like him, looking forward to and longing to live together.

He doesn't understand why getting married next year will be so soon? She is fifteen or sixteen years old, the age at which most women get married. Next year she will be sixteen years old!

"No." Xiaoer shook her head.

"Why is that?" Shangguan Xuanyi's hand tightened around her waist, as if he was going to break her waist if her answer dissatisfied him.

"I'm still young. I don't want to be tied down too early, and I don't want to lose my freedom so early." Xiaoer said honestly.

Trapped? No freedom? It turns out that she felt that he had too many restrictions on her, causing her to lose her freedom?

Shangguan Xuanyi let go of his hand and covered up the loss and sadness in his eyes.

"Let me think about it again." He said softly.

After saying that, Shangguan Xuanyi strode away.

Looking at his retreating back, Xiaoer stretched out her hand to stop him, but she didn't say anything.

Although the people around them were Liu Jingshu, Ming Jingya and the others, they all lived quite happily.

But after Liu Jingshu had children, she needed to devote most of her time to them. Moreover, she had triplets throughout her life, so she was even busier.

Ming Jingya had a baby just after she got married. When she was pregnant, she was restricted by her elders and not allowed to do that. Sometimes she couldn't eat anything she wanted and could only endure it.

Although she has lived two lives, because she has thoughts about the previous life, she feels that it is better to have children later, and the two of them need to live a life of two people.

But in this era, marriage is regarded as a major event to carry on the family line. After three years of marriage, one can divorce his wife if she has nothing to do with it.

Shangguan Xuanyi is the prince and has not given birth to a child for three years. It is estimated that the emperor will accept the concubine.

If I remarry at the age of eighteen, live a life of two in the world for two years, and have a child at the age of twenty, it will be just right.

It’s not like there are no girls who get married at the age of eighteen. The fifth princess is already seventeen, so she doesn’t get married either!

Just as Jing Hao walked into the study room in the front yard, Shen Chengyao happened to walk out of it.

"Dad, you want to go out?"

Shen Chengyao had just changed his clothes for going out. He nodded and said, "Jing Hao, hurry up! Follow your father and elder brother out of the city to pick up your grandma and the others."

"Grandma, have they arrived?"

"Yes, this letter has been delayed for a few days, and I just received it. Don't tell your mother yet, otherwise she will have to follow you too. Let her be surprised later!"

"Okay! I'll call the eldest sister and the second sister."

"Okay, go quickly!"

Xiaoer was still standing there quietly wondering if it was too selfish for her not to get married so early, so Jing Hao came over.

Jing Hao was too happy and didn't notice anything strange about Xiaoer.

He held Xiaoer's hand and walked out: "Sister, grandma and the others have arrived outside the city. Let's go to the city gate to greet them!"

Xiaoer came back to her senses: "Arrived so soon? Why didn't you receive the news in advance?"

"Dad said it took a few days for the letter to be delivered."

"Then let's hurry up!" Xiao'er put away her chaotic thoughts and looked down at her clothes. Seeing that there was nothing wrong, she quickened her pace.

After the news of Liu's happiness was sent back to Shengping County, Liu's natal family was overjoyed and wrote back saying that the whole family had come to the imperial capital after the Lantern Festival.

Mrs. Liu had not seen her biological parents for several years. After learning the news, she was so lethargic because of her pregnancy that she was so excited that she couldn't sleep all night.

Therefore, Shen Chengyao and the others kept any information from Liu first.

In the spring season, under the blue sky and white clouds, paper kites of various colors are flying around.

Inside the city gate, Shen Chengyao and several children were looking forward to it.

At this time, Shangguan Xuanyi, Shangguan Xuanhao, Di Shaowei, Zhao Youwei and others also appeared at the city gate on horseback.

Xiaoer was a little surprised to see Shangguan Xuanyi.

This man didn't say he was leaving the city just now! And what’s going on with such a huge formation?

Shen Chengyao and his children saluted them, Shangguan Xuanyi nodded and said nothing.

Shangguan Xuanhao and Di Shaowei ran to Xiaoer's side.

Dishaowei asked: "Girl, are you here to pick someone up? Who are you picking up?"

"My grandma has come to the imperial capital and is queuing up to enter the city. Where are you?"

"Prince An came to Beijing, and we went to greet him on the emperor's order."

"Then you go quickly!" Xiaoer glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi and saw that he was not looking at her, so she cursed in her heart that she was a stingy person.

When Shangguan Xuanyi saw Xiaoer, Di Shaowei, and Shangguan Xuanhao talking to each other but not to himself, he felt a little angry. He turned around and saw Zhao Youwei staring at Xiaoer. He felt even more angry and said angrily: "Let's go!"

Everyone was baffled by Shangguan Xuanyi's sudden temper, and then they all looked at Xiaoer.

Xiaoer stuck out her tongue at Shangguan Xuanyi's leaving figure: "Stingy guy!" I’ll coax you later!

After Xiaoer finished this action, she turned around and saw everyone looking at her, and her face instantly turned as red as a tomato!

"Why are you looking at me! Haven't you seen beautiful women?" Xiaoer said fiercely.

"Someone is so angry!" Shangguan Xuanhao said with a smile.

Zhao Youwei smiled when he saw Xiaoer's childish face for the first time.

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