Shangguan Xuanyi seemed to have eyes in his back and said in an evil voice: "Still not leaving yet!"

After hearing this, several people quickly chased after him.

They had already seen Shangguan Xuanyi's dark face. It turned out that the two of them were having a conflict.

Di Shaowei's curiosity was aroused, and he decided to satisfy his curiosity after picking up the crown prince of the Eastern Jin Dynasty!

Coincidentally, Shangguan Xuanhao also thought so.

Several people left.

Shen Chengyao wanted to ask Xiaoer if she had a conflict with the Sixth Prince, but he saw people coming and going and didn't ask.

Finally it was Liu Minhong's turn and his carriage entered the city.

After the guards finished checking, the coachman drove the carriage in front of Shen Chengyao and the others, and pulled up the curtain of the carriage.

Shen Chengyao bowed his hands to the end and bowed respectfully: "My son-in-law pays homage to his great-grandfather, and pays homage to his mother-in-law."

Then he gave Liu Minhong a courtesy.

"As a family, we don't need so many courtesy." Mr. Shi and Xiao'er's grandmother Liu Lin said.

Jingrui and his brothers and sisters also quickly saluted.

Liu Zhiwen and Liu Zhiwu also jumped off the carriage and saluted.

"Let's go home first. Grandpa and mother are tired after traveling for so long." Shen Chengyao said with a smile.

Everyone nodded.

Back at Shengpinghou Mansion, Mrs. Liu had just woken up and heard the maid saying that Mr. Liu Lin and his party had arrived. She thought she had heard wrongly.

After confirming again that he heard correctly, he hurried to the front yard.

Fortunately, I still remembered that I was carrying a ball in my belly and did not start running.

Shen Chengyao was leading them over.

Seeing Ms. Liu walking quickly from a distance, Shen Chengyao ran forward: "Slow down, slow down, don't be in a hurry!"

Mrs. Liu was excited. Although she wanted to complain about Shen Chengyao for not telling her earlier, she couldn't say it because she was too excited.

She came to Mr. Shi and Mrs. Liu and knelt down, weeping: "An unfilial daughter pays homage to grandpa, and pays homage to mother."

She couldn't wait to salute again in the house. When Shen Chengyao saw this, he also knelt down. Her parents knelt down to salute, and Xiaoer's brothers and sisters quickly knelt down to salute.

Mrs. Liu Lin quickly helped her up: "This is not the first time for me to be a mother. Why do I kneel down! What if I hurt the child!"

Seeing her daughter getting younger and younger, Ms. Liu Lin finally felt relieved.

"I just feel sorry for my mother. I haven't been home to see you for several years."

In the past, when there were no good days, I didn’t go back to my parents’ home very often. I lived a good life, but I couldn’t go back to my parents’ home.

"Silly boy, isn't there nothing we can do about it? If you can't go back, it will be the same if we come here!" Mr. Shi said.

Mrs. Liu wiped her tears with a handkerchief, nodded, and then saluted Liu Minhong and Mrs. Tan: "Brother, sister-in-law, you have worked hard these past few years!"

"What are you talking about?" Liu Minhong looked at his sister whom he had not seen for a long time, and his heart was filled with joy.

"It's not hard, we are living a good life now, sister, don't worry." Mrs. Tan observed Mrs. Liu carefully and found that she was even more beautiful than when she was a girl. She was relieved but also sighed.

The longer you live, the younger you get. How many people in this world are so lucky.

"Go inside first! Grandpa and mother have been traveling for so long. They should be tired." Shen Chengyao said.

"Yes, I'm so excited that I'm already busy with this."

Naturally, there was a lot of chatter in the room.

During lunch, Liu Jingshu and his wife, who received the news, also came to the door with their children.

Shen Chengyao also invited Shen Chengzu's family over.

Relatives who haven't seen each other for a long time naturally have a lot to say, and the family didn't stop talking until they finished eating.

The man talks about business and official matters.

What women talk about is trivial matters within the family.

The children talked about eating, drinking and having fun.

Liu Minshu didn't leave tonight, and stayed directly with her three children.

Because Prince An returned to the imperial capital, Shen Chengyao and Li Zhewei had to go to the palace to attend the palace banquet, so there were no separate tables for men and women for dinner, and they had hot pot directly.

Mr. Tan has not been to the imperial capital for several years, and his grandchildren have grown up.

This was the first time Liu Lin saw her granddaughter's three children. After hugging them one by one, she hugged Jingshu's youngest daughter Li Mengtian and refused to let go.

Mr. Shi also hugged the eldest Li Yanping and wouldn't let go. Mr. Tan just hugged Li Yanan and wouldn't let go, while Liu Minhong looked at him with hot eyes.

After the meal, everyone sat in the flower hall and talked.

"Grandpa, grandma, uncle, and aunt are now on the right track in their family business. The furniture shop has opened branches in many counties. You might as well do the same as my fourth uncle and fourth aunt and move to the imperial capital." Xiaoer suggested.

The transportation is too backward. Shen Chengyao's longest holiday of the year is during the New Year, which is less than a month. He doesn't have enough time to go back to see them.

Liu Lin shook his head after hearing this: "I'm old. I'm used to living in Shengping County and I don't want to move anymore."

Although Mrs. Tan misses her daughter, she doesn't like life in the imperial capital because there are too many rules!

"I can still live freely in Shengping County!"

There were too many red tapes to pay attention to in the imperial capital. She couldn't live such a life and felt uncomfortable.

"Zhiwen, how are Zhiwu's homework?" Mrs. Liu didn't force herself after hearing this. The most important thing in life is to live comfortably.

"Master said that next year both brothers can try out." When talking about this, Mrs. Tan couldn't help but be proud of her son.

Now Zhiwen and Zhiwu are both admitted to Juxian Academy, and both brothers have good grades in the academy.

"Jing Hao will also try out next year. After Zhiwen and Zhiwu pass the examination, let them come to the Imperial Academy to study."

"Let's talk about this later. Juxian Academy is also very good."

Mrs. Liu did not try to persuade her any more. Juxian Academy was indeed very good and many students went to study there.

"Now that we are here, Mrs. Li always has to pay a visit. How about I send someone to deliver the post tomorrow?" Mrs. Liu asked Mrs. Tan and Mrs. Liu Lin.

“This is necessary.” And sooner rather than later.

On the second day, Mrs. Liu sent someone to deliver a message to Li Mansion. On the third day, Mrs. Liu accompanied Mrs. Liu Lin and others to visit her. Everything went well.

After the second room of the Li family moved out of the Li Mansion, Madam Zhu, the eldest daughter of the Li family, became much more normal, but the reality was that she was no longer normal! Because she still gave birth to a daughter and was injured during childbirth, the imperial doctor said that she might not be able to get pregnant again in the future.

Although Mrs. Li heard from Mrs. Li that Mrs. Lu had suffered physical damage when giving birth to a child before, Mrs. Liu later gave her a pill to take, and she became pregnant soon after.

But because of Zhu's previous incident with Liu Jingshu, Mrs. Li really couldn't say this to Liu, and she didn't want to embarrass Liu, so she took a concubine for Li Zhemin. The concubine also lived up to her expectations and gave birth to a big fat baby with her first child. Boy, it's only three months now. Mrs. Li doesn't dare to educate Mr. Zhu. Even with Mr. Zhu's character, she doesn't dare! So she put the child in Zhu's name, put it in her yard, and let her raise it herself.

Mrs. Li also agreed with this, but she didn't like Mrs. Zhu either.

No one knows how aggrieved Mrs. Zhu was, but she did stop making trouble.

When Mrs. Tan found out about this, she had no sympathy for Mr. Zhu.

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