For two days in a row, Shangguan Xuanyi was very busy. In the middle of the night, the early spring moonlight was not very bright, and the surroundings were dark. Shangguan Xuanyi had a red face because he drank a little too much wine.

He jumped into Xiaoer's room from the window. When he landed on the ground, he stumbled and his body accidentally hit the wall cabinet next to the window sill. A vase of flowers on the cabinet fell to the ground, and the vase broke to pieces.

Shangguan Xuanyi felt a little dizzy, so he raised his feet and walked forward.

Xiao'er was awakened by the noise he made. Seeing this, she was so frightened that she quickly shouted: "Don't move! Watch your step!"

After Shangguan Xuanyi heard this, he looked at the figure on the bed and did not move again.

Xiaoer smelled a strong smell of alcohol on the bed. Did this person come here to get drunk? Xiaoer thought to herself.

Although she thought so, Xiaoer quickly got out of bed and helped him sit down at the round table.

"Girl, are you okay?" Yang Liu's voice sounded outside the door.

"It's okay, a wild cat came in and knocked over the vase on the window sill."

"Do you need a slave to go in and clean it?"

"No need, just go back to sleep!"

Yang Liu was keeping vigil outside, and she naturally knew that Shangguan Xuanyi jumped into the house from the window. When she spoke just now, she asked because she was worried that the two of them didn't know what happened.

After hearing this, she left to look after her master!

"You're drunk, why are you running around?"

"I'm not drunk."

Drunk people usually say they are not drunk, but Xiaoer doesn't believe it.

She took out five olives from the space and handed them to Shangguan Xuanyi: "Eat!"

Shangguan Xuanyi was unusually obedient and took one and put it into his mouth. After taking a bite, he stopped eating: "It tastes terrible!"

"These are olives, they can cure hangovers."

"I'm not drunk, I don't need to hangover!"

"You have to eat even if you're not drunk!"

"It tastes bad! Don't eat it!"

The drunk Shangguan Xuanyi closed his mouth tightly and said childishly.

"If you don't want to eat, then leave quickly. I still have to sleep!" After Xiaoer finished speaking, she pretended to go back to bed and ignore him.

Shangguan Xuanyi pulled Xiaoer, his face was red and his eyes were full of grievances and accusations.

"If I eat it, you will marry me!"

This childish look was exactly how he looked when he was drunk, and Xiaoer truly felt that she was being entertained.

"Okay!" I must marry, I just don't want to do it so soon.

Shangguan Xuanyi laughed after hearing this, picked up an olive and was about to put it into his mouth. Then he remembered something and continued: "You will marry me next year! I will not tie you down. What you are living now is What kind of life can you continue to live after you get married?"

Is this person so difficult to coax even when he's drunk?

So how can it be the same!

Xiaoer sighed: "Brother Shangguan, I didn't mean that you should tie me down. You will have children after we get married. I don't want to be tied down by children at such a young age."

Besides, as a teenager, your body is not suitable for giving birth.

"Then we won't have children." Shangguan Xuanyi said decisively.

Sure enough, he was drunk and confused! How can I not have children.

"You are indeed drunk!"

Xiaoer didn't want to discuss this matter with a drunkard, so she handed the olive to his mouth: "Eat it quickly, it will help you sober up."

"I'm not drunk!" In order to prove that he was not drunk, Shangguan Xuanyi decisively ate a few olives.

"I've finished eating. We will get married next year. We don't want children!" Shangguan Xuanyi pulled Xiaoer into his arms and hugged her tightly.

"It's not that I don't want children!" Xiaoer struggled slightly.

Shangguan Xuanyi hugged her tighter: "Didn't you say you don't want to be restrained by children?"

Don't bully him into drinking and think he's not clear-headed!

"I just wanted to wait a few years, but..."

Xiaoer expressed her thoughts.

"You think too much. After we get married, when we have children of our own is our business. No matter what the father, mother, or grandmother are, I will never accept a concubine." After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanyi Feeling that his headache was gone, he buried his face in her hair, smelling the sweet fragrance.

"Just like this draft, didn't the emperor also compromise? Can you still resist and be disrespectful?"

"It is true that the imperial grandmother can order a draft, but can the imperial grandmother still force the father to perform the courtesy of Zhou Gong?"

Those ten beautiful ladies were left as widows in the palace. Who would dare to send people into the palace in the future? Anyway, it was just to have a few more mouths to eat! Even if it feeds more than three thousand mouths, so what! It’s not like I can’t afford it!

Xiaoer was silent, it really just depends on whether the man is willing or not!

If a man doesn't want to, that's just one more vase for action.

"After we get married, my father plans to make the married prince a king. If you are worried about this problem, let's go live in the fiefdom. No one is willing to manage Xiyue City now. I asked my father to make it a fiefdom. Let's go Where can life be good? Just like Prince An, except that Prince An went to a rich land, and we went to a barren land. We can also slowly implement the policies you proposed for the construction of Xiyue City, okay? ?”

Prince An moved his family to the fiefdom one year after helping the emperor successfully ascend the throne. Now he is returning to the capital for the marriage of his two children, Shangguan Ruixi and Shangguan Wanru.

Xiao'er was not unmoved after hearing this. It would be a good thing to move away from the imperial capital and away from the future turmoil of seizing the throne.

After all, people's hearts are fickle, and everyone's situation is different every year. Who knows if a prince who doesn't want to be the emperor still doesn't want to be the emperor in a few years or more than ten years? Who can guarantee that!

Youdao is unwilling in the heart, and cannot stand the pressure of life.

Just like many people don't like the work they are doing, but they have to continue doing it in order to survive.

Seeing Xiaoer's expression, Shangguan Xuanyi knew that she was moved: "Let's get married next year, and wait until you want to have children, okay? Most women want to get married when they are fifteen or sixteen years old! Seventeen If you don't get married at the age of eight, you'll be an old girl! And after you get married, I can take you to travel around for four months every year."

After hearing this, Xiaoer nodded decisively, and then glanced at the person who was not drunk at all: "You are not drunk!"

This person definitely pretended to be drunk on purpose to make himself soft-hearted!

"I've always said I'm not drunk! I ate a few olives and now my head doesn't hurt anymore."

It’s just that she doesn’t believe it! He really never gets drunk after a thousand cups.

Xiaoer reached out and pinched his waist! He actually pretended to be drunk and stupid to gain sympathy!

Shangguan Xuanyi stretched out his hand to hold Xiaoer's hands, pulled them around his waist, and the two hugged each other tightly: "You can't go back on your promise!"

Xiaoer rested her head on his broad shoulder and nodded.

Shangguan Xuanyi breathed a sigh of relief. If she didn't agree, he would have no choice but to knock her out and tie her to a sedan chair.

The two hugged each other quietly, no one spoke, until dawn, Shangguan Xuanyi took Xiaoer, who was sleeping in his arms, back to the bed, used Qinggong and left.

Thank you to the book friends who voted~~~~

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