Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 49 Preparing to build a house

After dinner, the family discussed what they needed to do next. Xiaoer remembered that she had not yet told Mr. Shen and Mr. Shen Zhuang that her family was going to build a house, so she said, "Dad, I just bought it for you and your grandma." Give them a pair of clothes, and by the way, tell us about buying land and building a house."

Shen Chengyao thought about what happened before dinner, and now he had to go to bed again. He felt a little scared. He was going to be scolded, "Xiao'er, why don't you go with dad?"

He felt that his daughter was better able to deal with her parents than he was, and he could only bow his head and remain speechless when facing his parents many times.

"I still need to draw the style of the toys, but I don't have time."

Shen Chengyao glanced at Jingrui, who lowered his head and pretended to count the money he earned from selling puppets today. Looking at Jing Hao again, Jing Hao smiled and said, "Dad, I'm not going."

Mrs. Liu couldn't help but laugh when she saw Shen Chengyao like this: "I just went to tell my parents that our family has bought land and built a house. This is a good thing. You still need to find a companion. Those who don't know think you are going to the Longtan Tiger's Den!"

Xiaoer secretly laughed in her heart, this is not like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

After hearing this, Shen Chengyao felt that it was right. It was a good thing to buy land and build a house by himself. His parents would be happy to see that his family was prosperous. What was he afraid of? I’m angry about the situation, but I guess I’ll be happy to know that we bought land and built a house.”

Shen Chengyao took a bundle and went to the upper room, "Father, mother!"

"Third brother, what are you doing here so late?" Mr. Shen was sitting on the kang smoking. He had a habit of smoking before going to bed.

Mrs. Shen Zhuang was collecting shoe soles. Judging from the size of the shoe soles, they should be for the old man. When she heard Shen Chengyao's shout, she didn't even move her head.

"Today our family went to the county town to sell things and made some money. My mother bought you clothes for each of you." Shen Chengyao handed over the baggage.

Mr. Shen Zhuang then raised his head, took the baggage, and opened it while asking: "I made some money, how much did I make?"

"Not much." Shen Chengyao didn't know either. He was still counting in Jingrui just now.

"Why, now that we are separated, I am no longer your mother. You don't even dare to tell me how much money you have earned. Are you worried that I will ask you for it?" Mrs. Shen Zhuang glared at Shen Chengyao with sharp eyes.

Under such gaze, Shen Chengyao felt a little awkward when speaking, "Mom, I didn't mean that. I, I don't know, I'm still counting. I just sent the clothes to my parents first."

"Ms. Liu is now counting how much money she made. Did she ask you to come here to deliver clothes?" After hearing this, Mrs. Shen Zhuang became even more angry.

Shen Chengyao didn't understand why his mother looked even more angry. Is it because Mrs. Liu didn't come with her?

"She was breastfeeding her little sister, so I came over by myself."

"I'm not talking about you, why did I give birth to such an idiot like you? Mrs. Liu deliberately asked you to bring clothes when she was counting the money. She wanted to steal the money from our old Shen family!"

Mrs. Shen Zhuang's expression softened when she saw that both clothes were made of satin, and the style and workmanship were very good.

"She is not such a person." What's more, his money is Liu's money. Who would take his own money? Moreover, she returned to Xiao'er and worked day and night to make the money, but he also He was not stupid enough to tell Mr. Shen Zhuang his thoughts.

"Isn't she? She's very smart!" Mrs. Shen Zhuang handed the old man the set of clothes that belonged to him: "Old man, you try to see if it fits. If it doesn't fit, I will change it."

Mr. Shen took the clothes, took off his outer shirt, and tried it on. It fit him just right, as if he had been tailor-made.

"The third daughter-in-law is thoughtful." If she didn't care about the two elders, how could she have bought such well-fitting clothes.

"Dad, we bought a piece of wasteland and are going to build a house."

Mrs. Shen Zhuang was originally comparing her clothes with each other. After hearing this, she stopped comparing herself and threw the clothes back on the kang. Your dad is rushing to build a house and move out!"

"No, it's because the children in the family have grown up gradually. Now that I have more money, I bought some wasteland and built a house on it, so that when the children grow up, they will not have a house when they are divided into houses. And now there is no need to open up wasteland. Four years of taxation, four years of raising land, should be able to fatten it up." Shen Chengyao intuitively couldn't tell how much wasteland he bought, so he said vaguely.

Mr. Shen thought that there were many children in the third family, and they were all hard-working. He probably had a little money on hand, but not enough money to buy fertile land, so he planned to open up wasteland on his own. This was a good thing. He saw that his son knew how to do what he could. He is also happy to think about it in the future: "Buying land and building a house is a good thing. If you need help at that time, just call daddy. Dad still has some strength and can always help you a little."

Hearing Mr. Shen say this, Shen Chengyao was very happy, and his father was indeed happy for him.

In fact, as children, they are happy to receive approval from their parents. Even a man as old as Shen Cheng is not immune to this. In the eyes of a child, a father is used for worship and love. Who doesn’t want to be recognized by the object of his worship and love?

Well, this is a beautiful misunderstanding. Both Mr. Shen and Mr. Shen Zhuang think that Shen Chengyao's family can only buy five or six acres of wasteland, and then use one or two acres of land to build a house. It can be done in about ten taels. There are only ten liang in each family. Recently, they have gone to the mountains to dig herbs and sell them, and they are also selling dolls. They should have made some money, but not much. Mr. Shen felt that the families had been separated and the money had been put to good use. The house did need to be built. It was not the same to build it early and build it late. But the wasteland was opened early and it was good, so he just ignored it. He would not know until he actually opened up wasteland to build a house. He was wrong.

When Shen Chengyao returned to the west wing, Xiaoer was drawing the design of the house. When Jing Rui saw Shen Chengyao coming back, he asked, "Dad, haven't you been scolded by me?"

Shen Chengyao glared at Jingrui, "What are you talking about? There is nothing to scold. Buying land and building a house is a good thing. Your father is also happy for us." He didn't know that his mother-in-law was unhappy, but he didn't object, so he was probably happy. See what happens. And he didn't say what his mother started to say, so as not to make everyone unhappy.

Mrs. Liu felt relieved after hearing this. Building a house is a big deal. A person may only build a house once in his life, so it is best for the family to be harmonious and harmonious. Harmony brings wealth.

"Dad, come here and take a look. This is the house design I just drew after soliciting everyone's opinions. Dad, I can consider adding whatever kind of house you want to build."

Shen Chengyao felt that the houses were not all like this. Apart from the difference in materials, there was no difference, so he said, "Let's build it a little at a time, and then we will build the whole house with bricks and tiles. You can do the rest if you like."

"I also think it should be better."

"Well, now that you have a loose cover on hand, it will save you trouble in the future."

Xiaoer finished drawing the effect and started to draw the construction drawing seriously, "Dad, I will finish the drawing. You can use the drawing to buy materials tomorrow. Don't worry about spending too much money. I have a way to earn it back. "

Shen Chengyao nodded, "How many people should we invite to open up wasteland?"

Mrs. Liu thought for a while and said, "Now that the farming season is slack, there are many people in the village who are free, so just invite people from the village."

After hearing this, Xiaoer said, "Let's ask people to distribute it according to their work. If all the grass roots, tree roots, and stones are cleanly cleaned per acre, we will be given 50 Wen, without food."

"As for building a house, how about we pay 30 cents a day and include a lunch?"

"Is this salary too high? The highest salary in town is only 25 cents a day, and meals are not included." After hearing this, Mrs. Liu felt that the salary was too much.

"It's not too high, it's just that others give too little, so let's take it as a blessing. Besides, if the wages we give are high, and others work more carefully and hard, then the house will be built faster. It’s almost the same, if you want the horse to run but also want the horse not to eat grass, that’s not possible.”

After hearing this, Mr. Liu felt that this was reasonable, so she said nothing. The family discussed the details of the invitation and determined what everyone would do tomorrow, and then went back to their rooms to sleep.

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