Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 50 Knowledgeable

Xiaoer returned to the room, continued to enter the space, harvested the things in the space, and then planted new ones. Fortunately, the space in the stone house has no boundaries, and you can put as many things as you like.

Xiaoer plans to find an opportunity tomorrow to take out some fruits, vegetables, fish, shrimps, crabs, etc. from the space. The clams she put in last time also produced a lot of pearls. She raised the clams on the Colorful Fairy Lake, so the pearls have There were so many colors, so colorful. Xiaoer picked out a black pearl as big as an egg and thirty small pink pearls of the same size and planned to exchange them for money.

Then she practiced how to set up the formation, with little effect. However, she did not lose heart. She kept practicing, observing, carefully summing up her experience, and thinking about the reasons for failure. The more difficult the thing, the more challenging it was. She believed that every failure would Even though she took another step towards success, she didn't believe it. She had failed all her failures once, and success hadn't come yet! She is not a sore loser, she is just someone who will not give up until she reaches her goal.

After finishing her daily homework, she went to the study room to prepare the construction drawings of the house.

In fact, she wants to have a beautiful yard like Suzhou Gardens, but now she doesn't have enough money and status, so don't be in a hurry and take your time.

Xiaoer specially burned two charcoal pens to draw pictures. Although she knew how to use brushes, she was never as fast as charcoal pens. In her last life, starting from the age of two, the brothers and sisters had been learning this and that every day. They began to receive formal training at the age of two. , was the family motto of the Shen family in the previous life. Her maternal grandfather was a famous painter and calligrapher. Her painting and calligraphy were both taught by her grandfather, and she was very good at it. Thinking of my relatives in my previous life, I couldn't help but feel sad, but I quickly put my thoughts away and started drawing the design seriously. Because I already had an idea in my mind, I wrote like a god, and quickly painted various designs one stroke at a time. Various drawings, in addition to the construction drawings of the house, she also drew the internal structure of the flush toilet, the design of the squat toilet, and the heating system design of the whole house. She planned not to sleep on the kang anymore, and the whole house would be connected to the ground. Then I drew the internal structure and renderings of the mattress and sofa. After drawing these, I continued to draw some puppets, some building blocks, wooden toys, and various facilities of the amusement park. In one breath, I drew all the pictures of the toys and equipment needed to open the toy store, and then wrote the store plan. I also found a book on how to make glass in the study, copied it down, and then placed it on the chaise longue. Go to bed.

At dawn the next day, Xiaoer got on Shangguan Xuanyi's carriage at the entrance of the village and set off to the place where Liuli was made.

In the carriage, there were some exquisite pastries on the table, "Girl, eat some pastries, the journey is a bit long."

Xiaoer ate a few pieces and stopped eating. Mrs. Liu had already made a pot of porridge before she left, and she had eaten the porridge. Xiao'er took out the picture of the toy store that she drew last night, "This is the planning book I made last night, and some toy design drawings I drew before. Take a look and see if there are any problems."

Shangguan Xuanyi took it and read it one by one. After reading one, he handed it to Di Zhaowei. The two of them looked at it very carefully. Although there was no color, the small animals in the pictures were realistic and vivid. Those amusement park facilities even have several children playing on them, which is clear to everyone and makes people feel as if they are in it, watching the children playing on the side, which is very real.

"These pictures were not drawn with a brush." ​​This was not a question, Shangguan Xuanyi said with certainty.

"I burned willow branches and made some charcoal pencils for drawing. When I was a child, I didn't have money to buy pens, inks, paper and inkstones. I also liked to draw things, so I would draw on the ground with branches. I would learn to draw everything I saw, and I would draw exactly the same thing. Just give up." Xiaoer explained in disguise.

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded and said nothing more. These paintings felt very real, just like a picture that had lost its color in real life.

Di Zhaowei is a martial arts fanatic and is not interested in literary things, but he thinks Xiaoer's paintings are good. Some painters have painted portraits of young ladies in their boudoirs. Looking at the paintings, they are colorful and colorful, but there is nothing like this. These girls only have three colors: black, white and gray, and the paintings they imagined are very realistic.

"Girl, are you a human being? How old are you?" Di Zhaowei murmured with his eyes straightened.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer glanced at someone who was stunned with those drawings, but ignored his twitching.

Xiaoer continued to take out the interior design drawings of the toilet, the heating system design drawings, the sofa and the mattress design drawings. She planned to ask these two wealthy people if they knew any skilled craftsmen who could make these. .

After she gave the drawings to Shangguan Xuanyi and expressed her thoughts, Shangguan Xuanyi started to read them carefully. Xiaoer explained them to him one by one, and Di Zhaowei also came back to his senses and listened.

"This is a toilet, a toilet. Here is a small mechanism. Just press it and it will flush automatically... This is a water pump. Its principle is that because there is actually air pressure in the air, when a person operates the handle and passes the piston The rod drives the piston hoop and pump plug to reciprocate up and down in the pump cylinder. When moving upward..., this is the heating system, it..." Xiaoer explained to the two of them one by one while pointing to the drawings. Shangguan Xuanyi could hear it. Be careful and ask questions if you don't understand something.

Finally, when Di Zhaowei heard that his brain felt like it was covered with mush, he was all confused, "Girl, you really taught me a lot. How did you come up with such profound things? I can't make these things." Definitely install it in your home too!”

"Thinking about it, I came up with it. Just like the first person who built a kang did it because he was afraid of the cold, so he used his brain to think of a solution. The first person who built a carriage probably did it because he didn't dare to ride a horse. Or it’s because it’s inconvenient to ride a horse and you think of a way to solve it. If something is inconvenient, you’ll find a way to modify it to make it more convenient. It’s practical. When you encounter a problem, you’ll think of a way to solve it. If you don’t think of it, Are you ready?" Xiaoer deliberately said it simply, and then asked: "Brother Di, don't you think you'll use your brain when you encounter a problem?"

Di Zhaowei was very speechless, "It's none of my business. Who has nothing to do and would think of how to deal with Wan Gong in a convenient way? Isn't this a servant?" Being despised by a girl who was a few years younger than him, Really frustrated.

In fact, for noble gentlemen like them, it is indeed not inconvenient to have clothes to open their hands and food to open their mouths. Xiaoer nodded in understanding, "Because I have no servants in my family, so I have to think about it for my own convenience. , People invent and create, isn’t it just to make life more convenient and comfortable? And I pursue a free, comfortable and convenient life.”

"You girl really don't know how your brain grows." Di Zhaowei felt that his little knowledge looked like a fool in front of her.

Shangguan Xuanyi remembered the words of the imperial master and was no longer confused. He was knowledgeable and experienced. He was the lucky star of Min Zeguo. He was really talented and intelligent, no one could match him.

It is said that more than two months ago, the Imperial Palace, the Star Observation Tower, and the Imperial Master were observing the stars at night, and found that a lucky star appeared in the northeast of Minze Kingdom, about the location of Shengping County. This man is knowledgeable and shines with the Wenqu star. Enhou, the knowledge he has learned can help our dynasty enter an era of prosperity, a rich country and a strong military.

The emperor was very happy after hearing this. It was his pursuit to create a prosperous and powerful country. He hoped that his people could live a prosperous and well-fed life. It's just that there have been more natural disasters in the past two years. Even if he has reduced taxes by 10%, the people's lives are not easy. Now that the surrounding countries look down on Dandan, he does not dare to reduce taxes anymore. If there is a war, The army needs food and grass, and now the national treasury is empty. He encourages land reclamation and is tax-free for four years. He thinks that in the future, Minze will have more fertile fields and Yum will have more food. However, the effect of land reclamation is not good. Now I heard the national teacher say A lucky star appeared just in time.

"Is this person the new top scorer this year?"

The Imperial Master shook his head. He calculated with his fingers and made another divination. The divination pointed directly to the southeast, "Your Majesty, please send the Sixth Prince to Shengping Town."

Thank you for the little day, the little bookworm who loves to sleep, the bright moon is high on the mountain, the pastoral wind is so white, okotm, the moon is white~, the glutinous rice noodles in the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, the lonely night, the flying fish 86, canoeing into the sea, Xiaoyu haha, xuli's knight, fish-eye mixed pig, saint's sorrow, nbcxzkf, Rin51244, jn, Chenxing Wuhen, Lanyun Jiantian, sszw, against workers, kill all the little RB'ers, sword dance, duanchideyu , rainliu0001, ink and wash Hanying, blue dragon and purple phoenix, xin-xin, Genovia, oktom, Hook838223, lazy cloud, the sports school boss who forgot his last password, zjfaizwl2659, fhttt, newkiki, the return of the devil, loved 0 Meteor (I can’t type many symbols in this account, sorry) It’s not in SH 开戦风文 (Some words really can’t be typed, sorry, please check it out personally, I can’t see your recommendations on the computer, so I can only hold them on the side) I’m typing on my phone to thank everyone.) I can’t swim like a fish, I’m drunk all over the world, sszw, I specialize in hitting big faces with brushes, duanchideyu, I won’t faint even if I hit you with ten sticks, thank you for your recommendation votes, I have something to do tomorrow, there may only be one update , try to make two updates.

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