Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 5 Going up the mountain to find food

When Xiaoer got out of the space, she wanted to take a walk outside. After coming for a few days, she lay in bed every day to recover from her injuries. Every day, she listened to the quarrels between Zhuang and Li in the yard outside about the three meals a day and the chickens, ducks, pigs and cows. Quite boring. Knowing clearly that Mrs. Liu doesn't have to work because of confinement, she still mocks her every day, which really makes people speechless. Later, it was the fourth aunt, Lu, who took over her mother's work and stopped, allowing her to live in peace for two days. She remembered Lu's kindness.

As soon as Xiaoer walked out of the room, she saw Mrs. Li sitting in the yard eating melon seeds. She said hello and wanted to go out directly. Unexpectedly, when Mrs. Li saw Xiaoer coming out, she spat out the melon seed shells in her mouth and said, "Where are Xiaoer going? The pigs haven't been fed yet this morning. You go and feed them first."

Grandma is such a bitch, Xiaoer can't help but say something rude. He hasn't even settled the matter with her yet. She plans to sell the original owner and her daughter to kill the original owner. If you meet me, why don't you just put your tail between your legs and get away as far as you can? , and dared to move forward, it was really a birthday man hanging on his neck, dissatisfied with his long life.

"Second aunt, where is your second cousin? I have something to ask her."

When Mrs. Li heard Shen Xiaoer ask about Shen Beier, she couldn't help but panic: "Your second cousin is not at home. I suddenly remembered that one of Zhi'er's clothes has a torn hook. I have to mend it." After that, she ran back to the room.

"Second aunt, second cousin came back and told her that my head still hurts! Remember to feed the pigs as well." After Xiaoer finished speaking, she ran to the kitchen to bring a bowl of water to Ms. Liu, and told her that she wanted to go for a walk in the village.

Mrs. Li couldn't help but sigh when she returned to the room: "I'll sell you to the Hu Mansion in a few days and see how arrogant you are!"

"Mom, drink some water." This bowl of water was specially replaced by Xiaoer's water from the stream in the space. Drinking more will help Liu's body recover faster.

Mrs. Liu took the water and took a sip and noticed the difference: "Why does this water feel different today from the past?".

"Yes, I feel the same!" Xiaoer said nonchalantly, "I know I must have poured it for my mother to drink, so she feels special when she drinks it."

"You kid, you're still putting money on your face!" Ms. Liu shook her head, lowered her head and took another sip, but couldn't tell the difference. Maybe she felt wrong.

Xiao'er was relieved when she saw that Mrs. Liu didn't ask any more questions. She gently took the little girl's little hand and played with it. The baby was too thin. Because Mrs. Liu didn't eat enough all day long, she didn't have much milk. Therefore, the little girl didn't grow any flesh for ten days after she was born. She woke up hungry every night. Several times, I cried and screamed.

"Don't worry, little sister, I will go find some food and come back. You won't be hungry soon." Xiaoer turned to Mrs. Liu and said, "Mom, I want to go out for a walk. I'm almost getting moldy after being in the house every day these days."

"No, the injury on your head is not fully healed. What if you bump into someone when you go out?" She felt heartbroken when she thought of her daughter being brought back with her head covered in blood.

At this time, the door was opened, and Shen Jingrui and Shen Jinghao walked in. They deliberately lowered their voices for fear of waking up the little sister: "Mom, my brother and I went up the mountain to pick wild fruits to eat."

"Okay, be careful and don't come back too late."

Isn’t this because someone gave me a pillow if I was dozing off? Xiaoer immediately pulled Ms. Liu's sleeve and begged: "Mom, I want to go too! Brother, take me with you! My head doesn't hurt anymore. Really, you see I can jump around now!"

"No." Ms. Liu still disagreed.

Xiaoer had no choice but to take off the gauze on her head and show it to Ms. Liu: "Mom, look, I'm all healed and there's no pain at all."

Mrs. Liu took a look and found that it was really healed. She felt very strange: "It was not completely healed the day before yesterday. Why is there only a shallow scar left after two days?"

"Mom, didn't the doctor say that adding an extra medicine would make you better faster? Maybe that medicine has its effect." Fortunately, the doctor came to change the dressing last time. He said that he had collected the missing medicine in the mountains and added it now. , can get better faster.

Mrs. Liu couldn't think of the reason, so she thought it was. Now that it was better, we couldn't keep the child at home all the time. It was always good to go out for some fresh air, so she agreed, but not this, not that, and gave a lot of instructions. , the three siblings all obediently agreed before letting them go.

Xiaoer's village is called Lianxi Village. It is surrounded by mountains. There are four villages nearby. The other three are called Luohe Village, Luoshan Village and Yuanwu Village. Yuanwu Village is a large village and is inhabited by members of the Yuan clan. Most of the people in the other three villages fled here and took root here. After several generations of development, the number of people is also very impressive.

Out of the end of the village, there is a small road leading to the foot of the mountain. On both sides of the road are endless rice fields. Almost half of these fields belong to landlord Yuan's family. Most of the villagers rent the fields from landlord Yuan's family. Most of those who have their own fields only have one or two acres, and the output is simply not enough to feed the whole family. In ancient times, enclosure of land was a common thing, so poor people could only rent crops.

Autumn is a unique representative of golden color. The sunshine is golden, the fields are golden, and the fallen leaves are golden. The golden color that can be seen everywhere brings people not only the warmth of the soul, but also the joy of fruitful results. The word "harvest" is the goal, hope and pursuit of people here for generations.

The whole golden rice field, the waves one after another under the breeze, and the eyes of the villagers holding the ears of rice were very touching to Xiaoer, but the two boys beside him could not feel it. Jing Hao Pulling Xiaoer happily ran to the foot of the mountain.

"Sister, hurry up. Qiangzi and the others also said that they will go up to the mountain to pick wild fruits today. If we go there late, there will be no wild fruits. We will be hungry at noon. Let's walk faster and pick more for mother to eat. In the evening, sister Stop crying."

"Isn't there food for lunch? Why are you hungry?" Xiaoer was brought back to her senses.

After she finished speaking, both of them looked at her strangely: "Xiao'er, you forgot, today is market day, and grandpa took dad, second uncle, and fourth uncle to the shop in town to help. You guys are not at home, so we won't be here at noon. dinner time."

"Oh, I forgot." Xiaoer searched the memory of the original owner and found out that there was such a thing. From now on, I really can’t speak faster than my brain.

In fact, the Shen family can be considered a well-off family. They have 20 acres of top-grade farmland, 5 acres of medium-grade farmland, 10 acres of dry land, and 10 acres of sandy land. Enough to feed and clothe the family and still have a surplus. There is also a grocery store in the town. Even so, all the money earned was used to support the eldest son and grandson in studying and gaining fame. In this dynasty, paper was as expensive as oil, not to mention pens, ink, inkstones, books, and the tuition fees given to the husband, so the rest of the family could only provide for him half-fed and half-starved. When the man is not at home, the women at home will not even cook the meal, so there is no need to worry about it.

While enjoying the pastoral scenery, Xiao'er responded to Jing Hao's childlike words and soon reached the foot of the mountain. The end of the village is only three or four miles away from the foot of the mountain, and it takes about a quarter of an hour to walk there. At the foot of the mountain, I met Xiaoer's savior Shen Zixuan. Shen Zixuan heard that they went to the mountains to pick wild fruits and wanted to go with them. He was tired from reading and a little bored at home, so he went out for a walk. He thought it would be a good activity to go up the mountain to pick wild fruits with the three of them.

The three of them walked up the mountain along the familiar path. Jinghao took Xiaoer to the place where he found wild fruits the day before yesterday: "Sister, I saw a place the day before yesterday. The wild fruits were almost ripe. It was just right to pick them today. The fruits there are better than other places." Everything needs to be bigger, let’s hurry up.”

Jing Hao took Xiaoer to the place where he found wild fruits before, but all the ripe fruits on the tree had been picked, leaving only green and small ones. Seeing this situation, Jing Hao almost wanted to cry. He originally expected to pick the wild fruits here for his mother and sister to eat today, but now there is nothing left.

Xiao'er saw Jing Hao's eyes were red and looked like she was about to cry, so she hurriedly comforted her: "The mountain is so big, there must be a lot of wild fruits. If we look around again, maybe Hao'er will find bigger ones later." There are better fruits.”

"Yes, I know there is a piece of yellow fruit in another place. I will take you to pick it."

"My son, Brother Xuan, will take out bird eggs for you later. Bird eggs are much more delicious than wild fruits. Let's continue walking inside now."

Jing Hao also knew that there was nothing he could do about the wild fruits being picked, and there was no point in crying. Moreover, this kind of thing happened all the time. There were a lot of fruits in the mountains, so he just had to look for them. He thought about it and moved forward happily.

Several people stopped talking and looked around carefully to see if they noticed anything.

Sunlight transmits from the layers of branches and leaves, forming beams of light, which look illusory and ethereal from a distance; the ground is covered with sparkling light spots of different shapes and sizes; the leaves pass through the light and step on it. The rotating steps and falling gently make everything in front of you appear smart and beautiful.

The three of them moved forward carefully and slowly in this quiet and mysterious atmosphere, accompanied by the unique rustling sound of fallen leaves under their feet and the occasional animal cry.

"I seem to hear the crow of pheasants." Shen Zixuan put his finger on his lips and shushed.

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