Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 6 Apply what you learn

"I heard it too." Xiaoer responded in a low voice and leaned down to pick up a small stone on the ground. When the other three people saw her picking up stones, they also picked up a few larger ones. They didn't think that the small stones Xiaoer picked up could kill a pheasant, let alone only one, but they didn't expect Xiaoer to be able to kill one. Let her play with it. The three boys were discussing how to capture the chickens by surrounding the city with the countryside, while they were discussing how to capture the chickens in one direction. They walked more cautiously in the direction of the pheasants' crows, and soon saw one lowering its head. The pheasant was also alert when pecking. While eating, it would look up and call once or twice.

Xiaoer threw the stone over at once, and then the pheasant fainted beautifully. The other three people were dumbfounded. They had just seen the pheasant and were still thinking about throwing the stone out. Xiaoer knocked the pheasant unconscious in an instant!

"Sister, you are so awesome!" Jing Hao was the first to react and jumped with joy: "Sister, how did you do it? Tell me quickly!"

"Well, I originally planned to hit it on the body, but unexpectedly I hit it on the head and knocked it unconscious."

Three people:.

"Let's tie up the pheasant quickly. It would be bad if it wakes up." Shen Zixuan went over to pick up the pheasant. Jingrui also found a tree vine to tie up the pheasant's feet and wings and put it in a basket behind him. inside.

The three of them continued walking for a while, and Shen Zixuan stopped: "Okay, let's look for any wild fruits nearby. We can't go any further inside."

There are no ferocious wild beasts in this area of ​​the forest, and they will only appear if you go deeper into the mountains. It's still safe around here.

"Let's search separately. Pick it up quickly and go home quickly." Xiaoer needed to get rid of them and take the opportunity to put some things into the space. She also needed to catch some animals into the space. You can't do it with them watching.

"Okay, but you can't go too far, and you can't leave my sight." Shen Zixuan also goes into the mountains often. Knowing that this area is always safe, he agreed, but he didn't dare to let the three children go too far.

Several people responded and dispersed. Xiaoer picked up a branch and swept the vegetation in front of her as she walked to drive away possible snakes, insects, rats, and ants. As she walked down the slope, she found a clump of yam-like vines after just a few steps. She was a little surprised. Wait. I immediately asked my elder brother and younger brother to dig it up and go back to make soup or bake it.

Xiaoer continued walking down and saw a chestnut tree. Many fruits on the tree had exploded, revealing the chestnuts inside, and a lot of them fell to the ground.

She first picked up some intact and fresh ones on the ground, put them in her basket, and cleaned the ground under the tree. Then she climbed up the tree and used the branches to open the open fruits, letting the chestnuts inside fall to the ground. Because of a kidnapping incident in her previous life, she later made great efforts to learn self-defense skills, and it was her cousin who taught her, who was the leader of the mafia, so in the previous life, there was no one who could defeat her. Not many people. She also learned darts and shooting, and the chicken was so dizzy that it was not unfair. Climbing trees to pick chestnuts is really overkill, but there is nothing you can do if a tiger falls and is bullied by a dog.

After a quarter of an hour passed, the ground was covered with messes. Xiaoer jumped down from the tree neatly. Of course, she could do these actions now only because she had eaten the worry-free fruit. Otherwise, she would have died if she had used the body of the original owner to jump. one time.

She picked up the chestnuts on the ground and cracked the ones that hadn't exploded with stones. I picked up more than half of the basket in total and put half of it into the space to keep it fresh. I can take it out to eat when I'm hungry. Fortunately, putting things into and taking things out of the space only requires the control of thoughts and does not require people to enter the space. Of course, the premise is that there is something in the cave. Not only does time inside that cave stand still, but it is also an endless space. In other words, no matter how many things you put in it, it will not be full. It is simply a universal warehouse.

Xiaoer picked up the basket on her back and walked forward again. She didn't find anything. When she heard Shen Zixuan's cry, she agreed and walked back. When she arrived at the place where she found the yams, she stopped: "Come here quickly, there are yams here. Let’s dig it back.”

Xiaoer put down her backpack, picked up the sickle she had prepared before going out, cut off the vines, and started digging.

The three of them came over, and Jingrui also put down his backpack to help dig out: "Is Xiaoer's yam a medicinal material?"

Shen Zixuan grabbed a yam vine and studied it. He had heard of yam, but he had never seen a yam vine.

Jing Hao also squatted down to help dig: "Sister, how do you know this is a yam, and why did you dig it? Is this a medicinal material? Is it medicine to treat your wounds?"

"I have seen Dr. Luo collect it. It is a medicinal material, but it can also be eaten on a daily basis, roasted or boiled. It seems to nourish and strengthen, aid digestion, reduce sweating, and stop diarrhea."

After hearing this, Shen Zixuan couldn't help but touched Xiaoer's head and praised: "Xiaoer's memory is so good!" He praised it sincerely. The original owner was a smart little girl, so he didn't think Xiaoer's remark was inappropriate. Something is wrong. When Dr. Luo was collecting herbs, he would teach people in the village a few things when asked. After all, he didn't always have time to collect herbs. He taught the villagers that they could sell the commonly used herbs to him. In this way, it can help the villagers earn a few more pennies, and secondly, it can save themselves some time.

Dr. Luo moved to the village two years ago. He bought a piece of land at the foot of the mountain and built a two-bedroom house. There lived Dr. Luo, his wife, and another couple. The couple should be servants of their family. No one knows where Dr. Luo came from, but he is very skilled in medicine and a kind man. Most people in the village only charge money for medicines when they go to see a doctor. The consultation fee is not confiscated, and even the money for medicines is only paid by him. Generally, you don’t need to pay for medicinal materials if you go to the mountains to collect them yourself, and you can get them on credit.

Xiaoer guessed that Dr. Luo was an imperial doctor who retired to this rural place to retire.

The four of them worked together and quickly dug out the yams. There were six yams in total, each weighing more than a kilogram, and two large ones were estimated to weigh more than two kilograms.

After cleaning up the soil on the yams, Shen Zixuan put the yams in Xiaoer's backpack, took the initiative to carry the basket, and greeted everyone to go down the mountain. Jingrui wanted to memorize it by himself. He felt that Brother Zixuan was a scholar, and scholars did not need to do such heavy work. Shen Zixuan refused: "I am the oldest here, so of course I have to carry the heaviest weight, otherwise it would be in vain to study the books of sages."

"Is there any book that teaches people how to carry heavy baskets?" Jing Hao asked curiously. He really wanted to study. He remembered the words his father taught him in the past.

After hearing this, Xiaoer almost laughed. Shen Zixuan smiled and touched Jing Hao's head: "The book will teach people the principles of life, such as teaching them to respect the elderly and love the young. And I carry a heavier basket, which is a sign of loving the young."

Shen Zixuan spoke in an easy-to-understand manner, and Jing Hao nodded seriously: "I understand."

Xiaoer was amused by his serious look: "What do you understand?"

"I understand that what I have learned cannot be discarded. Just like my cousin, after studying for so many years, he must have learned to respect the elderly and love the young. But last time my brother and I went to fetch water, and we met my cousin on the way. If he left without lifting us up, it means he didn’t show love for children!" Jing Hao raised his head and looked at Shen Zixuan expectantly, hoping to get his approval.

Xiaoer was really surprised this time. It turned out that Jing Hao really understood that talents could be created.

Jing Rui gently knocked Jing Hao on the head: "You can't say that to your eldest cousin, you are not showing respect for your elders!"

"My cousin is not old!" Jing Hao shrank his neck and muttered softly.

Shen Zixuan really treated these three siblings as his own brothers and sisters, so he educated him: "Haoer is right, learning is to apply what you have learned, and if you don't use optics, then what is the use of learning? But it's other people's We just need to know things clearly in our own minds, and there is no need to make rash comments. So next time you give an example, you can find something good to say."

All three of them nodded, indicating that they understood.

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