Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 7 A bumper harvest in the mountains

After the four people packed up their things, they chose a road that was usually not used by many people and went down the mountain, hoping to harvest more useful things when they went down the mountain. Not to mention, although the untraveled road is difficult, it is rich in resources. On the road, they met two hares. Of course, it was Xiaoer who picked up a small stone and threw it to knock them unconscious. The three boys were really stunned when they went up the mountain this time. Completely dumbfounded. The hit rate of this random smash is too high, how can you survive while letting others aim!

Later, they met a pheasant again, and the three of them said nothing without Xiaoer taking action, so the fierce battle began as the chicken flew away: they blocked it, pounced on it, smashed it, and covered it with a basket on their backs. They used all kinds of martial arts skills to finally defeat the pheasant. Pheasant done. After taking down the pheasant, the three of them sat down to catch their breath, feeling in their hearts that it was so irritating that one person was more powerful than another.

Xiaoer walked around while they were catching pheasants and found a hare nest. According to the method taught by White Swan, she successfully used space water to collect a nest of hares and found a nest of wild eggs.

"We are so lucky today. I have never caught so many pheasants before when I went up the mountain." Jingrui couldn't help but smile sincerely when he thought of making chicken soup for his mother.

"Today's pheasant is very stupid." Xiaoer deliberately said stupid things in order to cover up her hit rate. What he got was an eye roll from the three boys.

The four of them went down the mountain while talking and laughing, and stopped by a stream at the foot of the mountain, and began to count the prey.

Shen Zixuan actually climbed a tree and dug out five bird eggs. He also found two sugar cane sticks and cut them into sections with a sickle.

Shen Jingrui found wild walnuts and picked two kilograms of them, and yellow walnuts in a small cloth bag. Shen Jinghao picked more than ten kiwis. Xiaoer has a small basket of chestnuts and yams. There are only four pheasants and two rabbits left.

The four of them felt hungry after walking all the way, so they lit a fire by the stream and roasted two yams, some bird eggs and wild eggs. While waiting for these things to ripen, we ate sugar cane, kiwi fruit, and huangpao fruit and chatted.

The breeze blew gently, and the autumn sky, high, deep, and cloudless, looked so clear and blue. Occasionally, you can see groups of migratory birds flying over under the blue sky. The fields in the distance are like a golden ocean, with waves rising one after another under the gentle caress of the breeze. Xiao'er ate sweet sugar cane and looked at the beautiful scenery. She thought of a sentence she often saw in her previous life: "This world is stable, and the years are quiet."

"This world is stable, and the years are quiet. That's very well said, Xiaoer, where did you hear this?" Shen Zixuan looked at Shen Xiaoer curiously. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but suddenly felt that Xiaoer and Xiaoer he met this time were Things are different in the past. Although I was smart in the past, I was not so confident and smart.

Xiao'er didn't expect that she would say what was in her heart, and felt helpless. This was the rhythm of lying again: "I overheard someone say it in the town, and I felt very yearning for it, so I remembered it."

Shen Zixuan said nothing more, quietly looking at the scenery in front of him and thinking about things.

After a while, the yams and eggs were cooked, and they were divided among several people. There was still a bird egg and an egg left, so Xiaoer decided to take them home for Mrs. Liu to eat. After eating, Xiaoer divided the food into two parts, each with a basket in half. He handed one of the baskets to Shen Zixuan: "Brother Zixuan, the things in this basket belong to you. You take it back first. We will go to your house to get the basket another day."

Shen Zixuan didn't want it. Most of these things were obtained by Xiaoer and the other three. He had never contributed anything, so even if he got them, he would let them take them back, let alone if they didn't.

"Brother Zixuan doesn't want it, then I won't play with you next time." Xiaoer could only use the trick of a child acting coquettishly: Do whatever you want, I won't play with you next time.

Shen Zixuan knew something about their family. The people in the three rooms of the Shen family were all honest and kind, and they all worked a lot, but they didn't even have enough to eat at home, and each one was sallower and skinnier than the other. Let’s look at other people living in big and second-bedroom apartments. Those people don’t have shiny faces. But because the three children were forced to break off the friendship if they didn't want it, I knew it was their good intention, so after thinking about it, I compromised: "You can take the things, but you have to come to my house for dinner tomorrow." In fact, the things are theirs to take back. At home, I guess not much can get into their mouths. When you go to your own home, you can just give them a few more pieces of meat.

The three of them did not refuse and agreed, but they failed to go the next day.

The three of them returned to Shen's house. There was no one in the yard at this time. The three of them returned to the west wing carrying baskets on their backs. Mrs. Liu had just finished feeding her little sister, patted her back for a while, and then let her sleep on her own. When she saw the three brothers and sisters coming back, she hurriedly asked them to wash their hands and face. Jingrui put down his backpack: "Mom, today we met Brother Zixuan at the foot of the mountain. He took us to a place we have never been to before. The harvest was rich."

"Yes, Mom, today we shot four pheasants, two rabbits, chestnuts, yams, bird eggs, wild eggs, pecans, and wild fruits. We also ate sugar cane." Jing Hao nodded with his little finger. Counting today’s gains in the same way.

"With so many things, you must have come deep into the mountains, right?" Hearing this, Ms. Liu was more worried than happy. Normally, the child's father would not be able to get so many things at once when he went to the mountains.

"No, we are just on the outskirts. Because Brother Zixuan is with us, we can walk a little further than usual. Don't worry, mother, we won't go to the mountains privately." Jingrui quickly assured.

Ms. Liu was relieved after hearing this. Her children knew that they were the most honest and would not lie to herself.

"Mom, kill the chicken later and make chicken soup for you to drink. Drink more soup and my sister will have enough milk." Xiaoer glanced at the little sister who was sleeping soundly. Her skin was a little yellow, hoping Just physiological jaundice. But just in case, I need to give Mrs. Liu some more space water, and then give the milk to my little sister.

"We also picked up wild eggs and bird eggs. When they are roasted, Mom will give them to you." Jing Hao took out a wild egg and a bird egg and handed them to Liu.

"You guys can share the food. Mom is not hungry." Mrs. Liu was really not as hungry as usual today, and she had more milk. The little girl was full and had not had any trouble all morning.

"Everyone of us has eaten, including roasted yam. This belongs to my mother. You can eat it. If you are not hungry, my little sister will be too." Jingrui also learned to use his little sister to talk things over.

The three children took turns to persuade them, but Liu couldn't win over the three of them, so he ate a bird egg and left the egg for Shen Chengyao to eat.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one in the yard and everyone was probably taking a nap, Xiaoer decided to kill the two chickens first. I made some chicken soup for Mrs. Liu to drink, but I didn't even have to eat lunch. How could I bear it?

In her previous life, Xiaoer also did the job of killing chickens when she followed her cousin on adventures in the wild. Wilderness survival skills were also one of the skills that the children of the Shen family in the previous life must learn.

The three of them put the rabbit in the cage and then took the chicken to the kitchen. Jing Hao was young, so he was responsible for boiling the water. After the water was boiled, he was responsible for lighting the fire and cooking the chestnuts. Jingrui and Xiaoer worked together to kill both chickens and bleed them.

"Xiao'er, why don't you leave a chicken to kill tomorrow? Then my mother can have an extra bowl of chicken soup tomorrow."

Xiaoer carefully used boiling water to scald all the feathers of the two chickens, then took them out and gave one to Jingrui to pluck out its feathers: "My uncle and his family are all coming back from town tonight, and one chicken is probably my mother's." It's good if you can eat a piece of breast meat, but wouldn't it be better if you kill both of them and give one to everyone tonight and leave one for my mother to eat?"

"But if two of them are killed, my mother will not eat one." Jingrui said in a low voice. He knew the person who had sex very well, and he also knew his parents.

"Don't worry, I will let my mother eat it. Let's move quickly now, make the soup quickly and serve it to my mother."

Upon hearing this, Jing Rui immediately quickened his movements. The two men plucked the chicken's feathers, opened its guts, and cleaned them. Xiaoer immediately chopped up the two chickens and took them to the kitchen to make soup. The remaining internal organs were left for Jingrui to clean.

Xiaoer put the chicken soup that everyone drank in an earthen pot and simmered it slowly. The chicken soup that Liu drank was stir-fried in an iron pot, cut a lot of shredded ginger into it, then added some water and boiled it directly. Use soup plates for leftovers. In fact, if the soup is boiled for too long, it may not be very good. There will be a lot of purine in it, which is not good for the body, so the soup Xiaoer Liu drank was not boiled too thick. This kind of chicken soup is also made in modern times for postpartum patients. people drink.

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