Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 55 Opening up wasteland

Several people came to the end of the village. There were already many people on the wasteland. Some people were measuring with bamboo poles. The bamboo poles were very long and straight. They were specially used to measure land. Its length was exactly the length of one acre of land. . A few impatient men even stepped forward to measure it themselves, and the measurements were almost the same, because the land was so familiar to them. They dealt with it almost every day, and passed it on from generation to generation.

Xiaoer's understanding of farming was only theory, not practice. She saw that everyone brought various farm tools, including hoes, plows, picks, rakes, etc. Some people wanted to use fire farming, but some old people denied it. It is much more convenient to use fire to burn the grass on the wasteland when dry things are dry, but it is too dangerous to burn such an area and the wind is strong now. If the wind blows the sparking grass ash to Wushen Mountain, it will be a big disaster. .

Xiaoer nodded, deeply agreed, and asked everyone to pile up the grass pulled out from each acre of land and burn it together.

Mrs. Liu was also busy carrying her little sister and fourth aunt on her back, and Xu Wenhui opened an acre of land together. Xiaoer took Jing Rui and Jing Hao around to inspect the environment, choose a place to build a house and study the characteristics of this wasteland. Water conservancy and irrigation planning.

The wasteland her family bought is relatively high and far away from water sources, so people in the village are unwilling to open up wasteland. After all, irrigation alone is a troublesome matter. Even now the villagers are clearing up wasteland while saying that Shen Chengyao is stupid. But Xiaoer has no worries about this at all. She can load bobbin trucks and water trucks to transport water to high places and far away without any inconvenience.

The three of them came to the foot of two mountains. The two mountains were side by side. There was a small river behind the mountains. The river was very fast. On the other side of the river was the foot of Wushen Mountain. Xiaoer looked up at the top of the mountain and saw that it was no higher than thirty meters. It seemed that a high-rotating truck would be needed to deliver water. While inspecting the environment and choosing a place to build the barrel truck, she told the two brothers about her plans, or asked some simple questions to make them think, and taught them how to use the natural terrain.

After choosing two places to build barrel trucks, she took the two brothers to the top of the mountain and asked them some questions, such as: "How should this mountainous area be organized to have more space for growing crops?" "If water can flow down from the top of the mountain, how should the water flow route be designed so that crops on the entire mountain can be irrigated?"

Jing Rui and Jing Hao also studied hard. They used the methods taught by Xiaoer to inspect the environment along the way, while thinking about the questions she raised.

After the three of them climbed to the top of the mountain, Xiaoer looked at the scenery in the distance and was very surprised. On the mountain not far away, a waterfall poured down among the rocks, like a long white jade silk thread that never ends, and also like a waterfall. The thick smoke is rolling down; the water splashing on the lake is like a spray of loose beads, and the clouds are filled with fog. It is now late autumn and early winter, and the mountains are covered with red and yellow leaves, making the mist-shrouded lake look more like a lake of water boiling in a red fire.

What a beautiful lake and mountain scenery, what a picturesque place.

"Brother, Hao'er, let's build a house on the top of this mountain. It would be nice to come here to escape the heat or study in the summer." Xiao'er eagerly wanted to build a villa on the top of the mountain.

"Okay!" Jing Hao said loudly. Although it was not the first time for him to climb up to see this scenery, he felt that it was very beautiful every time he saw it, and he felt much better looking at the waterfall.

"Okay, when the family makes money in the future, they will definitely build a house on the top of this mountain as soon as possible."

"Well, let's clear out the wasteland and these two mountains first. Don't rush, take your time, and then you can build a better house after you earn enough money." She planned to build a villa with a concrete structure, which would be strong enough. Cement is a problem now, so there is no rush.

"Money is not a big problem, you can make money." Xiaoer looked at the top of the mountain, which is about half an acre in size. When the time comes, he will build a four-story villa of about 200 square meters. Xiaoer looked at the scenery in the distance and drew the blueprint of the villa in her heart, becoming more and more yearning for it.

The three of them went down the mountain and climbed to the top of another mountain. There was no waterfall here, but overlooking the fields and villages below the mountain, the scenery was equally beautiful. However, Xiaoer did not plan to build another villa. She had to dig a pond to store water anyway. Water is used for irrigation and for cultivating pearls.

Thinking of raising pearls, Xiaoer thought of fishing in the river. She had to find an excuse to take out a few clams and pearls from the space.

As noon approached, the sun became hotter and hotter, so the three of them went home.

Mrs. Liu came back early because she wanted to feed her little sister milk.

When the three of them came back, Ms. Liu had just coaxed her little sister to sleep and was about to go to the bedroom to cook for Mr. Shen and Mr. Shen Zhuang. After hearing this, Xiaoer stopped Mrs. Liu, "Mom, didn't the aunt go home yesterday? Normally, it's filial for us to cook for the elderly when the aunt is not here, but after all, we have separated and the aunt is at home again, you rashly Cooking is taking the spotlight and is not a joke."

Mrs. Liu also thought it made sense after hearing this. She was used to the pattern of not having separate families. In this case, she didn't go to bed and cooked her own food first.

After a while, Shen Zhuang's angry curses came from the upper room, "Third daughter-in-law, why don't you get out and cook? You are a black-hearted white-eyed wolf who wants to starve your parents to death just to be quiet!" What time is it? You are still a cold pot and a cold stove. You only care about your own belly and don’t worry about me and your father. You are a heartless guy!"

When Mrs. Liu heard Mrs. Shen Zhuang's voice, she hurriedly ran out of the kitchen and was about to go to the bedroom. Xiaoer grabbed her and said, "Hey, didn't the aunt come home yesterday? My mother didn't dare to take away the aunt's work. , filial piety and grandma, everyone is rushing to do it. This is not because they are worried about taking away the credit of the eldest uncle. The aunt is not happy. After all, we have separated. When the eldest uncle is away, I usually help the eldest uncle to take care of me. That's right, but when the eldest uncle comes back, he must be filial to his grandpa, otherwise others will say that the eldest uncle is unfilial, and my eldest cousin will also be criticized if he has an unfilial mother when he becomes an official in the future."

After hearing Xiao'er's words in the east wing, Mrs. Lan hurriedly ran out, "Mom, I was busy instructing Bao'er on how to embroider the dowry and forgot to cook. I'm going to do it now."

Mrs. Shen Zhuang was feeling unhappy today. Mrs. Liu had just bought so much land to build a house and open up wasteland, just to keep it secret. This was to prevent her. She wanted to take advantage of Mr. Liu to vent her anger while cooking, "What, let me Can’t your mother cook for me? Can’t I eat the food your mother cooks?”

"It's not that I can't eat. I usually eat a lot of milk from my mother's cooking, but I haven't even had milk from my aunt's cooking a few times. Now that my aunt is at home, of course it's up to the whole family to show filial piety."

"Mom, please go back to your room first. I'll call you when I'm ready to cook." Lan was crying in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face, still smiling.

Mrs. Shen Zhuang snorted, "Boss, wife, if it's your job, take it seriously. Your father and I are old now and we can't afford to be hungry. Chengguang is opening a shop and Wen'er is studying. We can't waste our meals." of."

Mrs. Shen Zhuang said this in a polite way. After all, her eldest daughter-in-law was the daughter of a scholar family, and her eldest grandson was about to take the scholar exam, so she still had to save some face for her.

Mrs. Lan finished the lunch with a bang, Xiaoer's family had already finished their meal, and Shen Chengyao returned home. As soon as he entered the door, he heard Mrs. Shen Zhuang cursing in the upper room again. When he returned to the west wing, Mrs. Liu saw him coming back. , hurriedly fetched a basin of water and came in to wash him up, while Xiaoer moved the warm meals to the Kang table.

"Dad, have everything been settled?" After Mrs. Liu helped Shen Chengyao wash up, he handed him a bowl of water.

Shen Chengyao took the water and said, "It's done. Brother Liang knows someone. He took me to buy the materials. It's a little cheaper than usual." After saying that, he drank the entire bowl of water in one breath.

"Dad, let's eat first." Xiaoer laid out the food.

Shen Chengyao nodded and asked Mrs. Liu, "What's wrong, mother? Who are you scolding again?"

"Sister-in-law must have burned the rice. Where's the rice!" Mrs. Shen Zhuang must have been heartbroken. There was a thick layer of burnt rice stuck to the bottom of the pot.

"The dishes haven't been washed yet, there's sand." Jingrui added what he heard.

"There's too much oil and too much salt." Jing Hao didn't understand why his aunt couldn't do something that even his sister could do well.

Shen Chengyao didn't say anything after hearing this. He actually believed that these were very basic housework, which a well-run woman should be able to do. If she didn't do it well, she should be scolded. He lowered his head and ate in a hurry, planning to go to the head of the village to watch people clearing wasteland after eating.

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