Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 56 Ginseng and Black Pearls

After lunch, the whole family went to the wasteland. Xiaoer did not follow them. She took this opportunity to go up the mountain and then came to the woods that Jingrui said were unlucky. Xiaoer had suspected that they would cry. The tree is a rubber tree. Now that I see the rubber tree that I have seen in my previous life, I can’t help but feel a little excited. At the same time, I feel strange. According to the memory of the original owner, the climate here is not suitable for growing rubber trees. Why are there rubber trees here?

"There is geothermal heat nearby, which makes the climate here warmer." He spoke at the right time during the day.

Xiaoer nodded. There are many wonders in the world, and the natural world is even more mysterious. However, even if there is geothermal heat nearby, it would be difficult to use it, so she did not dwell on the problem. She opened a hole with a sickle and started collecting the latex in a wooden bucket. The design she gave Shangguan Xuanyi previously included a hand-operated water pump, which required a rubber sealing ring to be attached to the push tube. She just used this latex to see if it could be made.

She transplanted two smaller rubber trees into the space for future use. After collecting the latex, she put the entire bucket into the space and went down the mountain. On the way down, she collected two pheasants and raised them in the space.

The ginseng in the space has been planted to a large size. She found a smaller one and took it outside when the time came, saying that it was picked on the mountain. Then she took out several herbs grown in the space and went down the mountain. When she got home, she didn't meet anyone, so she took a sack and filled it with a large bag of herbs. Then she put the ginseng in the bag, locked the door of the room, made some fish bait, and headed to the village with two baskets. Head away.

"Brother, Hao'er, how about we go catch some fish to eat tonight?"

When the two heard Xiaoer's words, they hurriedly put down their work and ran to her side, "Sister, are you going to catch fish? Why don't you bring a bucket? How can you pack fish without a bucket?"

"Good boy, Hao'er has thought carefully. Go and ask dad to help us pull a bucket to the river in the car. Let's catch more fish and give extra meals to the people who are helping us open up wasteland tonight."

After hearing this, Jing Hao hurriedly ran to tell Shen Chengyao. After hearing this, Shen Chengyao put down his work and went back to help some children transport wood.

When they came to the river, Shen Chengyao and his two brothers were responsible for fishing. She did not go into the river. The river was very cold at this time. Shen Chengyao repeatedly told Xiaoer not to allow her to go into the water, so Xiaoer took a piece of bamboo and fiddled with the stones by the river. Shen Chengyao didn't stop him when he saw it, thinking that she was just having fun. When Xiaoer saw that the three of them were not paying attention, he put three extra-large river clams into the seams between three rocks in the water, and then put some smaller ones in, and then he shouted loudly. Shouted: "Dad, Dad, come here and take a look!"

When Shen Chengyao heard Xiao'er's cry, he looked back and saw that Xiao'er was standing on the stone fine. He was relieved, then he picked up the basket in the water, lifted it to the shore, and asked Jing Hao to pick up the fish into the bucket. Then he walked towards Xiaoer.

"What did Xiao'er see? Is it a small river crab?"

Xiaoer waved her hand, looking anxious, "Dad, hurry up, come and take a look."

Shen Chengyao came to Xiao'er, and Xiaoer used bamboo to pick up river mussels in the water. Shen Chengyao saw a river mussel in the river that was as big as a small pumpkin, and reached out to pick it up from the water. "Hey, this river Has the clam grown into a sperm?"

"Dad, I heard that river clams can grow pearls. Let's break them open and have a look."

After hearing this, the two brothers stopped fishing and ran over to look at the giant clam, "Dad, check to see if there are any pearls in it!"

Jing Hao picked up a stone and handed it to Shen Chengyao. He took it and was about to smash it down when Xiaoer quickly stopped him, "No, if dad had a pearl and dropped it like this, it would be broken!"

"It's so tight you can't open it with your hands!"

"I'll go home and get the kitchen knife!" Jing Hao said and ran away like the wind.

"I'll look for it again to see if there's anything else." Jingrui buried his head and started looking carefully.

"There's another one here, this one is bigger!" Jing Rui picked up the mussel in the water, held it up with both hands and waved it happily.

When Shen Chengyao saw this, he started searching in the river seriously. Xiaoer naturally also searched together, and soon found all the mussels he had put in.

Jing Hao came over quickly with a kitchen knife. This kid was also smart and brought a backpack and cloth.

Shen Chengyao took a kitchen knife and carefully cut open the shell of the river mussel. A black apple-sized pearl was exposed inside. The black nacre glowed with a blue-purple light in the sun. Shen Chengyao took out the pearl and placed it on the The river water washed it and turned it again. The strong metallic luster of the black pearl changed into various colors as it turned, making it more beautiful and lustrous.

"Can black pearls be sold for money?" Jing Hao was a little worried.

"Black pearls are a very valuable pearl variety. They symbolize the crystallization of the most difficult years. They are called the most painful tears of mother oysters. They have gone through hardships, so they are rare and are a symbol of nobility."

"Is that valuable?!" He was recently worried about running out of money after opening the house and building the house.

"Dad, please cut open the remaining mussels and see if there are any pearls left." Jing Rui looked at the small pile of mussels on the ground and couldn't help but feel excited.

Shen Chengyao picked up another large river clam and cut it more carefully, revealing another purple pearl the size of a goose egg.

"Purple, purple pearls, so beautiful!" Jing Hao jumped up happily, "Dad, go on, cut it quickly."

Shen Chengyao picked up the pearls and cleaned them. Xiaoer spread the basket that Jing Hao brought with cloth, and then put the black pearls and purple pearls in. The two brothers gathered around the basket and looked at the two pearls inside without blinking.

Shen Chengyao cut open the last giant clam, and this time it was a white fist-sized pearl, radiant and dazzling. Many fish-eye-sized pearls were also cut out of the remaining smaller clams, including pink, golden, and blue, with about ten or twenty pearls each.

Shen Chengyao suppressed the joy in his heart, "Rui'er, go cut some grass and put it on the basket. Don't catch the fish now. We will catch it tomorrow. Now let's go home first."

Xiao'er had already gone to dig some wild vegetables when the three of them were seriously immersed in the great cause of cutting pearls. "Dad, I dug some wild vegetables and just put the wild vegetables on top."

Shen Chengyao nodded and put the wild vegetables in the basket. After making sure that nothing was hidden underneath, he moved the bucket with fish and two baskets onto the cart, and put the basket on the cart as well. Then he pretended to be calm, pushing the trolley, and walked home with floating footsteps.

When you meet familiar people on the road and say hello, you almost always don’t answer the question. Making others confused, Xiaoer couldn't help lowering her head and snickering.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw Mrs. Li coming out of the west wing. She saw them carrying a large bucket and rushed towards her with shining eyes. Shen Chengyao thought she knew there were pearls in the basket and was startled.

Mrs. Li threw herself on the bucket and saw more than a dozen big fish inside. Her eyes flashed, "Third brother, my family just doesn't have much food tonight. Is this fish?"

Seeing that Ms. Li just wanted fish, Shen Chengyao breathed out softly, "Second sister-in-law, if you want to eat fish, just pick two."

After hearing this, Mrs. Li unceremoniously caught the two biggest fish inside.

"Dad, please send some fish to grandma and fourth uncle's house. I'll go cook first." Xiaoer ignored her, picked up the basket naturally, and went back to the west wing.

Several people secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Xiaoer returning to the house carrying a basket on her back.

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