Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 57 Still want money

Shen Chengyao and his son were in a daze and giggling all night long. Mrs. Liu couldn't bear it until after dinner and finally couldn't help it anymore, "What's going on with you? Did you pick up some money?"

After hearing this, Jing Hao hugged Mrs. Liu and said, "Mom, you are so amazing!"

Mrs. Liu was confused and looked at Xiaoer, "What happened to Xiaoer and the others?"

"It's just that I found some money!" Xiaoer shrugged nonchalantly.

The two brothers were angered by her attitude, "Mom, we picked up a lot of money today! Our family is going to make a fortune."

"What, you really picked up money? How much did you pick up? We can't do such immoral things. Other people's money didn't come from strong winds. We have to hand over the money to the government!" She also joked casually, I didn't expect that I really picked up the money, and it was going to be distributed. How much money did I have to pick up to say this? If I rashly take this money, I might get into trouble.

"Mom, don't worry, it's not what you think." Xiaoer took out the pearls she "picked up" today and put them on the kang.

Mrs. Liu's eyes almost bulged when she saw various large and small pearls on the navy blue cotton cloth. "Here, these beads are just picked up. These things are very valuable at first sight. They must be owned by rich people." We have to hand it over to the government quickly, otherwise it will be miserable if it is misunderstood that we stole it!"

"No, my dear, this was cut from the mussels we caught from the river today. It was not lost by anyone."

"Yes, we fished mom out of the river together with dad."

Jing Hao told everything about what happened this afternoon, and Mrs. Liu felt relieved after listening to it. Then she began to feel like she was walking on the clouds.

Xiaoer decided to make them even happier. She went back to her room, dragged the bag of herbs over, and then found the ginseng plant inside. "Dad, Mom, I went up the mountain today and found a ginseng plant."

The whole family was stunned when they saw the human-shaped ginseng in Xiaoer's hand. They had never seen ginseng before, but when they saw this human-shaped radish with long beards, they thought it must be ginseng.

Shen Chengyao thought that he had gone up the mountain so many times but never encountered ginseng. Wait, go up the mountain? "Xiao'er, did you go up the mountain alone? To the deep mountains?" Shen Chengyao's tone became more serious and his expression became more severe as he spoke.

"No, I went to dig in the unlucky woods that my brother mentioned."

After hearing this, Mrs. Liu hurriedly pulled Xiaoer and looked her up and down, "You girl, why are you going? No one in the village dares to go! You don't want your life!"

"Didn't I say I couldn't go? Why are you still going!" Jingrui was also angry.

"Sister, why are you so disobedient!" Jing Hao also felt that she was too bold.

"Father, mother, brother, brother, listen to me. My master told me about a kind of tree that he saw overseas. It's called a rubber tree. The stuff that comes out of that tree is called latex. It's very useful. Use latex. The rubber can be made into many things. For example, rubber-soled shoes are waterproof, and rubber cups cannot be broken. I previously planned to dig a well in our wasteland and install a water pump on the well. The water pump also needs a rubber sealing ring. Rubber can also be made into various toys. In short, it is very versatile, but I don’t know if it can be made yet." She was quite moved. Neither Shen Chengyao nor Liu was dazzled by the huge money. When they thought of her going up the mountain He was just worried about her safety, and even the excitement just now was gone. He was only concerned about himself, and it was enough to have his parents and brothers after traveling through time.

"That thing is so useful, so it can't be said to be unlucky. It should be a treasure tree." Jing Hao sighed.

"Third uncle, are third aunts asleep?" Shen Jingwen's knock came from outside the door. Jing Hao heard the sound and hurriedly wrapped up the pearls on the kang and hid them in the cabinet. Jing Rui also put the ginseng in the cabinet. Shen Chengyao and Mr. Liu looked at the two brothers funny, "Not yet, wait for the third aunt to open the door."

"No, I asked you to go to the upper room." After saying this, Shen Jingwen went back to the upper room.

After hearing this, Mrs. Liu and Shen Chengyao told the children to go to bed early, and they went to bed.

Xiaoer wanted to hear what Mr. Shen had to say, "I'll go with my parents."

The two brothers also followed, and the family went to the upper room together. When Jing Hao entered the upper room and saw Mr. Shen, he asked, "Sir, was the fish tonight delicious? I caught it, and I specially picked the big ones to keep." For you and grandma. Is the fish fresh?"

Mr. Shen was very happy after hearing this, "That fish was caught by Jing Hao. No wonder it is so delicious. I know that you are all filial. If you have good things, you will not forget me and your milk."

Mr. Shen pointed to the stool under the kang, "Sit down, you are quite tired after working all day."

Except for Dafang's family and Shen Yuzhu, who could sit on the kang in the upper room, no one else had ever sat on it.

After Shen Chengyao and Mr. Liu sat down, Mr. Shen asked, "I heard that you bought the mountainous land at the head of the village and two barren hills."

Shen Chengyao nodded, "Didn't I tell dad last night that I bought some wasteland to build a house?"

"Nonsense, do you have money and nowhere to spend it? The land needs water but not water, it needs fat but not fat." Mr. Shen scolded.

He has been farming for decades and is relatively familiar with the land. Those barren lands and barren mountains have been cultivated for ten or eight years without knowing whether they have been fertilized or not. Nothing can be grown at all. There must be more grass than crops. Even weeding is enough to bother him.

"As for water, just drink from behind the mountain or dig a few wells."

"If it were possible to divert water from the back of the mountain, generations of people in this village would have done it long ago. Where would it be a wasteland? It costs three taels of silver to dig a well. How many wells do you have to dig to cover such a large area! Don't you have money? What are the nowhere flowers!" Mr. Shen was so angry that he puffed his beard and stared at Shen Chengyao's words. He heard people in the village say that Shen Chengyao was a fool!

Seeing that Mr. Shen still wanted to scold him, Xiaoer hurriedly stopped Mr. Shen, "Sir, the land has been bought now. Our parents also want more land to prevent us brothers and sisters from starving, but we don't have enough money. I can buy some wasteland.”

After hearing this, Mr. Shen did not continue to talk about the wasteland. "You also know, third brother, that your eldest niece is engaged and will get married next year. This dowry is the cost of your eldest nephew's education and the cost of taking the provincial examination. Each of these items is worth money. And today I handed over forty taels of silver, which really makes me feel helpless. If you have a lot of money, please help your elder brother."

"Master, my family has just hired people to open up wasteland and is preparing to build a house. The money is also in short supply. After spring, I want to send my elder brother and younger brother to school. Our family is also worried about not having enough money, so I want to ask my uncle to borrow some first. "

Mrs. Shen Zhuang glared at Xiaoer, "You don't have a house to live in now or what? The money is not good enough, so don't build a house. Give the money to your eldest brother and his family for emergency purposes. Not everyone can read the book. , Why are you wasting that money? It is only right to give that money to Wen'er to take the exam."

Xiaoer was furious after hearing this. It turned out that it was not right to spend her family's money on herself. The angrier she became, the calmer she became. "The gold hairpin on Sister Baoer's head is so beautiful, and the silver bracelet on her hand is also very well made." It’s very exquisite. I haven’t seen my eldest cousin wear it before. Is it a new one?”

"Of course, this gold hairpin is a new style from Jin Yutang, and it costs ten taels of silver each. I also have one, it was a gift from Bao'er." After hearing this, Shen Yuzhu straightened her waist and raised her head, indicating that she also had one. set.

Shen Baoer said bad in his heart and secretly gave Shen Yuzhu a wink, but unfortunately Shen Yuzhu didn't see it.

Xiaoer sneered in her heart, she was really not afraid of opponents who were like gods, but only teammates who were like pigs. "Yesterday I saw that my eldest cousin's gold hairpin was different from today's. Is it also a new one?"

"That's last month's style, and it costs eight taels of silver each. You're a country boy with muddy legs. What do you know? Bao'er almost buys one to take home every time there's a new style. I'm the same way."

"My sister-in-law and my eldest cousin are really rich. My mother has been wearing only wooden hairpins for so many years." The expressions of everyone present changed except Shen Yuzhu who realized this in hindsight.

Shen Chengyao stood up after hearing this, "Dad, my family is tight lately. This girl's family doesn't need to buy new jewelry every month. The money saved should be enough for my brother's family. After all, we are just working and studying. ." Then he took Xiaoer and said to Mrs. Liu, "Let's go, we have to get up early tomorrow to open up wasteland."

"Father, mother, let's go back to sleep. Rui'er Hao'er, you also go back and go to bed early." After finishing speaking, Mrs. Liu followed Shen Chengyao and walked away.

Only then did Shen Yuzhu realize that she had said the wrong thing and looked at Shen Baoer apologetically.

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