Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 58 What about me?

The night has fallen quietly for a long time, and a few night stars shine coldly in the dark sky. Shen Chengyao felt unusually uncomfortable. He lay on the kang and stared quietly at the beams on the roof with wide eyes. This is the first time that he has shown off his face in front of his parents at this age. Why does the eldest brother's wife and children already wear gold and silver, and he still needs help from his brother? His wife doesn’t even have a piece of gold or silver jewelry! He can understand that his father is eager for his son to become a dragon, but his eldest brother is trying to plot against his own brother. He feels that this is too much and he cannot accept it. And whether Yun'er's matter is none of his family's business? ? There is still no news from the Yamen...

Mrs. Liu helped her sister check whether her diaper was dry, then covered her with a quilt. She turned around and lay down. Seeing that Shen Chengyao was not asleep, she urged, "Go to bed quickly. You have to get up early tomorrow."

"It's been hard on you and the children these years." Shen Chengyao held Mrs. Liu in his arms.

Ms. Liu paused after hearing this, "Well, it's all over. Now aren't we more and more hopeful?"

"Big brother's family..."

"Have we not known what kind of people they are for so many years? If Yun'er's affairs are unknown for a day, then whatever happens will be done in the future!" Although she felt sorry for her children, she and her children had to endure hardships to provide for the big house. It's not to the point where she can't bear it, but her intuition tells her that Yun'er's matter must have something to do with Dafang. If she and her children have contributed so much, it makes people feel that it is right and natural for her family to pay everything for them, including selling the house. Your own flesh and blood, that won’t do! It doesn't matter to her how he takes advantage of her, but she can't harm her child! Her kindness and tolerance are based on not caring about her own children.

"The eldest brother's family bought a two-bedroom house in the town, and also bought a servant." Shen Chengyao remembered that when he went to the town to find beams to build a house, he saw Shen Chengguang walking into a house, and the concierge respectfully called him "Master" , he asked people nearby and found out that Shen Chengguang had bought this house in the town five years ago, and they had known nothing about it for so many years and were still eating glutinous vegetables in the village to save money. The money provided for his son to study and for their family to have good food and clothing.

"What, this shouldn't be the case!"

"I bought it five years ago. I happened to see it and asked people about it."

Mrs. Liu was silent for a moment, "Well, Dafang's family has gone too far... But now that we have separated, it's good if we try to live our own lives." She is not greedy for more. She feels that the money is not going to go. They fight to rob and try every means to take advantage of others. How long can the money obtained in this way be used? People should rely on themselves, do big things as much as their hands have the strength, eat as much as they earn, use as much as they can, and don't complain about God or blame others.

Shen Chengyao thought so too, but because he had a brotherly relationship from childhood, he felt more uncomfortable than Liu. However, he didn't think about arguing and hugged Liu tightly. The two of them didn't speak anymore and gradually fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Dr. Luo sent someone to find Xiaoer.

"Aunt Lin, are you okay with coming here so early?" Ms. Liu welcomed her into the house, and Ms. Liu wanted to pour water.

"Aunt Lin is busy stopping her. Mrs. Shen, don't be busy. I'll leave with a message. Young Master Shangguan wants to see Miss Xiaoer for something. He asked me to ask the girl if she is free to go to the county town today."

"Today? When are you leaving?" Xiaoer heard these words as soon as she walked in. She just wanted to sell pearls and ginseng in the county.

"Miss Xiao'er can set off whenever it's convenient for her. Xiao Fuzi is in the house." This is ready, and you can set off at any time.

"Let's set off in half an hour. I have some things to prepare."

"Okay, then I'll take my leave first."

"Aunt Lin, go slow."

"Mom, where is dad?"

"Your father went out early in the morning. He said he was going to the bank in the town to exchange for some copper coins. Moreover, the ground should be broken the day after tomorrow. Today is a small market, so he also has to buy some sacrifices."

"Mom, Brother Shangguan probably asked me to discuss the toy shop. I'll go out later and sell the pearls and ginseng."

"Okay, then let your brother accompany you?" Ms. Liu was a little worried about leaving Xiaoer alone.

"No, the family is in need of someone now. I can do it myself, and I'm riding in Brother Shangguan's carriage. It'll be fine. I plan to entrust the things to them to sell." Of course, the latter words were to appease Mrs. Liu.

Mrs. Liu felt relieved after hearing this. She was worried that Xiaoer would sell it by herself, but Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Zhaowei had a good impression on her. She felt most at ease if she asked him to help sell it.

Xiaoer went back to her room and put the pearls in the box that Shangguan Xuanyi gave her last book. She also wrapped the ginseng in cloth and put it in the box. In addition, she put an extra big black pearl and dozens of small pink pearls. pearl. I also put the glass products I drew recently, the conceptual information and design drawings related to the toy shop, and the rubber manufacturing method I copied from the space study last night into the backpack, and then took out the bucket of latex and prepared Give it to Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Zhaowei to find a way to make rubber. Mrs. Liu saw that Xiaoer had brought a lot of things, so she helped her carry the bucket of latex to Dr. Luo's house.

Xiao Fuzi took Xiaoer outside the private room of the last restaurant, knocked on the door, "Master, Miss Xiaoer is here."

"Come in."

Xiaoer walked in. Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Zhaowei were drinking tea and chatting. Seeing Xiao'er carrying a basket on her back and Xiao Fuzi carrying a bucket of milky-white stuff in, Di Zhaowei pointed at the wooden bucket and said, "Girl, why are you bringing a bucket of milk here?"

"This is not milk, this is latex. It is inedible and poisonous."

"What did you do with the poisonous stuff? Throw it away quickly." Di Zhaowei stayed away.

"This is the material used to make rubber. The water pump I drew last time had a rubber sealing ring inside, so I needed this latex to make it." Xiaoer put down the backpack, then took out a stack of paper and pulled out the rubber sealing ring. , placed it at the top, "Brothers, here are the methods of making rubber and some design drawings and information about glass making and toy shops. Take a look at them first."

Shangguan Xuanyi handed Xiaoer a wooden box, "This is made by Lin Sheng." Then he picked up the information and read it.

Xiaoer opened it and saw a glass bowl lying quietly inside. It was very simple without any pattern, but it was clear, transparent and clean. Xiaoer nodded, "Yes, this is good. When you become more proficient, you can carve patterns and add some colors."

After Shangguan Xuanyi read the method of making rubber, he handed it to Di Zhaowei, "Find someone to try it."

Di Zhaowei took it, looked at it, showed a meticulous expression on his face, and nodded.

"Why did Brother Shangguan ask me to come to the county today?"

"I found the toy shop. I want to take you to see if you have any questions." Shangguan Xuanyi answered while looking through it.

Xiaoer looked at him with his head lowered, his profile as sharp as a knife, his long eyelashes like a small fan, fanning him, he was so handsome, she couldn't help but cursed in her heart, "Monster" .”

Shangguan Xuanyi read quickly, and after reading it, he saw the box he gave her last time in the basket Xiaoer was carrying, "Why did you bring it?"

Xiaoer followed his gaze and looked over, "I temporarily packed some things to sell, and there is no suitable box at home."

Shangguan Xuanyi raised his eyebrows after hearing this. Is there anything that needs to be sold in the box he gave me?

"Take it and take a look."

Xiaoer picked up the box and handed it to him.

Shangguan Xuanyi opened it. Even though he had seen countless rare treasures, he was also attracted by these pearls.

"Girl, how much are these beads? I bought them." Di Zhaowei rushed over and tried to snatch the box away. It happened that the old lady was about to celebrate her birthday, and he was worried about what to give as a gift.

Shangguan Xuanyi closed the box and avoided the cat's paw stretched out by Di Zhaowei, "I got it first."

"You didn't say buy it, I said it first!"

"I didn't say I wouldn't buy it."

"You scoundrel!" Di Zhaowei no longer cared about his dignity.

Xiaoer pretended to rummage through her backpack and took out two large white and black pearls from the space, "Brother Di, I have two more here."

After hearing this, Di Zhaowei hurriedly ran over, grabbed the basket and rummaged around, and sure enough, there was a big black and white pearl. He held one in one hand, "Haha, now the old lady's birthday gift is here." "

He put the two pearls into the hands of the young boy Di Gui, and then took out two thousand taels of silver notes, "Girl, how about one thousand taels per piece?"

Xiaoer originally planned to sell it to Zhenbao Pavilion for 500 taels a piece, but Di Zhaowei had a good relationship with her, so he couldn't accept more, so he said, "I originally planned to sell it to Zhenbao Pavilion for 500 taels a piece, Brother Di." I'm not an outsider, I buy one and get one free, I only charge three hundred taels, and one of them is my birthday gift to the old lady."

When Di Zhaowei heard Xiao'er say that he was not an outsider, he felt indescribably happy, "Since you call me eldest brother, I can't take advantage of you. Okay, I'll collect one for the old lady, and I'll take another one." I bought it for one thousand taels, girl, don’t refuse, I know you are short of money.”

When Shangguan Xuanyi heard Xiaoer say that Di Zhaowei was not an outsider, he felt a little unhappy, sour and astringent, "What about me?"

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