Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 64 Another Engagement

Mei Zhijie took the boy away and looked for the latrine as soon as he left Shen's house.

Shen Baoer and Lan Shi pretended to be sad and went back to their room. The others were too embarrassed to stay here to watch the excitement at the village chief's house, so they all went back to the upper room.

Xiao'er didn't expect that Shen Baoer would be so smart and stupid to take action so quickly. What was smart was that being divorced soon after the engagement was far less negative than having been engaged for a long time. At the time of the engagement, Meijijie happened to be in poor health, so Many people don't know, and some people in the village know, but after all, there has never been an engagement banquet in the village, so it can be easily over. What's stupid is that she puts herself in too high a position and has no self-awareness. In this era, marriages are mostly ordered by her parents. Even though she was raised like a lady since she was a child, there are too many ladies in the world. , I believe Shangguan Xuanyi has seen many talented and beautiful daughters of aristocratic families. If they really had to choose among the same kind of people, why would his parents and him choose a copycat version of a famous lady?

People can see different scenery when they stand in different positions. In this era, marriages between well-matched families are more favored by the elders because they have similar family backgrounds and everyone has seen the same scenery. This will save a lot of trouble. Marrying high and marrying low is also in the same age. Speaking in a circle.

Shen Nirui couldn't help crying. She was a young girl in her prime. She was full of beautiful fantasies about her future husband and future marriage, but she never thought that it would be decided in such a shameful way.

"My poor girl!" Mrs. Bai, the wife of the village chief, was blushing as she held her daughter in her hands. She held her dear baby in her hands. She was just about to seriously find a good match for her when she was forced to marry a weak man. For her, the most important thing about being a husband is good health. Without good health, how can she have the energy to take care of her family and protect her wife and children? She had heard her son mention that although he always took sick leave, he was still very knowledgeable. But she is not in good health and looks down on her no matter how good her knowledge is. What if her daughter gets married and becomes a widow early on?

"Rui'er, Brother Zhijie is also a good person. He has good character and virtue, is also very knowledgeable, and has a good family background. He is a good match for him." Shen Zixuan touched Shen Nirui's head and comforted her.

"No matter how good he is, it's not me he likes in his heart!" What happiness is there in marrying someone who doesn't like you? Her own parents are loving and loving, and she also wants to find a husband-in-law who loves her and live a life as loving as her parents.

Shen Zixuan didn't say anything after hearing this. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that Mei Zhijie was focused on Shen Baoer.

"Brother Zixuan, I just saw Mr. Ming's face looking a little pale. You'd better stop him and take him to Dr. Luo first."

After hearing this, Shen Zixuan was a little worried. His classmate was indeed weak. "Dad, Mom, I'm going to see Brother Zhijie!"

The village chief nodded.

Mrs. Bai was even more unwilling to get married because she didn't have to worry about it for the rest of her life!

"His father, we can't get married like this! He is so weak. Does this mean he wants his daughter to marry and become a widow?"

"What are you talking about? The body is weak and can be treated. Besides, now, there are those good families who dare to marry Rui'er. If you marry far away, you won't be under your nose. Are you relieved?"

After hearing this, Bai Shi fell silent. She was reluctant to give up, but she was not willing to give in.

At this time, Shen Nirui's stomach hurt again, and she ran into the latrine holding her stomach.

"Did Rui'er eat something wrong?" Seeing this, Mrs. Bai stopped worrying and started worrying about her daughter's health.

"When Sister Niri comes out, take her to Dr. Luo's house to see if she can find out." As long as both of them are diagnosed as having been given laxatives, Meijijie's deep love for Shen Baoer will definitely be compromised, and the future relationship between the two of them will definitely be compromised. Marriage should have its benefits.

When Meiji Jie came out, he thought something was wrong. He didn't eat much of what was on the table, but just drank a bowl of chicken soup. This was because Shen Baoer served the soup and he finished it. But not long after finishing the soup, he My stomach hurts! I happened to meet Lan again when I was going to the hut. If Lan Shi hadn't said it, he wouldn't have opened the door directly.

Why did Lan deliberately imply that there was no one in his latrine and that he was her future son-in-law? What would be the benefit of harming him? It's probably not Lan's intention to harm him. Meijijie shook his head. Who is it?

"Brother Zhijie, let me take you to see the doctor in the village. You look a little bad." Shen Zixuan came out to look for him for a while and saw that Ming Zhijie hadn't left yet, and he felt relieved.

Meijijie had doubts in his mind, so he agreed.


Several people came out of Dr. Luo's house. Minzhijie's face was dark. He didn't understand why Shen Baoer did this. She didn't want to marry him. He just refused when he sent the matchmaker there. Why did he agree and now set up a trap for himself and another person? Woman, doesn’t she know that a woman’s reputation is very important? How could she feel comfortable hurting an innocent person like this? It was in vain that he had seen her caring so much for small animals in the past and thought she was a kind-hearted woman.

"I remembered, during dinner, Shen Beier and I exchanged bowls of chicken soup!"

"Why did she want to trade chicken soup with you?" Bai felt strange.

"There was a piece of chicken drumstick in my bowl of chicken soup. She said she loved chicken drumsticks."

Bai: ...This Shen Bei'er really has the same temperament as Mrs. Li. What's hateful is that this greedy temper indirectly harmed her daughter!

Meijijie felt even more disappointed after hearing this. This was the woman he was attracted to. In order to break off the engagement, he would even harm his own sister, but he failed and harmed others! He is so blind!

"Uncle Shen, Aunt Shen, I will send someone to discuss the marriage tomorrow. I will not wrong Miss Shen. I will leave first." After saying that, he saluted Shen Nirui, "Miss Shen, I'm sorry for the offense just now. ”

The next day, Mei Zhijie decisively broke off the engagement with Shen Baoer, and sent a matchmaker to the village chief's house to discuss the marriage. A few days later, on an auspicious day, the county prime minister's family sent a very generous engagement gift to the village chief's house, which made countless villagers envious. , Shen Nirui's wedding date has also been set, shortly after spring next year.

Shen Baoer knew that the engagement gift given by Mei Zhijie to Shen Nirui was actually more than that given to him, and he was very angry. At the same time, he felt even more that he was right to cancel the engagement.

Since Mrs. Liu learned that Dafang was involved in Shen Nirui's matter, she became even more wary of Dafang's family, and she even felt that Yun'er's loss must have been intentional. Shen Chengyao didn't say anything, but recently he always went to the county. Firstly, he wanted to find out about any good shops for sale in the county, and secondly, he also wanted to ask the Yamen about Yun'er.

During this period, the wine jar that Xiaoer ordered before was also delivered. It happened that the wine needed to be filtered and secondary fermented. The secondary fermentation takes two to three weeks. After fermentation, the wine will become clear and there will be sediment at the bottom. Then filter the wine into another jar and seal it. Filter out the sediment and throw it away. The wine is ready.

The fermentation of golden cherry wine is also over. The brewing of golden cherry wine is much more troublesome. During this period, sugar water, citric acid water and yeast need to be added. After the fermentation is completed, the juice must be separated, the ingredients mixed, and frozen. After glueing, filtering, and finally covering the liquid surface with alcohol, it can enter the storage stage, which takes at least one year. The resulting wine will be mellow and plump, with moderate sweetness and sourness, and harmonious fruity and winey aromas.

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