Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 65 Buying a Shop

During dinner, Shen Chengyao was a little restless. He only focused on eating and forgot to pick up the food.

Xiaoer couldn't stand it anymore, "Dad, did you go to the Yamen today?"

"Well, I went, but there is still no news." Shen Chengyao came back to his senses and shook his head in despair.

That was none of Yun'er's business. Every time she went to the Yamen to ask, there was no news. Shen Chengyao was used to it.

"Did you meet anyone or anything special?"

"What special person or thing? No!" Shen Chengyao glanced at Xiaoer in surprise.

"Have you found a suitable shop?"

After hearing this, Shen Chengyao glanced at Mrs. Liu, "There is a furniture shop for sale, and the asking price is 600 taels."

"What do you think I'm doing? That shop isn't mine. If you think it's good, take the kids to see it. If it's suitable, buy it. I won't go there, and I won't be able to leave the house."

"That shop is where my eldest brother is working. The shop is about to be sold. I'm a little worried that my eldest brother won't be able to find a good job for a while."

After hearing this, Ms. Liu began to worry. Her natal family had neither farmland nor land, and barely had enough food to eat. They mainly relied on the money Liu Minhong earned from working in the county. If her eldest brother's job was lost, what would happen to her natal family? manage.

"Why did that shop sell? Isn't the business always very good?"

"The shopkeeper's daughter married a high-ranking official. The family wanted to develop in the imperial capital and be closer to their daughter, so they sold the shop here."

Xiaoer's heart moved after hearing this. According to the memory of the original owner, her cheap uncle was very good at carpentry. The animals carved for the three brothers and sisters were all very delicate and lifelike.

"Dad, let's take over that shop and open a furniture shop. I'll design the furniture and my uncle will be the shopkeeper."

"Open a furniture store?" Shen Chengyao and Mr. Liu looked at each other.

"But we are not familiar with furniture, and I don't know how to do carpentry." He didn't know much about the shop, so he couldn't help with the shop.

"It's okay if uncle knows. Dad, our family will definitely open more shops in the future. You don't need to know how to do everything. You just need to be able to see and use people. If you do everything yourself, Then there’s nothing you can do about it with your clone body and pan-magic technique!”

"The pony my uncle made for me looks real!" The only toy Jing Hao had before was the pony Liu Min Hongdiao gave him.

Shen Chengyao also thought his uncle's workmanship was good, "I'll ask his opinion tomorrow."

"Let's take a look at the store first and then ask." The family is familiar with this store. They have all been to the store to look for Liu Minhong.

"Yes, we need to sell off the shop." That shop is in a good location because it is a furniture business. It has a large area and has a backyard. The backyard has four main rooms, four east and west wing rooms, two wing rooms, and a row of back rooms. Because it is a furniture shop, the yard is very large, with enough space for carpentry work.

Liu Minhong came over early the next morning. He had no work to do now. It had only been a day since he returned to the village, but his mother and concubine looked like they didn't care about food and drink. He himself was not worried. He had good skills and good manners. People are not afraid of starving wherever they go. I originally planned to rest for two days before going to the city to find work, but when I heard that my sister's family was building a house, I immediately packed my bags and came to help.

As soon as Liu Minhong arrived at the village, he met Shen Chengyao who was about to go to the county.

"Brother, why are you here?"

"I'm free recently. I heard that your family is building another house, so I came over to help."

"Just in time, I'm just going to the county to take down the shop where you worked before. Let's go together. I just have something to discuss with you."

After hearing this, Liu Minhong was shocked. When did his brother-in-law's family become so rich that they could actually buy his boss's shop? It cost several hundred taels of silver. Could it be that he didn't know the price of the shop?

"Brother-in-law, it would cost five or six hundred taels to buy that shop." He also wanted to buy it. He dreamed of opening a shop by himself, but he didn't have enough capital.

"I know. Get in the car first and I'll tell you slowly."

Liu Minhong got on the bullock cart, and Shen Chengyao discussed how to make money after the family was divided. He discussed with the family last night how to sell the shop and let him be the shopkeeper. When it came to splitting the money 50-50, Liu Minhong refused.

"How can that be done? How can it be like this? I can just get six hundred wages per month. There is no need to give me any dividends."

Shen Chengyao wanted to persuade you again, but he stopped him, "Brother-in-law, I know you want to help me, but this really won't work. I won't agree. Stop talking. Besides, I won't even do the work in the shop. "

Shen Chengyao had no choice but to wait for his wife and children to persuade him.

When he came to the county, the shopkeeper was very happy to see that his former apprentice was planning to take over the shop with his brother-in-law to continue opening a furniture store. He also had feelings for this shop, and now his most admired apprentice was taking over. He Don't worry, it's a hundred taels cheaper, five hundred taels is enough, but the two of them are very happy.

When he got home, Shen Chengyao told him that the shop was a hundred taels cheaper. Everyone was happy again and praised his uncle for his greatness.

When it comes to dividends, Liu Minhong still refuses.

Seeing this, Xiaoer said: "Uncle, please don't refuse in a hurry. In fact, you are helping our family with this matter, not our family helping you. After the shop opens, dad will not have time to take care of it, and he is not very good at it. Almost all the work is done by my uncle, and we can say that we get a 50% dividend without doing anything. Moreover, my uncle also saved us a hundred taels today. The hundred taels can be regarded as uncle's investment in shares. From now on, we will all get five cents. Five cents. I will provide the shop with some furniture design drawings on a regular basis, and my uncle can make some good ones if he thinks of them. We all work together to make life better and better."

"No, how can I take advantage of my own girl? I..."

"Uncle, even if you don't agree, we are asking other people to share the dividends in this way, so that others can work harder to do a good job, so uncle, just agree, work harder, do a better job, and earn more money. , isn’t it the same?”

Liu Minhong didn't refuse after hearing this. He also knew that his brother-in-law and his family were helping him, and he would definitely not let them down. "I can't make some big furniture by myself. We have to hire people for our shop. I worked with him before." Some of the people I work with are good in character and skills, and I thought it would be better to do it in a raw way, so why don’t we invite them back to work together.”

After hearing this, everyone knew that he had agreed. Xiaoer hurriedly said: "Okay, the shop will choose people with the first priority in terms of character and second in craftsmanship. The person my uncle invites will be given 600 yuan for one month first. After three months, if It’s really good, we’ve raised the salary to one or two and a half a month, and there’s a commission.”

"One or two and a half a month, is the salary too high? What else is commission?" Liu Minhong felt that even the wages in Fucheng were not so high.

"The commission is the money earned by the clerk after selling each piece of furniture he made, and we give him a little bit of it. Just like this set of furniture was made by Master A and sold for 100 taels, we will give the master one tael of silver. First."

"Then a month's salary like this is very high, isn't it?" I'm afraid it may not be a few taels, or even a dozen taels.

"They deserve the high wages, and if the wages are high, others will work harder and harder."

Xiaoer took out a stack of paper with drawings of furniture, including wardrobes, bookcases, dining tables, wall cabinets, coffee tables, seats, sofas, screens, shoe cabinets, doors, windows, etc.

These are all designed by Xiaoer for the new house that is about to be completed. The design is exquisite and generous, practical and eye-catching, simple yet elegant.

Liu Minhong looked at the design drawing in his hand, his eyes widened, and he kept saying, "Okay, wonderful, it turns out it can be done like this."

"Uncle, my house is almost finished. I don't need to help anymore. You go back to the county to prepare for the opening of the shop and recruiting people. I'm counting on you for the furniture of my house!"

"Yes, we have to recruit people!" Otherwise it would be troublesome for them to find other jobs. He put down the dishes and wanted to go back to the county immediately.

"Finish your meal first, it's a rare occasion." Ms. Liu stopped her.

The third brother laughed when he saw his uncle saying that wind is rain.

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