Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 66 Preparation for opening

The toy shop will open tomorrow. Before dawn today, the two brothers Xiaoer and Jingrui took the village's ox cart to the county. A few days ago, Mr. Shen Zhuang announced that his family was not allowed to use ox carts anymore. The oxen were all thinned by their own use, so today they could only ride in the village's ox carts.

The house at home is about to be completed, and Shen Chengyao can't leave, so he can't accompany him. However, since he has already bought a shop in the county, Xiaoer's uncle is preparing to open the shop. If he can't go home in time, he can spend the night in the shop. , so Shen Chengyao was relieved that the three children would go to the county by themselves in a bullock cart.

When they came to the circle of friends, the shopkeeper immediately greeted them and saluted, "Miss, you two gentlemen."

Because Xiao'er often came over to solve some of the design drawings that the workers didn't understand when the shop was being renovated, so the shopkeeper became familiar with her after repeated visits.

"Uncle Fu, you don't have to be so polite every time. Have the toys been displayed?" Xiaoer asked with a gentle smile.

"It's all arranged neatly. Miss, let's see if there is anything that needs to be changed or prepared." Uncle Fu admired the little girl in front of him very much. Not only did she come up with everything in the shop, but the decoration of the shop was also different. The style of the tree is refreshing, not to mention that she also made those colored glazes! There are also some glazed cups for sale in the shop now.

I heard she was just a farm girl, but her mannerisms and conversation were nothing like her. She is not like the ladies of the world, and is a little more generous and forthright than the ladies in the boudoir. Everything he said and did was natural, unpretentious, elegant and courteous to the point of perfection.

Xiaoer nodded and responded with a smile. She took a look at the display of toys. They were all arranged neatly from large to small, row by row, on the shelf or table. Although it looked very neat, it was too It's rigid and lacks childlike interest and vitality.

Xiaoer walked around the shop and looked at all the counters.

It was the first time for Jing Rui and Jing Hao to see such a shop, and they felt that they couldn't see enough.

Xiaoer walked to the playground area and thought that she was still a child. Although she was a little too old to play with these amusement equipment, she just wanted to test whether these facilities were reliable.

"Brother, Hao'er, let's go up and try."

So the three brothers and sisters played on the slide, on the trampoline, on the swings, and shot baskets... They had a great time and laughed.

Uncle Fu was dumbfounded. Are you here to play?

When Di Zhaowei walked into the shop and heard laughter, he thought it was strange. When he walked to the amusement area and saw this scene, he couldn't help laughing.

"Are you guys here to play? Do you want any money?" Seeing them having fun, he felt itchy in his heart. These things looked novel and he had never played with them before.

When the three of them saw Di Zhaowei, they all shouted "Brother Di".

Xiaoer waved to him, "Brother Di, please come in and play. You are taller and heavy enough. Come and test whether these facilities are strong."

Di Zhaowei thought for a while and then waved his hand, "You can just try it. I am too old to play with these things!" However, I really want to try it.

"We are not heavy enough, come on up!" Xiaoer waved while jumping on the trampoline.

"That's right, let me give it a try." Di Zhaowei also took off his shoes and ran in to play.

De Xing said that he was not decent, but he obviously wanted to play, Xiaoer secretly laughed in his heart.

These facilities must be solid, and trying them is also an excuse for them to want to play. There is no way, this is the first time this thing has appeared in this dynasty, so they are naturally very interested in novel things.

The four of them played together for a while and stopped after sweating. Every pillar and every staircase in this playground is covered with a thick layer of cotton and wood bran, so it won’t hurt if you stumble. The aisles, single-plank bridges and other walking spaces on the upper level are all made of ropes. It is surrounded by a circle, so there is no risk of children accidentally falling while walking on it.

After putting on his shoes, Di Zhaowei said: "Children will definitely love to play in this playground."

Jing Hao nodded fiercely, "Yes, I want to come and play every day."

Di Zhaowei laughed loudly after hearing this, "Then you can come over and play every day."

Jing Hao frowned, feeling very distressed: "My home is a bit far from the county seat. Now I have to practice calligraphy every day and I'm busy practicing archery, so I don't have time."

"You can't rush when practicing archery. Haste makes waste. Only taking your time will yield results."

"How long do you have to practice before you can hit the target at once?"

"It depends on each person's qualifications, but it should take at least a few years."

"How many years? But I want to go hunting with my father next winter." A few years ago, the village would organize some men to go hunting in the mountains. His father went there every year, but this year he couldn't leave the house so he would go hunting. He had long wanted to He went with him, and his father said that if he could shoot a walking chicken next year, he would take him with him.

"Then come on!" Di Zhaowei patted him on the shoulder. Uncle Shen was trying to fool this kid.

"Didn't you say you were going back to the Imperial Capital?" Xiaoer fiddled with the toys on the two tables in front of the door.

"I'm leaving after this shop opens. Brother Shangguan is in a hurry to go back because he has something to do, and when he goes back, he can also see how the circle of friends in the imperial capital is decorated. These toys are well arranged, why are you messing with them?"

"It's so neat!" Xiaoer continued to play with different toys without raising her head. Put this one away, take a look at it from a distance, and if you are not satisfied, put it with another one. Anyway, it is holding different toys. Place it here and put it there until she is satisfied.

Some people think it's too neat, but this girl's ideas are different from ordinary people! Pulling Jin Rui and Jing Hao together, "Let's go to the accounting office. Brother Di will teach you how to read!"

Jingrui turned around and asked, "Does Xiaoer need help?"

Xiaoer shook her head, "No, you can have fun on your own!"

"Let's go. There's still a shopkeeper in the store. She won't be left without help. We don't know how to help, and we're still hindering her here."

After hearing this, the two brothers followed Di Zhaowei to the accounting room.

Xiaoer displayed toys in the shop. If the place was not high enough, Fu Bo would bring a herringbone ladder and climb up to play with it. This herringbone ladder was made by her uncle after she saw it was inconvenient for the decoration workers to use a straight ladder.

Although the task of displaying the toys was not a heavy one, it took two hours to display the toys in the entire shop, which made Xiaoer very tired.

Di Zhaowei looked at the rearranged toys. He felt that the whole shop seemed to come alive, as if he had entered the animal world, full of vitality, warmth, childishness and joy.

These toys are placed very humanely, including a piggy lying down and reading a book, a rabbit holding a carrot and eating it, a bear playing chess around the chessboard, friends chatting around, and arranging flowers...

Although the toys are not placed in a regular manner, they don't look messy. "Girl, anything in your hands can surprise people!"

Uncle Fu looked at the transformed shop and couldn't help but praise: "Young lady is really amazing. It feels very warm with this arrangement."

"The flower baskets made by Xiao'er are so beautiful in this shop!"

"Everything made by my sister is beautiful!" Jing Hao was not far behind, and he couldn't think of anything else to praise, so he could only say this.

“Several people couldn’t help laughing after hearing this.”

"Okay, let's eat first, I'm tired and hungry!"

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