Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 67 All sold out

Today is a market day in the county town, and there are many people walking on the streets early in the morning.

When the toy store opened, instead of following the traditional method of blowing up firecrackers to attract people, a stage was set up in front of the store.

There is a large turntable on the stage. The turntable is actually a bull's-eye. It is divided into many grids and each grid has words written on it. There are names of toys such as: large white rabbit, medium turtle, small caterpillar, etc. Of course, there are also words such as good health, growing up quickly, and doing it again.

A burst of gongs and drums attracted passersby to gather around, and Fu Bo stood on the stage as the host.

"Dear folks, if you pass by, don't miss it. Our store's Moments opened today, and we have decided to offer a big opening discount. All toys in it are discounted at 10%, and the playground area is half price. All consumption points are doubled, and anyone who buys anything in our store Everything can shoot a dart once, and any toy that hits the mark on the lucky wheel will be given to everyone for free, the quantity is limited, first-come, first-served!"

"Shopkeeper, what are points? What are points used for?"

"Shopkeeper, can you really give away whatever you shoot?"

"If you buy a toy worth 10 taels in Moments today, you will get 10 points. If you buy another 5 taels tomorrow, you will have 15 points. One tael of silver will earn you one point, and you will get 10 points for each purchase. There are as many points as there are taels of silver in total."

"Points can be exchanged for gifts. 100 points can be exchanged for a pair of cartoon sleeves, a small purse, etc. 1,000 points can be exchanged for a small-sized giraffe, etc. There is a points booklet in the shop. If you are interested, you can go in and ask. Our guys will take a look at it.”

"Yes, anyone who buys any goods in the shop will get a chance to shoot darts. Whatever you hit will be given as a gift. It's just like being healthy and growing up soon... This is just a comforting word, there is nothing to give as a gift. .”

"Mom, I want to shoot darts!"

"Let's go in and buy the cheapest one, and then come out and shoot darts!"

Of course, many people were dumbfounded when they entered. They asked the price of this one, ten taels, and that one, twenty taels, or even forty or fifty taels. The cheapest one cost one tael. Many people were daunted, but there were many wealthy people in the city, so the toys in the shop were all robbed at once, and the guys were busy moving to the warehouse to move the goods out.

From time to time, cheers and cries of disappointment came from the dart shooting area outside the door.

"This young man shot a large rogue rabbit. Please come up to the stage to receive your award."

"This lady shot for good health. I wish my lady good health. It doesn't matter if you don't get the toy. Come back next year."

"This little girl shot Tigger..."

Before noon, all the store's inventory was sold out.

There was only laughter and laughter in the playground.

The store clerk was asked when the goods would be available and why they were out of stock just after they opened.

Di Zhaowei walked around the counting room: "Uncle Fu, when will the goods in the shop be replenished at the earliest?"

He didn't expect the business to be so good. He had one to two hundred pieces of each toy in stock, but they were all sold out. The shop closed just half a day after it opened, which was unprecedented.


"I'm afraid it will take seven or eight days!" The embroiderer is making a rogue rabbit, but even the rogue rabbit can't open the door.

"Seven or eight days is too long!"

"Why don't we bring the freight from the Imperial Capital first..." There are still more than ten days before the Imperial Capital Friendship Circle opens.

"No, the Imperial Capital must prepare more goods." The Imperial Capital is a place where wealthy people gather, and one Imperial Capital store is comparable to several stores in these small counties.

"Yes, I almost forgot, Uncle Fu, hurry up and send a letter to the Imperial Capital to tell them about the opening here." If the shops in the Imperial Capital are sold out as soon as they open and need to be closed for a few days, then he and Shangguan Xuanyi will definitely Others’ faces turn green with laughter!

Only now does he realize that good business is also troublesome!

"Brother Di, the production you are responsible for is not good enough."

"Business is so good!"

"Oh~ it's a mistake to have too much business!"

Di Zhaowei glanced at Xiaoer sadly, "Girl, you are not kind. You laugh at you like this, Brother Di, and you don't think of a solution!"

"There are only a few people in the city who have enough money to afford it. Today they should be able to buy at a price of seven or eight, but gradually more people from other counties will come after hearing the news. First, they will bring the freight from the imperial capital to the emergency. Then we quickly hired more people here to work overtime, and the production team in the imperial capital also needed to expand and work overtime. I went back to the village and asked a few people who were good at needlework to help make the parts. In three days, I could deliver 500 pieces. "She works the parts together in the space and should be able to make a lot in one night.

"If you make it for people in the village, will the design of the toy be leaked?"

"The toys have all been sold, and others who want to steal them will definitely be able to steal them. We now need to make another batch faster than those people, so as not to lose potential customers because they are out of stock for too long, and then new products need to be prepared for the market. We need to increase production! Don’t let today’s situation happen again.”

After hearing this, Uncle Fu immediately went down to make arrangements.

When the shop opened, Di Zhaowei held a banquet at the Shangxuan. He originally wanted to introduce some dignitaries to Xiaoer, but Xiaoer gave up because he had to rush home because of something. Anyway, there will be many opportunities in the future.

Xiaoer went to the furniture shop first. The entire shop was being renovated, and Liu Minhong also led a few guys to make furniture quickly.

Xiaoer first communicated with several workers about the decoration problems, and then went to the backyard to say hello to Liu Minhong and call the Jingrui brothers home. She also had to rush to the town shopkeeper Yao to order some flower pots. , a good set of furniture coupled with some good decorations will attract more attention and desire to buy.

"Uncle, are you still busy?" Xiaoer asked in a low voice when she saw Liu Minhong and others were working attentively.

"Xiao'er is back. It's okay for the time being. But I want to invite one more person. His name is Shi Dalin. He used to work in this shop like me. His skills are very good. But later he got a strange disease. He was a doctor at night. If you don't see anything, you'll be fine during the day. The master's mother was worried about getting sick, and he himself was worried about infecting others, so he quit work and went home. The disease has not been diagnosed, but the people around him have not been infected. This man is diligent , honest, worth asking!"

Xiaoer nodded after hearing this, "It's okay for my uncle to make the decision. We have worked together, so we must know his character. Our shop must hire people with good character. As for his illness..."

"It's definitely not contagious. Don't worry. It's fine if I visit him often, and it's fine if his parents live in the same house with him." Liu Minhong cut off Xiaoer's words to guarantee.

Xiaoer laughed and said, "Uncle, don't worry. I know it's not contagious. I can probably guess what disease he has. Ask him to come to work. Maybe I can help him cure the disease."

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