Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 68 Having a car, a house and a shop

"You can cure her? Is this true?" It's not that he doesn't believe his niece, it's just that he was too surprised. His family found many doctors for him, but nothing could be done, and they spent all their money. If he hadn't refused, his father would have sold all his land to treat him.

But his family only has two acres of thin farmland.

"Well, I can't guarantee it, but I've heard about that disease. Some people are fine without taking medicine!" That person probably has night blindness, and just supplementing with vitamin A will be enough.

"If you don't take medicine, what should you do?" I haven't heard of a disease that can be cured without taking medicine.

"Just eat more pork liver, spinach and carrots."

"What is a carrot? A red radish?" Aren't radishes only white? Where to find red radishes? Isn’t this more difficult than finding a doctor to see a doctor and take medicine?

"Well, it can be considered a red radish. It is much smaller than the white radish. It seems to be a vegetable only found in the Western Regions. I also bought it in the town, and also bought its seeds. Someone must have grown it."

"There are really red radishes, can they be sold in the town?"

"It doesn't happen every day. I encountered it once by chance. Next time I see it, I will buy more for that uncle to eat."

"Okay, I'll thank you on his behalf." If he could really cure his friend's illness, he would be relieved and have a top-notch carpenter in his shop.

"It's just a piece of cake. I have to ask my elder brother and younger brother to go home. I have to go to town after I get back."

"Why don't you go back after eating first? Your aunt should have prepared it." Mrs. Tan and Mrs. Liu Lin have been in town these days to help cook for the workers in the decoration shop and furniture shop, leaving all the work at home to them. A child.

"Just bring some dry food to eat on the way. Cousin, why don't cousin and the others come over?"

"The chickens and pigs at home have to be fed. Your grandma and aunt will go back in the evening and come back early the next morning."

"How old are the pigs now?" Xiaoer remembered that her family was building a house and renovating the furniture shop, and she had to buy pork every day. She simply bought two pigs for her grandma's family and slaughtered them, which was more cost-effective.

"The pigs raised by my mother and your aunt weigh about 200 kilograms when sold at the end of each year. They should weigh more than 180 kilograms now."

"More than one hundred and eighty pounds is a big fat pig. I thought, now my family is also building a house and the shop is being renovated. I have to go to the market to buy meat every day. How about you sell the two pigs to me, uncle?" If you ask the butcher to slaughter you, you don’t have to buy meat every day. You can ask your aunt to raise the chickens in the backyard, and my grandma and aunt don’t have to run between the shop and the house.”

"Xiao'er is still smart, but uncle won't sell this pig to you. Tomorrow I will ask your aunt to ask someone to kill it, and then send one to your house. I will also keep one in the shop."

"That won't work. Then my aunt's work will be in vain for a year. At the end of the year, those two pigs can be sold at a better price. Now I will get a big advantage by buying them."

Farmers are busy all year long, hoping to save some money from selling pigs, but how can they get it for nothing?

"Xiao'er, don't be polite to uncle. That pig will be regarded as a housewarming gift from uncle in advance. If you really want to take advantage, it will be uncle who takes advantage. You can't refuse. Uncle should be angry."

"Then I'll buy one and my uncle will give one as a gift!"

"Girl, I'm really angry. Don't I want to eat the pig in the shop? I want to eat my own pig and have my niece give it to me. It doesn't make sense no matter where I say it!"

Seeing this, Xiaoer could only give up, "Uncle is so kind, so I'll accept it. Alas, in order for uncle not to be angry, I'll have to take a beating when I get home."

After hearing this, Liu Minhong laughed again, "If your parents dare to beat you, tell them to come to me!"

"Haha, I have a death-free medal!"

"What's the gold medal for immunity from death?" Jingrui asked when he came out and heard this.

"My uncle said that if my parents beat me, they should ask them to come to my uncle."

"Uncle, you are biased, but I also want a gold medal to avoid death!"

"I want it too!" Jing Hao also joined in the fun.

"It seems that my sister and brother-in-law often beat my three good nephews. I will definitely seek justice for you later!" Liu Minhong said deliberately seriously.

Jingrui: "Huh? No, my parents have never hit me."

Jing Hao: "I took the death-free medal just in case."

Xiaoer: "Fool, uncle is teasing us. Let's go home. I have to order flower pots and some pottery from Uncle Yao in the afternoon."

The three of them were not shopping and walked directly to the city gate. On the way, they met an old man selling: "Selling cows and bullock carts, only 10 taels in total..."

When Xiaoer saw it, she remembered that Shen Chengyao didn't have an ox cart when he went out recently, and he had to carry it home when he went to town to buy groceries, so he took the hands of the two brothers and walked over: "Old uncle, the total of the ox and the cart 10 taels?”

"Yes, little girl, do you want to buy it? Where are your parents?"

"My parents are at home. Old uncle, don't worry. My family just needs to buy cattle. I also have money with me. But today, only my three brothers and sisters came to the city. Old uncle needs to send us back home, otherwise we won't be able to buy them." Can’t drive.”

"Okay, no problem." He had to send his three children home quickly, and he had to rush back to the hospital to pick up medicine for his son. By the way, I paid back all the money I owed to the medical center, plus the money for the medicinal materials this time, it was exactly ten taels.

Alas, he sighed silently in his heart! I don’t know where to find the money for the next medicine.

Everything that can be sold at home is sold out.

Nowadays, an adult cow needs at least nine taels or ten taels.

This cow looks big and strong at first glance. It would usually be sold for more than ten taels, but now there is an ox cart that only sells for ten taels. It's really a good deal.

But people always sell at such a low price when they are in times of hardship and desperation.

The old man brought the people and the car to the entrance of the village, and Xiaoer and the other three got out of the car. Xiaoer gave the old man all the twelve taels in her purse.

"Old uncle, if you have more, just think of it as your fare to take us back."

The old man took it and opened it and took a look. It was all broken silver, and he didn't count it in detail, but ten taels were definitely enough. He put the money bag away and hurried to the county! It was only when he arrived at the hospital that he realized there were twelve taels. He thanked the Bodhisattva for a long time in his heart for allowing him to meet good people.

"Brother, you and your younger brother will take the oxcart home first, and I'll go to Uncle Yao's place." Her family now has a house, a car and a shop.

"I'll go with you." Jingrui was a little worried.

"No, it's so close. I can do it by myself. Brother and younger brother, please go home quickly and feed the cow something to eat. It should be hungry." After that, she waved her hand and walked towards the town.

Arriving at Changsheng Porcelain Kiln, shopkeeper Yao felt as happy and excited as he saw the God of Wealth Grandpa when he saw Xiaoer coming in.

"Niece, you're here. Uncle Yao has something to talk to you about. Let's go into the backyard and talk." Shopkeeper Yao brought Xiaoer to the last counting room.

"The three types of porcelain you painted last time were very popular. Niece, do you still have the design drawings?" Shopkeeper Yao took out the three sets of porcelain and showed her the results of her designs.

It is also an honor for me to be able to help Uncle Yao. "Xiao'er picked up a cup and turned it around. After a look, it was white, shiny, noble and elegant, and the colors were in place.

Sure enough, it is beautiful, elegant and solemn, which makes people feel happy.

"I have a set of matching tableware and tea sets here that I want to customize for my family to use after moving to a new home. There are also some vases, flower pots and some porcelain decorations that are also customized."

Xiao'er handed a stack of design drawings to shopkeeper Yao, "Uncle Yao, we have two sets of custom-made tableware and tea sets. As for vases, flower pots and other porcelain decorations, we will order 50 of each style first." This is the opening of the furniture shop. To give as gifts or to sell.

"Girl, my young master said that he wants to cooperate with you. You design some ceramic products for the shop regularly, and everything you design will give you a 20% bonus. What do you think?" This is also the young master's desire to retain talents and prosper. The porcelain kiln was the first step to become the first porcelain kiln in the Minze Dynasty.

Xiao'er was a little surprised when she heard this. She didn't expect that this young master could make such a big decision from just three types of porcelain. The 20% bonus was far more than 500 taels. If it is done well and sold nationwide or even exported to other countries, it is possible to get a 20% bonus of 50,000 taels, and the ceramic industry can also make huge profits. This young master has such an idea, which shows that he is a person who cherishes talents.

"Niece, this is a good thing that you can't find even with a lantern. The 20% bonus must be more than a few hundred taels. If you have the confidence to do it, Uncle Yao thinks you should agree."

Shen Chengyao was his savior, and he also wanted to repay him, so when he saw Xiaoer didn't say anything, he sincerely reminded him.

"Thank you, Uncle Yao. I agree to this, but can you first limit your cooperation to one year?"

"Let me ask the young master first. The young master will be here tomorrow. How about you come tomorrow morning?"

"Okay! I'll come back tomorrow!"

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