Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 69 People from other counties

Before going home, Xiaoer bought some baskets and sacks from the grocery store and put them in the space so that he could take out the things in the space at any time.

She followed the directions during the day and walked to the deserted alley. When she passed by the second-hand shop, she found that the shop was closed with the words "For Sale ~ Shunyi Yaxing" posted on the door.

Xiao'er was not surprised at all to see the shop closed. Based on the shopkeeper's attitude towards doing business, she was surprised that it was still open!

She originally wanted to go to the dental shop to inquire about how to sell this shop, but thinking that she was just a child now, she might as well come over with Shen Chengyao tomorrow.

The location of this shop is average, but if the price is right, it would be good to buy it first and open a mill or blacksmith shop. It happened that my fourth uncle was working in the blacksmith shop, so when it opened, I asked him to manage it.

In this dynasty, salt was monopolized by the government, but iron had been relaxed and the iron tax system began. If you ask Shangguan Xuanyi or Di Zhaowei to help you get an iron guide, you should be able to open an ironware shop.

When Xiaoer was about to pass by an alley, she heard a familiar voice.

"I don't know you. If you don't leave, I will report you to the police."

"That's your niece, how could you not save her!"

A strange woman's angry voice sounded.

Xiaoer stopped unconsciously and took a sneak peek.

"What about my niece? My niece has been abducted and trafficked a long time ago! Don't talk nonsense here!"

"My eldest brother said it to me personally before he died. You don't have to admit it!" The woman grabbed Shen Chengguang's sleeve and stopped him from escaping.

"Where are you from, crazy lady? I've never seen you! I don't know your brother either! If you don't leave, I'll call the police to arrest you!" Shen Chengguang shook off the woman's hand and walked quickly towards the alley.

Seeing this, Xiaoer ran away quickly and entered the nearest shop, pretending to buy something.

Shen Chengguang left quickly, as if there was a beast chasing behind him!

The woman was thrown out, lying on the ground and couldn't help crying!

She really had no choice. Her eldest brother and sister-in-law passed away early, leaving behind two children. The family was poor and her mother-in-law did not want to raise these two children.

Although the two children are well-behaved and sensible, they are frail and sick, and the family has no money to buy them medicine and medical treatment.

Someone came here some time ago and told her that the two children were not her eldest brother's biological son, but just picked up. The girl's uncle opened a grocery store in this town, and her biological parents were in Lianxi Village.

When her mother-in-law found out, she even wanted to send the two children away, or else she would divorce her.

She was also desperate. Although her mother's family would be divorced if she did this, her husband's family was really poor and did not want to support two more unrelated people, so she came to give it a try.

She didn't know if what the man said was true.


Isn't it really true? If anyone heard that his niece was about to die of illness, he wouldn't do anything to save her!

After Shen Chengguang returned home, he immediately pulled Lan back to his room and told the woman what he had said to her at the grocery store!

"Then both of them are dead? No one is raising Yun'er now?" Lan frowned after hearing this.

"That's what the woman means. Do you think we should bring Yun'er back?"

"No!" Lan refused immediately.

Shen Chengguang wanted to take Yun'er back. He also knew that the third child would occasionally go to the Yamen to inquire about information.

Seeing that Shen Chengguang couldn't bear it, Lan couldn't help but worry a little, "Will you agree?"

"No, I haven't come back to discuss it with you yet." Shen Chengguang shook his head. He subconsciously felt that he couldn't admit it.

Lan breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, "Dad Wen'er, it's not that I don't want to take her back. If what happened back then were exposed, Wen'er would no longer want to be an official!"

This was also the reason for his hesitation.

"If Yun'er still remembers the matter, she will tell the story when she comes back. Third uncle has already filed a record at the Yamen. When Yun'er comes back to clear the case, what do you think third uncle's temperament will say!" Lan held Shen Chengguang's hand.

The third couple's characters are the most upright and honest! And when he is angry, he will definitely not care what he says.

no! Can't take it back.

Shen Chengguang held Lan's hand back and said, "Listen to me, madam, the biggest thing for our Shen family is to shine!" All other things are insignificant compared to this. This is what Mr. Shen has taught him since he was a child.

"What about that woman?"

Lan thought for a while and then said: "I gave you some money to spend, but we won't admit it, and there's nothing she can do about it!"

"If you are a bully, you will accept death! Then find a few local ruffians to scare you, and you will definitely leave!" Lan added after a pause.

"Then I'll take care of it so she doesn't talk nonsense everywhere!"

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

"This aunt!" Xiao'er came to the woman's side after Shen Chengguang walked away.

The woman heard the shouting, wiped her tears with her sleeves, raised her head, "There's something wrong, little girl..."

The woman was stunned. How could this little girl and Wen Yue look so similar to each other? If you look closely at the facial features, they are not similar, but at first glance they feel very similar.

It's just that Wenyue is much darker and thinner than her.

"The man who just left is my uncle."

"Are you her niece? No wonder they look so similar!" Since they are both nieces and look so similar, Wen Yue may be this little girl's sister.

Hope was rekindled in the woman's heart!

"Little girl, did you have a sister in your family who was given to someone else for adoption when she was a child?" Because the woman was married far away, she didn't know the inside story of that year. She didn't even know that the two children were not her eldest brother's biological children before. ask.

In this era, many families that have several girls will give one or two girls to others to raise. There are even some cruel parents who directly treat their newborn daughters like cats and dogs, find a deserted place and throw them away casually!

After hearing what the man said, she asked Wen Yue, and she also said, "The family was too poor to raise so many girls, so we gave her away."

"My family doesn't give away any girls to others. My parents love their children very much and won't let them go."

The hope raised by the woman was extinguished again! Although Wenyue looks a lot like this little girl, anyone familiar with her can tell that their facial features are not similar.

"However, my sister did disappear a few years ago! I heard that she was taken away by human traffickers."

"My eldest brother is not a human trafficker! My eldest brother and sister-in-law are both honest and kind-hearted people!" The woman, worried that her eldest brother would be misunderstood, announced loudly while shaking her head and waving her hands in a panic!

Taken away by human traffickers? Her eldest brother and sister-in-law are definitely not human traffickers.

So where did Wenyue come from? Did she buy it for a trafficker? Then who was the person who told her about Wenyue's family? How does he know about the child?

She's a little dizzy, what should she do now? Is Wen Yue a child of this family?

"Auntie, please get up first. I know that your elder brother and sister-in-law are not human traffickers. Can we talk somewhere else?" This is not a good place to talk.

After hearing this, the woman stood up and followed Xiaoer out.

"What's your name, aunt? Where are you from?"

"My husband's surname is Li, and everyone calls me Fang. I am from Lijia Village, Shijing Town, Yundong County." The surname is Fang. The man's surname is Fang. As for Yundong County, I have never heard of it!

"Why did Aunt Fang come to see my uncle? And why did she ask me if I had a sister who was raised by someone else when she was a child?"

"My eldest brother has a pair of children named Wenri and Wenyue. Some time ago, someone told me that neither of them is my eldest brother's biological child. Wenyue is the niece of the owner of Shen Ji Grocery Store in this town. Now that my eldest brother and sister-in-law are gone, my family I am poor and cannot afford to raise so many children, so I want to send them back to their biological parents. I also want to leave a descendant for my natal family, but it is really difficult for my family. If I continue to raise children from my natal family, , my mother-in-law will divorce me! My children can only eat half full, and I really can’t take care of them. Will you take them over and raise them? "

"Who told you?" Xiaoer did not answer the question.

"I don't know her. She just asked me to take the child back to this grocery store or to the Shen family in Lianxi Village. That's her biological parents' home."

Who is helping their family? If you want to help, why don't you just tell her the news about Yun'er? Xiaoer shook his head. He would know when he should know. Business is more important now!

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