Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 70 The truth comes to light

"Auntie, is your eldest brother also from Yundong County?"

"No, my natal family is from Wanhe County, which is relatively close to here. My eldest brother and sister-in-law came to my family more than three years ago."

It's that couple, so that's right.

"Why are my aunt's eldest brother and sister-in-law not here?"

"My eldest brother died of illness due to overwork. My sister-in-law lost her will to live after his death. She was infected with cold and refused to see a doctor. She also went there soon after. It's a pity that the two children have lost their parents since they were young."

She became ill due to overwork, and her family's financial situation must have deteriorated. Yun'er must have suffered a lot, but the original owner also suffered a lot in the Shen family, and even died in the end, so it's hard to tell whether it was a blessing or a curse. .

"My aunt's home is so far away from her parents' home. Why don't she come home very often?" Otherwise, she wouldn't have known that her sister-in-law had been infertile for many years and the couple had raised a pair of twins.

"Yes, I came back once in the first year after getting married in so many years." Later, because I usually had two children every three years, it was not convenient for me to travel far away while pregnant with my child. Later, I had more children, more work at home, and my parents-in-law I didn't agree to go back to my parents' home, and the journey was too long, so I didn't go back.

"Auntie, I will take you to an uncle's house first, and then I will go back to the village and ask my father to come over. If it is confirmed that Wen Yue is my sister, our family will take her home."

"Brothers and sisters Wenyue and Wenri have a very good relationship. Can your family adopt Wenri as well?" Seeing the little girl's well-dressed clothes, Mrs. Fang felt that her family must be well off. If they could adopt Wenri as well, , she was relieved.

"Let's talk about this later, or maybe he doesn't want to come to my house." Xiaoer didn't agree. Who knows what the character of the man named Wenri is like. She doesn't mind raising one more person, but taking home People, their character must pass the test.

And since her eldest brother entrusted the person to her and she agreed, no matter how difficult it was, it was still her responsibility. Why should she pass the responsibility to the person in order to avoid being divorced!

Xiaoer brought the woman to Shopkeeper Yao. Taking her home directly, Shen Chengguang realized that he would look for her soon. If he couldn't find her, he would definitely return to the village. But if you take her to the inn, you worry that the woman will leave on her own, and it will be a waste of time and manpower to look for her again.

Shopkeeper Yao was not only surprised to see Xiaoer coming back.

"My niece forgot something and came back again?"

"Uncle Yao, this is Aunt Fang. Can you let her live in your house first? I'll go back and call my parents over to discuss anything with her!"

"What's the problem? I'll ask your aunt to arrange it!" After saying that, he called a waiter and asked him to go to the backyard to invite Mrs. Liang out.

"Thank you, Uncle Yao. I'll go back to the village first."

"Don't worry, I will definitely help you entertain the guests." Shopkeeper Yao assured him, patting his chest.

"Aunt Fang, you take a rest here first. I will go home immediately and call my parents over. Then I will tell them what you know."

Fang felt a little uneasy, but she still nodded. This was her last chance. She didn't want to be divorced, but she couldn't bear to have her two children living on the streets.

"Niece, let me have someone take you back to the village."

Xiaoer nodded after hearing this: "Thank you, Uncle Yao."

Xiaoer returned to the village, got off the car at the end of the village, rewarded the driver with two cents, called Shen Chengyao to his new house, and went back home with him.

arrive home.

Ms. Liu is preparing dinner in the kitchen.

"Mom, come to the house first!" Xiaoer stood at the kitchen door and waved to Mrs. Liu.

"What's wrong?"

Mrs. Liu put down the kitchen knife, washed her hands in the basin, and wiped her hands on her apron before walking out of the kitchen.

Returning to the house, Xiaoer closed the door: "Dad, Mom, I was in the town just now and I accidentally saw my uncle talking to a woman..."

Xiaoer said exactly what she heard Shen Chengguang and Aunt Lu saying in the town.

"What about the woman? Does she mean Yun'er?" Shen Chengguang stood up so excited that he even overturned the stool.

"Why don't you save me?! What happened to Yun'er?" Mrs. Liu was extremely worried, and she was sure that the niece the woman mentioned was Yun'er!

"Father, mother, please don't get excited! Listen to what I have to say! I've entrusted Uncle Yao to take care of Aunt Fang."

"Why don't you just take it home?"

"We are not sure that it is Yun'er, and the uncle has denied it, right? If I take her home and the uncle finds out, wouldn't there be complications?"

Xiaoer comforted the two of them and continued to tell her conversation with Aunt Fang.

"I'll go to Brother Yao first!" Shen Chengyao couldn't wait any longer. He wanted to ask the matter clearly now! He wants to take his daughter home now!

"I'm going too! Wait for me!" Mrs. Liu also stood up quickly, went to the cabinet to find a quilt, and wrapped the little girl up.

Xiaoer grabbed the anxious two people and said, "Father, mother, are you both going?"

Shen Chengyao regained his senses, "Yes, Xiao'er's mother, the house is almost finished, so we can't leave it alone. Yundong County is far away from here. It takes at least half a month to go back and forth!"

"But..." She really wanted to see her daughter for the first time and take her home in person!

"If it is really Yun'er, I will definitely bring her home safely! There are several children at home, how can we ignore them." After all, Shen Chengyao is a man and is more sensible.

Mrs. Liu gave up after hearing this, "Then I will wait for you to come back at home. Our new house should be built by then. It will be a double happiness!"

Thinking of this, Mrs. Liu felt a lot happy.

"Dad, it's not appropriate for you and Aunt Lu to pick someone up alone."

After hearing this, the couple realized that it was inappropriate for a man and a woman to go to another county together without being intimate with each other. If that were the case, then there would be no need for Aunt Lu's reputation.

"Xiaoer's father, I'll go pick him up, you stay at home."

"No, you, a woman, go to such a far place, and you are not familiar with the place. What should I do if something unexpected happens!"

"You can't go, and I can't go, so what should I do?"

"Father and mother, let's go together. My brother and I are at home, and my fourth uncle is also back. If there is anything at home that needs an adult's help, just ask my fourth uncle to help!"

"Yes, let the fourth brother take care of you first, and I'll go talk to the fourth brother." As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Chengyao ran out.

"I'll pack up the gifts first. I guess your father will have to leave tonight!"

"I'm going to prepare some food for my parents!" After saying that, Xiao'er also went back to her room.

After returning to the room, she entered the space, filled two gourds of space water and a small gourd of worry-free liquid, picked two more leaves of the worry-free tree, made twenty pills, and picked four more worry-free fruits. Make pills, then put everything into a package, then make some beef jerky and pork jerky, and a dozen meat buns in the kitchen of the space, wrap these things, and grab a dozen apples, Then wrap everything together in a bundle.

Since the kitchen was established, when the number of animals raised in the space ranch reaches a certain number, the animals that are too many will be automatically slaughtered and stored in the kitchen refrigerator, and all kinds of meat will be arranged in categories. The rice harvested in the space will automatically turn into rice and be stored in the rice vat, and the wheat will automatically turn into flour. After Xiaoer learned about this function, she couldn't be more satisfied!

Xiaoer left the space and returned to Mrs. Liu's room. Then she opened the bag and took out the small package containing the worry-free fruit. "Mom, this is what my master gave me. These two gourds of water are for you and dad." To quench your thirst on the road, these twenty pills are for treating injuries. If you have cold or other diseases on the road, take this pack of pills three times a day, once every two hours, one pill at a time. This I bought fruits, dried meat and meat buns in the town, and my mother would eat them when she was hungry on the road!"

"Keep the pills your master gives you for yourself. If your parents are not at home, you can take them if you get sick. Mother will feel more at ease." The medicine given by Master Xiaoer must be a panacea, or is it? It’s better to leave it to your children as a precaution.

"I still have some, mom, just take it!" Xiaoer rewrapped the things and handed them to Liu.

"Mother, are you okay? Let's go." Shen Chengyao has already hitched the newly bought ox cart today.

"Have you spoken to your parents in the upper room?"

"I told you, I have to go to the neighboring county to work for a few days, and you can also get a job as a cook." Shen Chengyao touched his head in embarrassment. It was the first time he lied to his parents, and he felt guilty.

Ms. Liu glanced at him, she was not too stupid to be saved!

"Then what did parents say?"

"You didn't say anything, just let us go with peace of mind. The family will help take care of it. Let's go quickly!" Shen Chengyao felt quite touched when he thought of this. His parents would still take care of him.

What he didn't know was that Mrs. Shen Zhuang was worried that the stall where he was buying land to build a house was too big and he wouldn't have enough money to ask her for it. When she heard that he was going to work, she sent him there quickly.

"Xiao'er, tell your brother and younger brother that your parents will be back soon with your sister."

"Okay, parents, don't worry, we will take care of ourselves."

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