Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 71 Questioning

When it got dark, Shen Chengguang returned to the village. Mr. Shen was very happy to see his eldest son coming home, but he was worried about what happened to him coming back from the town so late.

"Why is Chengguang coming home so late? Have you eaten? Old lady, go check to see if there is any food in the pot! If not, hurry up and make some!"

"Wherever there is any leftover food, I'll make some egg noodles!" After hearing this, Mrs. Shen Zhuang prepared to get off the kang.

"I've eaten, so Mom doesn't have to do any work. I just dreamed about my parents sleeping without a quilt when I went to bed last night. I missed my parents, so I went home to see them. The weather has gotten a lot colder recently, Dad! Mom, remember to sleep at night. Heat the kang to make it warmer." Shen Chengguang hurriedly stopped Mr. Shen Zhuang.

"Dad knows, don't worry about being cold." The eldest son was worried that his parents would be cold even when he was sleeping. He was so filial, and the smile on Mr. Shen's face turned into a chrysanthemum.

"My second brother went south and hasn't come back yet?" Shen Chengguang glanced at the east wing.

"No, just listen to the second brother and hurry up."

"Where's the third child? Stay at home. I'll go find the third and fourth children for a drink." Shen Chengguang was worried at first, but seeing that neither Mr. Shen nor Mr. Shen Zhuang mentioned that anyone had been here, he felt relieved.

"The third child was not at home. He came to the room in the evening and said he was going on a long trip. He went out without even eating dinner."

After hearing this, Shen Chengguang became nervous again, "Where are you going when you travel far? Is someone looking for him?"

"Where can I go! Buy land, build a house, spread a stall so big, go work and make money! The third brother and his family have gone there, saying that the wages there are high! If the third brother asks you to borrow money in the future, you will be Don't agree! After building his house, he doesn't even know how much he will owe!" Mrs. Shen Zhuang was very dissatisfied. Shen Chengyao spent all his money to buy land and build a house. With so much money, not a penny came into her pocket. ! If it weren't for the separation of the family and Mr. Shen's suppression, she would have made a fuss long ago!

The day before yesterday, she went to the village to see the house, and she felt a little uncomfortable. At the same time, she did not believe that Shen Chengyao was capable of building such a magnificent house. When she first saw the house, she was angry that the third child didn't give her the money to build the house. But then she thought about this, and now she's worried that the third child's family will come and ask her for the money!

It is true that if you raise a child for a hundred years, you will have to worry for ninety-nine years! Mr. Shen Zhuang sighed in his heart!

If Xiaoer knew what Shen Zhuang was thinking, she would probably burst into laughter!

"Dad, have any strangers come to see me today?"

Old Shen was a little surprised that Shen Chengguang asked this, and shook his head, "No, who would come to see the third child? Are you here for this?"

"Where is dad going? How do I know who will come to see the third child? I just..." Shen Chengguang rolled his eyes, "I just heard in the town that women from other counties came to deceive people in the name of looking for part-time labor. Going to mine private mines, I’m worried that the third child will fall into the trap!”

"That can't be true... Yuzhu, go to the west wing and call the children from the third family over." After hearing this, Mr. Shen also became a little worried.

Shen Yuzhu reluctantly got off the kang and pouted. Right at the door of the upper room, he shouted: "Jing Rui, Jing Hao, come to the upper room!"

Xiaoer heard the roar in the room and came out, "Sister-in-law, what's the matter?"

"Call your brother. Your brother comes to the upper room. My father has something to ask you!" Shen Yuzhu glanced at Xiaoer, left a word and returned to the upper room.

At this time, Jingrui and Jinghao also came out. The three of them looked at each other and walked to the upper room.

"Master, grandma, uncle, sister-in-law" the three of them greeted the four people on the kang together.

"Rui'er, Hao'er, come and sit on the kang, Xiao'er also sit down!" Mr. Shen patted the seat next to him.

Jing Rui and Jing Hao walked over and sat down. Xiaoer sat down at his usual spot under the kang. Mr. Shen didn't ask him to sit on the kang, and besides Shen Yuzhu and Shen Baoer, there was no other Shen family member on the kang in the upper room. Women are eligible to sit through it.

"Rui'er, how did your father know that there was a job in another county?"

"My uncle said that the shop where my uncle worked before closed down, so he went there to work for a few days. There was still a shortage of people there, so he thought of his father. He asked for leave and wanted to call his father to join him. But my uncle said that I My mother's cooking is delicious, but there is also a shortage of cooks there, so I called my mother." Xiaoer had already confessed to the two brothers.

"Did your uncle ever tell you what he did for a living?"

"They are going to build a house for a wealthy family. My uncle is a carpenter. My father will probably build a house, and my mother will cook!"

"Has a woman come to see your father today?"

"Yes, Aunt Fu came to see my parents."

"I mean the strange woman."

Jingrui shook his head, "No, my father and I have been at the new house all day, and we haven't seen any strangers coming. Besides, why is a strange woman looking for my father?"

"I walked around the village for a long time in the afternoon and didn't see any strange women. Don't worry." He also knew that Lao San's uncle was as kind-hearted as Lao San's family. Since he had already gone there, he would come back again. If you call her Shen Chengyao, you can't go wrong.

"Why did the uncle ask if a strange woman came to see my father?" Xiaoer looked directly at Shen Chengguang, his eyes seemed to be penetrating, and except for the person being stared at, no one else would feel this way.

Under Xiaoer's gaze, Shen Chengguang felt inexplicably nervous and avoided Xiaoer's gaze in a panic, "No, I'll just ask."

"Ask whatever you want, but you must ask a strange woman, not a strange man?"

Mr. Shen didn't like Xiaoer's attitude when talking to Shen Chengguang: "Your uncle heard in the town that a woman from another county came to deceive people into mining private mines in the name of looking for day laborers. He asked because he was worried about your father. Don't. You don’t know the heart of a good person! Well, since your father is fine, you should go back to the west wing." He was upset when he saw it.

Don’t you know good people’s hearts? Xiaoer sneered in her heart. If he really regarded him as a good person, the whole family would still be counting the money for him after being sold!

After listening to Mr. Shen's words, the three of them said good night to them and left to go to the room.

Although Shen Chengguang felt relieved, he still felt vaguely uneasy. He couldn't sleep well until he found the woman and resolved the matter. He had to go back to town to discuss it with Lan.

"Father, mother, you guys should go to bed early, I have to open a shop tomorrow, so I'm going back to town first!" After that, he left in a hurry.

"It's getting so late, why don't we go back early tomorrow?"

"No, I still have to settle today's accounts!" Shen Chengguang's voice came from outside the hospital.

"The boss is also working hard. He is so busy every day that his feet never touch the ground. It seems to me that he has lost weight again." Mr. Shen looked at his eldest son and sighed.

Shen Yuzhu rolled her eyes, her eldest brother has gained some weight, okay?

The three brothers and sisters returned to the west wing.

"Sister, do you think uncle believes it?" Jing Hao sat back at the table and started practicing calligraphy.

Xiaoer picked up the sewing basket and continued to work on making toys, "It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. We just wanted to see what he would do and let dad see his true face more clearly."

It's better not to believe it, then he won't have to have a good sleep these days. He will take his brother's daughter to make amends. He has slept peacefully for too many years.

"The weather seems to be getting colder and colder! Dad, are you traveling all night?"

"Tianbai, will it snow in the next few days?" Xiaoer asked in her heart after hearing this.


Fortunately, otherwise it would be troublesome to travel!

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