Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 72 Looking for help

In the early morning of the next day, the air was much colder. When Xiaoer walked out of the room, the breath she exhaled from her nose turned into a white mist. She first went to the kitchen to boil a pot of hot water for Jing Rui and Jing Hao to wash up after they got up.

At this time, everyone in the Shen family was still asleep. She safely took out a plate of fried dumplings and a pot of lean meat porridge for breakfast in the space kitchen, then changed the plates and pots, and then Let it warm in the stove.

Then she sat next to the stove and started sewing toys under the light of the fire. At the same time, she filtered what she had to do today in her mind: After a while, Uncle Fu should send some of the materials for the toys over, and she had to ask the village chief’s wife and her own The fourth aunt helped find some women who were good at needlework to help with the work; then she had to rush to town again.

After a while, Jing Rui and Jing Hao both got up and walked into the kitchen to see Xiaoer already sewing toys.

Jing Rui felt a little guilty. As an elder brother, he had to wake up later than his younger sister. He really shouldn't have done it. He made up his mind to get up earlier tomorrow morning to make breakfast for his younger siblings.

"Why did Xiao'er get up so early? It's so cold. Just stay in bed and I'll make breakfast."

"What kind of breakfast did sister make? It smells so good!"

Xiaoer turned back and glanced at the two of them, "Brother, brother, the hot water has been boiled in the pot. Quickly freshen up and let's have breakfast. I'm already hungry."

After hearing this, the two of them quickly washed up.

The three of them had breakfast, Jing Rui and Jing Haochen were reading, while Xiaoer brought a large bowl of lean meat porridge to Shen Chengzu's house.

"Fourth uncle, fourth aunt is up?"

"Get up, come right away!" Shen Chengzu's voice came from inside, and then he heard footsteps, and then the door creaked open.

Xiaoer handed over the porridge, "Fourth uncle, I cooked the lean meat porridge for you to try to warm your body."

Shen Chengzu hurriedly took the steaming porridge, "Don't serve something so hot next time. What if it gets hot!"

Mrs. Lu had just helped Shen Jingjie put on his cotton-padded clothes, "Xiao'er got up so early and made porridge. She is really more diligent than the fourth aunt!"

The prosperity of the third brother's family is not accidental. It seems that even a seven-year-old child is so diligent that adults feel inferior. It seems that I will have to be more diligent and frugal in the future, and my life will always get better and better.

"Fourth aunt is laughing at me. It's not usually that early. My parents are not at home today and I have a lot to do, so I got up early." Xiaoer walked into the room and teased the sleepy Jing Jie.

"Jie'er hasn't gotten up yet. Third sister has cooked meat porridge. It's delicious. If you don't get up and wash your face, you won't have anything to eat!"

"Mom, I want to eat meat porridge, give me the rest." When Jing Jie heard that there was meat porridge to eat, he immediately jumped out of bed and ran out after saying that.

Mrs. Lu shook her head, "This kid can run faster than a rabbit when he sees food. I would be relieved if he could be half as sensible as you."

"Jie'er is still young. Besides, being able to eat is a blessing!" Xiao'er felt that Jing Jie's personality was lovable in the Shen family. Compared to his other cousins, he is at least more normal. He has the innocence, liveliness, and shyness of a child.

Lu smiled after hearing this.

"Fourth Aunt, do you know that there are some aunts in the village who are good at needlework?"

"There are several people in the village who are good at needlework. What's wrong? Do you have anything to do? Just Aunt Four help you."

"No, Mr. Shangguan needed help making a batch of toys, so I took the next step. I thought it would be good to ask an aunt in the village to make some toys together, so that I could earn some change and buy flowers for the New Year."

"This is a good thing. If I tell the village, many people will be willing to do it."

"I just want to find some aunts with better personalities. If I do this job well, I will definitely have to do it again in the future. This requires the person who does it to have a good character, otherwise what will be done will be leaked and spread. Or it’s bad to covet other people’s things, so let’s avoid getting into trouble, right?”

"Yes, yes, you can't just look for it. Let me think about it and I will definitely handle it for you."

"How about Aunt Blessed and Aunt Dashu's sewing?"

"Their needlework is pretty good. You can see that the patches on Uncle Fu and Uncle Dashu's clothes are almost invisible. Yes, Wenhui's needlework is also pretty good, so I have to count her among them. And Mrs. Xie, the eldest uncle,... …”

"Fourth Aunt, you will distribute the materials to them when the time comes, and I will ask my brother to record how much each person takes. The wages are calculated by the piece, one penny for ten parts." Xiaoer took out a rogue rabbit come out.

"Just like this rabbit, what I might sew for you is just ears or rabbit feet. If you sew ten ears or rabbit feet, including stuffing them with cotton, you can earn a penny!"

"Ten ears equal one penny, is it true?" This money is so easy to earn! Mrs. Lu was a little excited. She could sew hundreds of them in one day! How much money will you earn in that day?

"It's not necessarily because the ears are so small, it may be because the belly is so big. Anyway, the young and old are all worth ten cents!"

"I understand, girl Xiao'er, this is a simple job. Is the quantity large? Are you in a hurry? You shouldn't need many people, right?" Mrs. Lu wanted to finish it by herself.

"Well, the quantity is quite large. I need it urgently. If you are all quick-footed people, a few will do. Let's find a few people first. If we don't have enough, we will find more later! We will still have to do this job in the future. Don't worry, Fourth Aunt .”

After hearing this, Madam Lu felt relieved, "Where are the things? Ask your fourth uncle to move them over, and I'll find someone right away!"

"Fourth Aunt, let's have breakfast first. Don't worry, the things probably haven't been delivered yet. I asked someone to deliver them to my new house at the end of the village."

"Okay, why are you in a hurry? Hurry and fill your stomach before you have the strength to work. Xiaoer's porridge is really delicious."

"Yes, you have to eat first!" After hearing this, Mrs. Lu immediately ate the porridge, but she didn't taste anything.

Xiaoer couldn't help but smile.

"Sister, the carriage has arrived. Let's go to the village!" Jing Hao ran in panting. After breakfast, he went to the village to wait for the delivery carriage.

"Fourth Aunt, I'm going to the village head first. After you've eaten, come over here!" Xiaoer left the words and hurried to the village head.

"Wo Hao Le, Den Den Wo..." Mrs. Lu finished the porridge in the bowl in a few seconds, threw down the bowl, and chased out.

Shen Chengzu looked at the bowl spinning on the table and was dumbfounded! When did my wife become so arrogant?

The contents of the two carriages were delivered by Uncle Fu himself. After Xiaoer asked the coachman to move the things to the concierge of the new house, Uncle Fu took his leave. There was still a lot of work waiting for him to do in the county shop.

Xiaoer opened a bag, which contained a sample. She opened all the bags again, knowing in her mind that the fabrics were made according to the pattern, and then told Madam Lu that those bags were made according to that pattern, and how much cotton should be stuffed, and made one on the spot to show Madam Lu. .

"It's best for the fourth aunt to only give one sample to each of them, so that they don't make mistakes."

"Okay, I understand. I will make a few of each sample and give them to each of them to follow."

Xiaoer nodded, "Then I'll leave it to you, Fourth Aunt. The things will be put here. If you find someone, bring someone over to pick them up. They have to hand them back at noon tomorrow. Let them get as much as they can! Don't be greedy for too much. You still have to do something in the future, don’t delay this time because you received too much and can’t finish it.”

"Don't worry, I understand. I'm going to find someone first." Madam Lu ran towards the village again. Work quickly, the extra moment you work will earn you an extra penny!

"Brother, please wait and register later. I have to rush to town."

"Okay, be careful yourself."

"Sister, don't worry, go home early."

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