Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 79 It’s very cold tonight

Yun'er looked at Shen Chengyao and Liu, then at Xiao'er, then lowered her head and spoke in a low voice: "In the past, it wasn't because the family was poor and couldn't afford to raise so many girls that one of us had to be given to others to raise. Yes, if I don’t follow my parents... No, if I don’t follow Fang’s father or Fang’s mother, Xiao’er will have to follow them.” Yun’er thought that her parents were her parents now, so she decided to adopt her father. Mother added a surname.

After hearing this, Mrs. Liu stood up immediately and came to Yun'er: "Who said this? In the past, there were only two girls in the family, you and Xiao'er. How could there be more?" Even though there are more children now. The couple didn't think it was too much to have a girl for their little sister. This girl was a caring little cotton-padded jacket for her parents, so there was no way it would be too much.

"Aren't the eldest sister and the second sister also girls? Doesn't grandma dislike girls? Aren't girls losers?"

Mrs. Liu was silent. The family had not been separated before, and the two nieces were considered girls in the family. Her mother-in-law often scolded Xiaoer and Yun'er as losers.

"Yun'er, who told you that the family can't raise a girl?" Shen Chengyao hoped in his heart that it wasn't Mrs. Shen Zhuang who said that. Mrs. Shen Zhuang was not happy that Mrs. Liu had given birth to two girls. The mother-in-law who gave birth to the baby at that time also knew that the family also Everyone knows it.

"My aunt told me that!"

Sure enough, it was someone from Dafang who did it!

"It's too much, it's too much! This is really not something a human being can do!" After hearing this, Mrs. Liu hated the Lan family in her heart, and she also regretted herself. It was she who had harmed her daughter, and she had always known it. The sister-in-law had always looked down on her and her children. Then she suddenly changed her temper and treated her daughter well. She felt strange. She had never thought of working hard for nothing, committing adultery or stealing!

Before she got married, her mother told her that in her husband's family, she should be filial to her parents-in-law, be harmonious to her sisters-in-law, talk less and do more, but she must not be less careful about others! In this world, if you are kind to others, others will be kind to you. Sometimes you cannot imagine how dark the human heart is.

"What did the aunt say?" Shen Chengyao felt chills in his heart. This was something his family did!

"The eldest uncle said that the family cannot afford to raise so many girls. Your mother gave birth to two daughters at once. Your mother plans to sell one of you. If you are not willing to follow these two uncles and aunt, then you can only let her go. Xiaoer left with them. Don't worry, I will take Xiaoer home when I have money at home. I thought Xiaoer was more playful and food-loving than me, and I wouldn't like it if I went to someone else's house, so I couldn't let Xiaoer go. I just followed them. Dad, now that my family has money, you took me back, didn’t you?"

What Yun'er remembers most these years is the appearance of her parents, and the other thing she remembers most is Lan's words.

Mrs. Liu couldn't help crying again, shook her head and choked, "No, no..."

Xiao'er didn't expect that there was something about herself in it, or more specifically about the original owner. This little girl knew how to sacrifice herself for others at such a young age. Is it because of her genetics? It is the result of Shen Chengyao and his wife leading by example! It is good to be kind at heart and to sacrifice yourself for others, but you must know the people and things to do! Done wrong, a good thing can turn into a bad thing.

After hearing this, Yun'er became nervous again. She straightened her back and moved her buttocks, "It's not like the family has money to take me back, then..."

Shen Chengyao patted Yun'er's back, "Yun'er's family is not short of money now, don't worry. The family didn't take you back because they have money."

"What's that for?" Yun'er looked at Shen Chengyao doubtfully, her eyes bright and full of questions.

Shen Chengyao felt very special in his heart. His daughter didn't believe that he didn't give her to someone else to raise!

"Yun'er, my parents have been looking for you for more than three years. That day, my uncle said that she accidentally lost you. I'm afraid you were kidnapped!" Xiaoer couldn't bear to see the sadness on Shen Chengyao's face.

"No, I didn't lie. It was really my uncle who told me that my family couldn't afford to raise so many girls! I didn't lie! Really, dad, mom, I didn't lie!" Yun'er was very excited after hearing this, and her body She couldn't help but tremble. She thought they didn't believe her and thought she was lying.

I remembered that at Li's house, my cousin stole candy and broke the sugar bowl. Grandma Li heard the noise and came out. Her cousin said she broke it. No matter how she said it wasn't her, Grandma Li believed she was the one who broke it and said she was lying. She was beaten and thrown into a woodshed for a few days. Then she fell ill again and never recovered until her parents came to pick her up.

"Yun'er, Yun'er, we know that you didn't lie. It was the eldest uncle who lied to us. My parents and... had no intention of giving you to others to raise. My parents didn't know about it at all. For this reason, my parents You even reported it to the government! Let the government help find you!" Shen Chengyao hurriedly comforted the excited Yun'er. At the same time, he couldn't tell that Shen Zhuang didn't mean that, and he couldn't guarantee whether his mother was involved in this matter.

He couldn't imagine what his daughter had gone through and how she could be so helpless!

Xiao'er also felt very uncomfortable. This was probably the reaction of the twins. Yun'er must have had a shadow in her heart. If she had the opportunity, she would have to ask Brother Ri what kind of life Yun'er lived in the past.

"Dad and mom don't know?" Yun'er was stunned after hearing this. Then she was deceived by her eldest uncle and made her stay away from her parents for so long in vain! Thinking of the bitter days in the past, I couldn't help but burst into tears and burst into tears.

"Tomorrow we have to talk to our parents about this matter, and we must seek justice for Yun'er no matter what! I would like to ask Lan what her heart is made of, and why it is so dark!" Mrs. Liu felt extremely chilled! The two of them have worked hard for many years. They work hardest in the fields when farming is busy, and they work part-time in the town during their free time! Go hunting in the mountains and cut firewood to sell! Most of the money he earned went back to his father-in-law to support his family, but his children were short of food and clothing! If we were living in our own family, why would we do this!

This actually raised a white-eyed wolf. My mother-in-law always called someone a white-eyed wolf. Who is the real white-eyed wolf?

Xiaoer remembered what happened in the room a few nights ago. She took out two documents severing ties and handed them to Shen Chengyao.

Shen Chengyao reached out and took it, "What is this?"

After he opened it and read it, he felt like a bolt from the blue! Cut off the relationship!

"Here, what happened? Why did your grandfather and second uncle's family cut off relations with us?"

"What?" Mrs. Liu was shocked when she heard this.

Xiaoer told what happened that night and what everyone said, exactly as it was, not a word more, not a word less!

Mrs. Liu was silent, feeling in her heart that it would be okay to just break it off, just break it off! Enough is enough! What is this! Who are these people!

"Dad, are we going to have sex tomorrow?" Xiaoer asked Shen Chengyao, whose face was ashen.

"Go, why don't you go! I have to ask those people if their hearts are made of ink!" Mrs. Liu was furious!

"If you're not going, why are you going! Are those people related to us?" A faint voice sounded.

After hearing this, Mr. Liu fell silent. Others did not regard their family members as relatives at all. No matter how much they asked or talked, what would they get? It may not hurt others, but forget it!

Shen Chengyao felt a chill in his heart. He felt that it was particularly cold tonight, so he couldn't help hugging Yun'er tightly in his arms. At such an old age, he had a lot of children, and he felt that tonight would be the coldest! Is it because it's snowing tonight?

What he doesn't know is that he doesn't feel winter until the weather is cold, and he feels cold only when his heart is cold!

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