Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 80 Let’s make trouble

The next day, Shen Chengyao was so angry that he didn't go to the house. He went to Shen Chengzu's house early in the morning and invited his family of three to have breakfast. He thanked them for taking care of his family during this period and would find Yun'er and the adoption method. I told them about Wenri.

After breakfast, Shen Chengyao went to the county to find Foreman Liang to pay his wages. He gave money to Shen Chengzu and asked him to help pay for the villagers' wages. In fact, it was his idea not to pay the money first. He was originally worried that there were only a few children at home. If the house was built, he would owe wages first and wait until he got home to pay. This would prevent people from thinking that the money was hidden in the house and would be missed by thieves. superior. I never imagined that it would get to the point where my parents would cut off the relationship with me.

Jing Rui and Jing Hao took Yun'er and Fang Wenri to visit the new house. Yun'er believed that the family had money, and it was much more than she imagined. She felt relieved. Xiaoer went to follow Shen Chengyao's bullock cart to the county.

Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Lu were doing needlework on the kang. Mrs. Lu had made a tael of silver in just ten days. Now she was dedicating herself to this great cause. Even Shen Chengzu thought she was stunned.

Youfu's wife and Dashu's wife knew that Mrs. Liu was back, so they also brought some toy parts and made them together.

"I really didn't expect that a person like my sister-in-law, who claims to be from a scholarly family, would do such an unscrupulous thing. We are both parents, and we are not afraid of retribution! This kind of thing makes people separated from each other!" Lu thought. Now that I have to be a sister-in-law with such a vicious person, I feel uneasy.

"I didn't expect it either. I usually just think that she is a bit aloof and incompatible with us. I never thought that her heart is different from ours." Mrs. Liu replied while cutting cloth.

"You really don't want to go to the bedroom?" The blessed wife pointed the direction of the bedroom with her eyes. She found that Shen Yuzhu had already looked this way several times at the door of the bedroom.

"Now that we've severed the relationship, why are we still rushing to get together?"

"If you ask me, you should have toughened up a long time ago, not only for yourself but also for your children. Look at the life your children lived before the separation. They were so thin that they were so thin! It makes me heartbroken." Dashu's wife At that time, I really hated the iron, so whenever I met several children playing at her house, I would find something for them to eat.

Ms. Liu also felt that if she hadn't been so easy to talk to from the beginning, no one would have dared to hit her child's attention.

Several people talked about some recent events in the village, and the whole morning passed. Shen Chengyao didn't go home for lunch at noon. After lunch, the people who went to the room finally couldn't wait any longer and asked Shen Yuzhu to call someone.

Mrs. Liu brought several children to the upper room, and Mr. Shen asked them to sit down.

"When did the third child's family come?"

"We got home last night. Yun'er, Brother Ri, came to see grandpa and grandma."

The two obediently stepped forward and shouted: "Grandpa, grandma."

"Yun'er has been found. This is a good thing. A good thing. The third child can finally let go of his worries this time! By the way, where is the third child?"

Xiaoer took a closer look at Mr. Shen's expression. There was no joy or surprise.

"Going to the county."

"When I get home, I don't know if I have to go to my elders first to report that I'm safe. Do I still have a tutor?" Shen Zhuang was very angry. The third family really didn't take her seriously less and less. After such a long morning He didn't even come in the past, and he had to invite someone to come to the room.

"When I came back late last night, the lights in the upper room were already out. I thought my parents had already gone to bed, so I didn't bother them."

"What about this morning? Can't you come this morning?"

"I was anxious to pay back the wages I owed this morning, lest someone come to sever ties with us again."

Mrs. Shen Zhuang was stabbed, and she felt even more dissatisfied: "What's wrong with breaking off the relationship? I haven't talked about you yet. Do you want to kill my old Shen family? The glazed windows and the large blue-tiled houses are all , dozens or even hundreds of acres of wasteland have been built with bricks to build the courtyard wall. The landlord's family is not as heroic as you! If you don't have such a big head, don't wear such a big hat! You are trying to drag our entire Shen family to death! And It's okay if you sever ties, but I still want to expel you from the Shen family!"

"Ahem, what did the child say when he came back? Don't take it to heart. Your mother is a sharp-tongued person. She has no bad intentions, she just can't control her mouth!" Mr. Shen thinks it is wrong to sever ties with the Third Family. It's over, now if I want to slow down, I have to find a way to remedy it.

He saw the boy next to Yun'er and thought this was a breakthrough, "This is your natal nephew, what is his name?"

Brother Ri was a little embarrassed after hearing this. Aunt Shen had already introduced herself just now, but it was obvious that others didn't take it to heart. But even Yun'er, they didn't say a word of concern. It seems that Uncle Shen's family and Uncle Shen have different temperaments.

"Dad, this is not my nephew from my mother's side, this is Brother Ri who grew up with Yun'er."

"Grandpa, do you know that family took Yun'er away?" Xiaoer asked deliberately.

Mr. Shen actually guessed it at the time, but he didn't dare to say it. His eyes dodged, "How did your father find Yun'er?"

I only know now that it’s too late to ask this question.

"Do you still remember the incident about the new food sold in my uncle's grocery store more than three years ago that ate dead people?"

After hearing this, Shen Chengzong and Li couldn't hide the excitement on their faces.

"It happened so long ago. Grandpa is old and doesn't remember much." Mr. Shen hates people mentioning that thing! He wished everyone had forgotten, including himself of course.

"It was that family who took Yun'er away. Later, both couples went there and entrusted the two children to their sister-in-law. However, their sister-in-law's family had a difficult life and could not afford to raise so many children, so they came to visit her. I told my dad that he was my second uncle back then..."

Shen Chengzong jumped up when he heard Xiaoer mention him. "What second uncle, it has nothing to do with me. It was clearly your uncle who took Yun'er out to apologize, and it was my sister-in-law who noticed it. I only found out after overhearing them discussing this matter. Yun'er's matter has nothing to do with it at all. It’s my business!”

"Bastard, when is it your turn to speak? As soon as you say it, you spit shit out of your mouth!" After hearing this, Mr. Shen was so angry that he picked up the pipe next to him and smashed it.

"From the third child's family, your eldest brother and his family were not around what happened back then. You can't just listen to the second child's one-sided words. Moreover, the woman also said..."

"Dad, are you still my biological father?" Shen Chengzong had just dodged the pipe thrown by Mr. Shen, but when he heard Mr. Shen's words again, he jumped in anger!

"Ahem, and I can't believe what the woman said. Maybe she took Yun'er away, and she happened to know what happened back then, and deliberately used it to make a fuss!" Yes, that must be the case, this matter can only be done Fortunately, Dafang and his family were not here today, otherwise the incident would have had a great negative impact on Wen'er.

Mr. Shen rolled his eyes, and he saw Brother Ri standing there again. Shen Chengyao took him home, and he must have wanted to raise him. He glanced at Mrs. Shen Zhuang again, and he had some concerns in his heart.

"This matter is too big. We have to wait until your eldest brother comes home to explain it in person, so as not to misunderstand and affect the relationship between the brothers. Was Brother Ri also adopted by that couple? Why is he also in our house?"

"Ri Ge'er has no father or mother. How can he live with such a young child? Moreover, Yun'er's life was saved by him, so the child's father and I took him home and treated him as if he had given birth to an extra son!"

After hearing this, Mrs. Shen Zhuang got angry, "Bah, you prodigal family star. Sooner or later, my Shen family will be defeated by you. You dare to bring cats and dogs into your home. Do you think you have too much money now? You don't need to raise one more person. Give it to him! Why didn’t I see you take the initiative to support me and your father? You are an unfilial thing! You know how to pretend to be kind outside! In your heart, you are just an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, and your arms are stretched out! "

Mr. Shen breathed a sigh of relief, just let it go and don't bring the matter back to Yun'er's abduction.

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