Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 81 Losing Money

Mr. Shen felt that it was not good to separate the family. In the past, under his leadership, the family worked together to provide for the eldest son to study, and they were respectful to each other. Now that the families are separated, everyone has their own little Jiujiu in their hearts, and they only care about themselves and not the overall situation! No long-term plan at all! I don’t know the principle of a person attaining enlightenment and a chicken or a dog ascending to heaven!

It was his eldest son who was good. He was worried about injuring other brothers, so he proposed to separate the family early. If the other sons had this intention, he would be relieved.

As soon as Shen Chengyao stepped into the courtyard gate, he heard his mother's angry scolding. He quickly put away the bullock cart, tied the cows, and rushed to the upper room.

"You said you, a loser is worth picking up. My son has been looking for it for so many years, and he still dares to bring it home, and he comes with a pair!"

"Mom, my daughters are not losers! They are all my heart!" Shen Chengyao felt heartbroken when he saw Yun'er lying tightly on Mr. Liu's shoulders.

Mrs. Liu regretted bringing Yun'er and Ri Ge'er to have sex with her. Her daughter, who had suffered so much, was disliked as soon as she returned home and said such unpleasant words. How uncomfortable it must have been for them both!

"What's wrong? I'm not happy to say anything. That's what I said to my mother when I got home! I really forgot about my mother when I got a wife!"

Xiaoer saw that the topic was taken away by Shen Zhuang, and the curse started again. She didn't want to hear these useless words again.

"Mom, I didn't, it's just that Yun'er just came home, you..." Shen Chengyao felt that it was better not to say the rest of the words, otherwise it would only arouse more anger from his mother.

"Dad, I said that we have to wait until the uncle and his family come home to talk about Yun'er being taken away. Just now the second uncle said..." Xiaoer took advantage of the break in speaking to pull Shen Chengyao's sleeve, taking the opportunity to change the topic back. .

"Okay! Didn't I tell you to wait until your uncle comes back to talk about this? Why are you bringing it up!" It's really a pot that you don't want to open! He just managed to change the topic when he was taken back again. Mr. Shen was so angry that his teeth chattered! He found that he disliked this girl Xiaoer more and more!

"I'll tell my father about this and wait until the uncle comes back!" Xiaoer opened her eyes wide and looked at Mr. Shen innocently.

"Then why are you mentioning what your second uncle said!" Mr. Shen felt sulky!

"I just want to say that this matter is none of his business." Xiaoer lowered his head.

Mr. Shen was gagged and his chest hurt with anger.

"Father, mother, do you know anything about Yun'er back then?"

"What do I know? I don't know anything. Why are you staying here when you have nothing to do? I have to take a nap. I'm sleepy. You guys should go out quickly!" Shen Zhuang drove people away with a guilty conscience.

"You can't jump to conclusions about Yun'er's loss based on other people's one-sided opinions. We are a family and should trust each other." Mr. Shen did not answer directly.

Shen Chengyao just asked, knowing that he would not get a real answer, but now he also knows. He nodded, "Father and mother, have a good rest, we're going out."

"Yao'er, regarding the separation of ties..." Mr. Shen felt a little regretful.

"If it's over, let's do it. After all, misfortunes and blessings can come and go, and no one can predict it! I don't want to drag down my parents and brothers."

"Grandpa, don't worry. We will support you in the future. Just treat it as our filial piety. And grandpa, don't worry about our family's money. My father has already paid off all the money he owed when he got home." Yes." Jingrui added.

"All paid in full?" Shen Zhuang's voice sounded like a butchering pig!

"Liar, those glazed windows are so valuable, how can you have so much money!" Mrs. Li said with disbelief on her face!

"Those glazed windows were given by Mr. Shangguan and Mr. Di. We don't know how much money we need!" Xiaoer waited to admire everyone's expressions. These people were singing great dramas every day, and she was addicted to watching them! She had already asked someone to send a message to Shen Chengguang to go home, and she was probably almost there.

After hearing this, everyone in the upper room exploded!

"It's a gift, why didn't you tell me earlier!" Shen Zhuang was extremely angry! It made her worry for so long! Didn't even sleep well!

"Oh my god, Mr. Shangguan is so rich!" Shen Yuzhu's face was full of dreams. If she waited for her to get married to him, then she could give away such valuable things as she wanted, whatever she wanted!

"Xiao'er, my family also wants to build a house. Do you think you can ask Mr. Shangguan to give us some?" Li thought that the silver for a window would cost a hundred taels per unit, so she would open a few more windows and pay them. !

Xiaoer feels that these people's brain circuits need to be modified.

The more Shen Zhuang thought about it, the more wrong he became. Even if the items on the glazed window were given by others, a lot of money was needed to build the house and the long courtyard wall. Where did the third son get the money? Could it be that he had always been there before? Hiding personal money?

"Okay, let me tell you where did you get the money to build such a big house? It turns out you hid your private money! Hurry up and hand over the private money!"

Xiaoer was once again impressed by Shen Zhuang's imagination! She really had to write a word of admiration for her! This person really lives a self-centered life!

"Mom, where did I have a private house before? All my wages were handed over to you every time. Every time I went to work, wouldn't you find out how much I earned per day from people in the same village? Even the owner You can tell me clearly whether there are any rewards in the family!" Shen Chengyao really couldn't laugh or cry, how could his mother think of something when she sees something?

"Then how can you get so much money to build a house!" That house can't be built without a few hundred taels!

"The money for building my house is all from Xiao'er!"

"Who can believe that you can earn so much money just by relying on those broken dolls!" Shen Zhuang sighed!

Shen Chengzong and Mr. Li both pricked up their ears. They both wanted to know how Lao San's family made money.

"Xiao'er found some big river clams from the river, and there were some big pearls in them. After selling them, we got some money to build such a big house." This is true. The family suddenly became rich, and it was indeed because of Xiao'er .

"There are people fishing in the river all the time. You can catch big river mussels, but others can't. Who can believe it!" Shen Zhuang didn't believe it.

Xiaoer secretly took out a white pearl from the space, "Grandma, it's true. Look, this is the last pearl left by my parents. They said it would be used as a dowry for me in the future."

Xiao'er twisted a round bead with two fingers, and the bead was spinning with radiance.

Shen Yuzhu's eyes lit up, and the long-drawn-out call of "Mother~" clearly meant what she wanted.

"Oh, the quality of these pearls is really good, and they are so big!" Ms. Li's heart felt as if a cat had scratched her heart. "Third brother and sister, how many pearls like this have you picked up? Are there any more?" My Belle is almost getting haircut, and she doesn’t even have a decent dowry now. Third brother and sister, can you give Belle that bead to add to her makeup?"

"Fuck you, that's mine! If you want to give it, give it to the jade pearl. You know how to keep the old and the young in order?" Mr. Shen Zhuang has never seen such a big pearl, and she is quite sensible. She automatically ignored Xiaoer's words that it was the dowry left to her by her parents.

Shen Chengyao's face was filled with embarrassment for his mother's behavior.

"Haven't we already severed our relationship? Why do we still need to add makeup to my sister-in-law?" Jing Hao felt angry! That's my sister's thing!

"Oh, didn't you know before? Third brother has always been kind-hearted. If that were the case, he would definitely understand. He wouldn't care about it at all. We all have the same blood flowing in our bodies. We can just break off the relationship. It's broken!" Li said affectionately.

Xiaoer took it out and had no intention of taking it back, "We only have one in our family. Sister, eldest sister and second sister all need it. I will give the beads to you, and you can divide it among yourself."

Xiaoer gave the beads to Shen Zhuang.

"If they want, they can go to the river and continue fishing. Half of my body is buried in the soil, and the remaining half doesn't want to be buried in the water!"

"Mom, it's easy to find mussels in the river!" Mrs. Li was dissatisfied. She had even fished for mussels, but she hadn't seen any pearls!

"You've been doing nothing all day long. If you search slowly, you might find more than the third family."

"Dad, Mom, why did you come back to us?" Shen Chengguang strode in. Behind them were Lan Shi, Shen Baoer and Shen Chengwen.

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