Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 85 Generous Gifts

The banquet started. Shen Chengguang wanted to sit at Li Zhewei's table, but there were already nine people sitting at that table. Doctor Luo, shopkeeper Yao, Manager Tong, Manager Chen, Uncle Fu, the village chief, Shen Zixuan, Mei Zhijie and Li Zhewei. The next seat is obviously for the host Shen Chengyao.

It was not that Shen Chengguang didn't understand this truth, but he wanted to have a friendship with Li Zhewei, and he also thought that as long as he had a relationship with Mr. Li, whose grandfather was the Minister of Industry, if he had a relationship with Mr. Li, what's more, if Bao'er can marry into the Li family, and in the future, he will win the literary examination. Finding a good official position is not a matter of a few words. This is a major event for the prosperous family, and everyone in the family has always put this matter first. Thinking of this, Shen Chengguang sat down.

The people at the table were chatting and waiting for Shen Chengyao to sit down before the banquet started. When they saw Shen Chengguang sitting down, they all paused and said no more.

"Master Li..." Shen Chengguang opened his mouth with a smile and wanted to talk to Li Zhewei.

"Who are you? This is reserved for the master's family!" Li Zhewei has never had a good face towards people who always flatter him in front of him, but today he is here to have a wedding banquet. This is Uncle Shen's house, and this is his Brother, it looks ugly. Uncle Shen's face is also ugly. He can't go too far, but this person is too rude and shameless. Even a person can tell that this seat is reserved for the owner.

Shen Chengguang's face froze. They had all seen each other just now, but it was okay, noble people are forgetful, so he was going to introduce himself again.

"Brother, why are you still here? Dad is looking for you!" Shen Chengyao returned to his seat after arranging things and found Shen Chengguang sitting in his seat, so he could only remind him tactfully.

"Dad, what do you want from me?" Shen Chengguang raised his head and said dissatisfiedly, really, didn't you see that he was talking to Mr. Li!

"I don't know either, go and have a look!" Shen Chengyao was also a little dissatisfied with this elder brother because of Yun'er's matter, and now he was even more dissatisfied. What is this? You said you were sitting in my seat, and I kindly reminded you to leave, but you are still too lazy to leave. What does this mean? If you really open your mouth to drive him away, you will also have a reputation of disrespecting your brother. If you don't let him go, you won't be able to do well. Others will definitely think that you are a second-rate person. You can't even sit in the chairman's seat at your own family's banquet. on the table.

Shopkeeper Yao was really pissed off by Shen Chengguang. He didn't trust his younger brother too much. He said rudely: "Brother Shen, your father is looking for you and you don't even go. This is extremely unfilial."

After hearing this, Shen Chengguang was unhappy. Who is this person? Who is he? He dares to meddle in his own affairs!

"Who are you..." Why are you meddling in your own business here?

Before he could say the second half of the sentence, Shen Chengzu hurried over and pulled Shen Chengguang up: "Brother, dad is waiting for you over there. He said someone is looking for you. Go and have a look!"

Shen Chengzu had been working all year round and was much stronger than Shen Chengguang, so he just pulled Shen Chengguang up from his seat and took him out.

After Shen Chengyao sat down, no one mentioned what had just happened, and they were quickly attracted by the food on the table. The food on the table had been prepared in abundance, but it was still eaten away, making Shen Chengyao worry that his family was It’s not that you prepared too few dishes!

He looked around and found that many people were sitting and burping, praising the deliciousness of the food, and then he felt relieved: it turned out to be so delicious that they ate all the food.

"Brother Shen, which chef did you invite to the banquet? This dish is even more delicious than the one in the county!"

"I'm hiring a chef from a restaurant in town."

"It's not a matter of cooking skills, it's a matter of food." He ate a dish that wasn't cooked enough, and the seasoning wasn't the best, but it was still more delicious than the ones he had eaten that were cooked enough! This means that the ingredients themselves are good enough and fresh enough.

In the afternoon, the guests all left one by one.

In the end, Li Zhewei was unable to stay and was chased away by his servant and sister. He had to go back and report to his wife and wait for her consent.

In the evening, the family counts today's gifts.

Shangguan Xuanyi gave as gifts: two jade mountains, three boxes of lake brushes, one end of Duan inkstone, one end of Helan inkstone, one end of Chengni inkstone, a box of Mingqian Longjing, an embroidered screen for blessings of a hundred sons, two pieces of makeup satin, and two pieces of Shu brocade. There is also a pot of peonies in full bloom.

What Di Zhaowei gave as gifts was a set of white jade tea sets, a set of blue and white porcelain tableware, a pair of lion rolling hydrangea porcelain vases, a set of rich embroidered screens with blooming flowers, two pieces of brocade, and two pieces of brocade.

Li Zhewei presented a jade ornament, four pieces of silk and satin, and three sets of fine pens, inks, paper and inkstones.

Meiji Jie gave it as a gift, a pair of blue and white jade pots and spring vases, and the same three sets of high-quality pens, inks, paper and inkstones.

There are also gifts from Uncle Fu, Shopkeeper Yao, Manager Tong, Manager Chen, the village chief, other relatives, friends and villagers. Xiaoer has registered them one by one to facilitate future exchanges of favors.

When Li Zhewei's congratulatory gift was ordered, Mrs. Liu remembered what she heard and asked Shen Chengyao, "During dinner today, did uncle sit in your seat and refused to leave?"

After hearing this, Jing Hao immediately told everything about the situation at that time.

Xiaoer glanced at Jing Hao with admiration. It was rare to be able to express one thing so clearly and methodically at such a young age!

Mrs. Liu shook her head after hearing this, "He said that he is a big shopkeeper. He has read so many books, but his words and deeds are worse than those of a farmer!"

"Mom, there are some honest, hard-working and kind-hearted farm men out there. They are incomparable."

"Yes, just like my dad," Yun'er said with a smile.

"There is really no comparison between dad and uncle. Dad is much better."

"You kids! Don't talk about your elders behind their backs." Shen Chengyao scolded helplessly.

Yun'er stuck out her tongue.

"I'm moving this time, and I didn't expect to receive such a generous gift. I'll give these pens, inks, papers, and inkstones to you three brothers. You can pick a set you like." Ms. Liu sorted the things in the warehouse and pointed. He said while holding the pile of pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

Jing Rui asked Brother Ri to pick, and both of them let Jing Hao, the youngest, pick first.

"Mom, the New Year is coming soon, and we have to prepare New Year gifts." Xiaoer dried the ink, closed the book and put it away.

Xiaoer thought about who needed New Year gifts, and then started to make a list of gifts. After listing one list, show it to Mr. Liu to see if there is anything that needs to be added or deleted. Tomorrow, we have to start preparing New Year gifts for each family and send them out!

Shen family's old house

Shen Chengguang became angry when he remembered that he had not been able to talk to Li Zhewei today, "The third child is too dishonest. I am his eldest brother. He knows Mr. Li and he doesn't introduce me to me. He doesn't cooperate when I create opportunities myself!"

Lan remembered what she saw at Shen Chengyao's house today. The whole set of fine pear wood furniture in the front hall was extraordinary. The leather sofas and various ornaments in the backyard were warmly and uniquely decorated. The glazed windows, the mahogany bookcases and desks in the study room, There was a special hut, and the curtains were made of cloth that was better than what she was wearing. How could the third child's family become so rich all of a sudden?

Lan spoke out what he saw and thought.

"Not only that, but there is also the flower room. The whole room is made of colored glaze. There are many flowers in it and they are very expensive." Shen Baoer wanted one just thinking about it.

"There is also a greenhouse on the wasteland with a glass roof. It is very large, about an acre of land. I heard it is used for growing vegetables!" Shen Chengwen added.

"The third child is too unkind. He must have been hiding it before the separation. After the separation, he became rich overnight." As expected, he is Shen Zhuang's biological son, and he has the same idea.

"It would be great if we could know how the Third Family makes money." Lan frowned, thinking of a way.

"Mom, I have a way!" Shen Baoer said, thinking of something he saw before.

"What can I do?" Shen Chengguang's eyes lit up.

"Didn't Dad have a close relationship with Zhang Baotou?..."

Shen Baoer asked a few people to get closer and whispered what he saw and his plans.

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