Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 86 Imprisonment

The next day, the family also got up early. When Xiao'er came to the main room, Mrs. Liu had just laid out breakfast, "Xiao'er is up, go to the front yard and call your father back for breakfast!"

Shen Chengyao got up the earliest, watered the flowers and vegetables in the greenhouse and greenhouse early, and added charcoal to the charcoal stove. Currently clearing snow from the front yard.

Xiaoer walked to the front yard and saw that Shen Chengyao had almost finished sweeping and shouted: "Dad, let's have breakfast first!"

"Okay, you eat first, I'll be there later." Shen Chengyao sped up his men's movements.

At this time, there were numerous knocks on the door of the front yard, and someone shouted: "Open the door, open the door quickly!"

Xiaoer frowned, why did so many people come so early in the morning, and they seemed to come with bad intentions!

"Who is here!" Shen Chengyao put down his broom and hurried to open the door. Never go again. This door can be broken!

"We are from the government, open the door quickly!"

As soon as the door opened, more than a dozen officials rushed in. The leader said ferociously: "Is it Shen Chengyao's family? I heard that you have a secret copy of "Essential Art of Qi Min"?"

After hearing this, Xiaoer hurriedly said: "This official brother, that book is not ours to keep privately, it was given to us by a friend."

Is "Qi Min Yao Shu" a banned book in this dynasty? Why is there such a thing as private storage? Probably not. This book was one of the books in the box given by Shangguan Xuanyi last time. Shangguan Xuanyi would not harm her family like this, she was sure of this.

"That's it! I don't care how you got it, just have it! Take all the brothers away, no one is left out! And search out the books!" The leading officer waved his hand and ordered loudly.

At this time, Mrs. Liu heard such a loud commotion in the front yard and came out with several children. Several people were dumbfounded when they saw all the officials in the hospital. What was going on!

Mrs. Liu asked in a trembling voice: "Uncle Guan, what happened?"

Both Jing Rui and Jing Hao were holding a book in their hands, and one of them was "Essential Art of Qi Min"!

Xiaoer saw the book in Jingrui's hand and thought to herself, this is really a pillow for a sleepy person. She was thinking of a way to go back and put the book into the space!

But it’s good now, at least this way I don’t have to turn the house into a mess! Xiaoer comforted herself.

Xiao'er can see the book "Essential Techniques for Elevating the People", and naturally the officials can also see it, "Okay, we have saved a lot of effort, and everyone has gained the stolen goods! Take them all away!"

"Brother, is there any misunderstanding? We..."

"Stop talking nonsense and take it away!"

"Brother Cha, look at the rest of my family are women and children, can you just arrest me?" Shen Chengyao couldn't bear to see his wife and children in jail, so he handed a piece of silver to the leading official and begged.

"Shut up now. As long as you obey me when the time comes, you will be out soon!" The leading official took the money and put it away.

The family was escorted out of the house. Some early-rising villagers in the village saw it and were so frightened that they ran home. In less than an hour, the news that Shen Chengyao's family was arrested by the government spread throughout the village!

Dr. Luo's family came late to see the doctor today, and not everyone talked about it in front of him. By the time he knew that Shen Chengyao's family had been arrested, it was already almost noon! He was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat on a cold day. If the third prince knew about this, he would have to wipe his neck clean and wait for beheading!

Xiao Fuzi traveled for almost ten days to deliver the New Year's gift from Shangguan Xuanyi to the Shen family. He originally wanted to deliver it in time for their move, so he traveled day and night, but he was still one day late. .

When he arrived at Miss Xiao'er's house, he kept knocking for a long time but no one answered the door. However, a passing villager kindly told him that his family had committed a crime and had been arrested by the government early in the morning. Xiao Fuzi was so scared that his legs went weak. ! What happened? What was committed? Why were you arrested by the government officials? Does Mr. Luo know?

Thinking of this, he immediately got on the carriage and rushed to Dr. Luo's house. The master knew about it and it was all right! In these days, he also understood how much his master valued Miss Xiaoer. As for Shen Chengyao's family, they have even investigated the eighteen generations of their ancestors. What could they have committed that they don't know about?

Over here, in the cell, Xiaoer was extremely depressed. She had never thought that one day she would go to jail.

Facing the unfamiliar environment of humidity and darkness, the little sister cried non-stop.

The cell smelled musty and foul, and rats and cockroaches crawled on the floor from time to time. The family didn't dare to sit down, they just stood close together, Shen Chengyao holding Yun'er in his arms. The three brothers protected Xiaoer inside.

Seeing that her little sister was always crying, Xiaoer said, "Mom, is my little sister's diaper wet?"

Mrs. Liu listened and checked, "It's wet, but there's no diaper change here!"

"The weather is so cold now, so wearing a wet diaper all the time is not an option. Take it off and pee every once in a while." Shen Chengyao frowned.

"That's all we can do!" Mrs. Liu sighed helplessly and started to take off the diaper.

"It was me who harmed everyone." Jingrui lowered his head, feeling extremely sad. If he hadn't come out with the book and hid it, everyone would not have to go to jail.

"What nonsense are you saying? It's none of your business." Ms. Liu feigned anger after hearing this.

"Someone must have snitched on this matter." Xiaoer was wondering who the snitch was.

"It's a blessing, not a curse. We can't avoid it. If someone wants to harm us, we can't do anything about it."

"Have you read this book in front of outsiders? Did anyone see this book yesterday?" Xiaoer asked.

"Not yesterday. I have locked up all the books that Brother Shangguan gave me. I am afraid that if there are many children, they will break them if they play with them." Jingrui shook his head affirmatively.

"I remembered that one time my eldest sister came to ask my mother to borrow embroidery thread. At that time, my brother and I were practicing calligraphy. She had seen those books on the kang table." Jing Hao said loudly, remembering this.

"There is no one else but her, think about it seriously!" Shen Chengyao frowned even more tightly. Why is it related to eldest brother’s family again!

There is no one but her! Xiaoer felt confident.

"Yes, there was no one else except her. At that time, she asked us when we bought so many books. Do you know all the characters? Can you understand them? And we rarely take out these books." Jingrui also added.

"Think again." Xiaoer added.

"Really not. We have taken this book out twice to read. The first time was this morning. No one else was present when we moved." Jingrui shook his head.

Jing Hao nodded.

"This shouldn't be the case. Could it be that Bao'er said she was getting rid of the official and someone heard the report?" We didn't do anything to feel sorry for her, so what's the benefit of her reporting to the official to arrest us? "

benefit? There are many benefits, our family is not an empty shell now.

"We will know soon whether it is yes or no."

At this time, Jing Hao's stomach growled.

"Are you hungry? We haven't had breakfast yet. It's time for lunch now. Why hasn't anyone brought us food?" Ms. Liu looked outside.

Xiaoer took out a pack of pork jerky from the space, "I have a pack of pork jerky here, let's divide it and eat it first."

"Sister, why are you carrying dried meat with you? That's great! I'll bring some with me in the future, so I won't go hungry again next time I come in!"

"Bah! Bah! Bah! What are you talking about? After we go out, we will never come in again!" Mrs. Liu hurriedly pouted a few times.

At this time, there was movement at the cell door.

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