Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 87 Not available to anyone except the imperial court

In the Shen family's old house, Mr. Shen was extremely anxious when he heard that Shen Chengyao's family had been arrested by the government. Firstly, I am really worried about my son, and secondly, I am also a little worried about whether the whole family will be implicated.

"What on earth did this third child commit, and why was he arrested?"

"It must be related to the fact that the third child suddenly became rich. Fortunately, we separated early and severed our relationship, otherwise it would have been miserable!" Shen Chengzong was secretly glad in his heart. Fortunately, he hadn't caught up with the third child yet. Then there was some gloating, I saw you put my son in jail, now your whole family must be in jail too! This is the real world news!

"Dad, we should go to the Yamen to inquire about the situation first, see if we can visit Third Brother, ask why he was arrested, and then find a way to rescue Third Brother and his family." Shen Chengzu was extremely worried. The third brother must have been wronged.

"Go to the Yamen, are you stupid, or do you have no brains? Aren't you going to throw yourself into a trap? The third son's family is suddenly so rich, he may have gotten into some big gang, I think it must be related to selling illegal salt! You are going , Go by yourself, don't drag us down!" Shen Chengzong said bluntly.

"Then I'll go by myself." Shen Chengzu left a few words and went out. He didn't believe that his third brother would do such a thing! He must have been framed and wronged.

After hearing this, Mr. Shen and Mr. Shen Zhuang turned pale. Are they selling private salt? That was a serious matter of confiscating the family and exterminating the clan. How dare he!

Shen Zhuang couldn't help but shudder when he thought about having his head chopped off and rolled out. Blood was flowing all over the floor!

"That man who killed a thousand cuts, if you want to die, don't drag us down. I raised him with shit and piss. He won't be able to enjoy the blessings when he gets old, and he may even have his head removed! I am What a sin have you done? If you had known, you would have drowned him when he was born!" Shen Zhuang was so frightened that she started to cry. She was really scared.

Mr. Shen calmed down and felt that the matter was definitely not that serious. But I couldn’t figure out what my son, who had always been honest, could do. Did he really get the money he spent to build that house by picking up pearls from river clams? No, there was a pearl. Even he looked at it and felt that it was not an ordinary thing.

Wait, it’s not because of those pearls! Could it be that the origin of those pearls is unknown? It’s not obtained from river clams! Did the third child pick it up himself? Then he sold it and was taken as a thief? He would not doubt that his son would be a thief. After seeing him for so many years, he still had some understanding.

"Old woman, where is the pearl?"

"It's in the box. What's wrong? That's Yuzhu's dowry. Don't even think about using it to redeem someone else!" Shen Zhuang held the keys in her arms tight.

"No, I suspect that it was stolen goods. The third child didn't pick up the pearls dug out by the river clams at all. He directly picked up other people's pearls, sold them and was found out. He was regarded as a pearl thief!"

"What, that money-losing guy, I said how could he be so good, and he handed over the pearl right away. It turns out he wanted to kill me! Ah, I have to throw it away, otherwise what will happen if some official comes and finds it."

Mrs. Shen Zhuang quickly opened the box, took out the pearl and ran out. She wanted to throw it into the river so that no one would find it, but she couldn't bear to see such a big and beautiful pearl, so she looked at it. There was no one around, so after thinking about it, I found a tree and hid it under the tree. Then I washed my hands and hurried home again.

"I just said, how many people in our village have been to the river, but why haven't we picked up any river mussels with pearls? It turned out that it was the third child who deceived us, causing me to soak in the river for several days in the winter! Now I think about it It’s cold even when you’re up!”

The more Shen Chengzong thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. What kind of wealthy family would have to own such a precious pearl? The third child had offended a big shot. No, he had to ask Mrs. Li to take the children back to her parents' home for refuge.

"Dad, I'm going out with the kids for a few days." After saying that, he left as if he was rubbing oil on the soles of his feet.

Shen Chengguang walked in with a blushing face.

When Mr. Shen saw that his boss was back, he felt relieved, "You went out before dawn. What did you do when you came back so late?"

"Oh, there is a customer who ordered a lot of goods the day before yesterday and asked me to deliver them to him early this morning. Dad, let's go back to the town first. The shop can't live without people." He went to the county early in the morning to notify the head arrester Zhang, and then watched him bring After taking the third family into the cell, they invited the group to a restaurant for a big meal before returning.

"Wait a minute, Lao San and his family were arrested by the government. See if you can..."

"Don't worry dad, he will be released soon."

"Have you gone to inquire?" Mr. Shen was a little surprised. How could his eldest son be so sure?

"Well, yes, I'll go back to town first!" Shen Chengguang responded casually, nodded, and then hurried back to the east wing to take his wife and children back to town. He still had to go to the county to collect cash.

Mr. Shen was completely relieved. He felt very relieved to see that in the end it was his eldest son who was interested. He took care of his brothers and went to find out early. From the smile to the big picture, you can’t go wrong. This child has a filial heart at a young age, loves his younger brother, has a vision, and thinks long-term. The best proof is that he proposed to separate the family early.

On the other side of the story, Xiao Fuzi found Dr. Luo. Seeing that Dr. Luo didn't know what was going on, he quickly unloaded the carriage and rushed to the county government office!

Dr. Luo also followed.

Xiao Fuzi came to the county government office and directly took Shangguan Xuanyi's token to see the county magistrate.

The county magistrate was so frightened that he knelt down when he saw the token. "Your Majesty, see you..."

Xiao Fuzi was so anxious, "Okay, let me ask you, where is Shen Chengyao's family? Where are they being held?"

Who is Shen Chengyao and why are you asking him? He didn't even know who Shen Chengyao was. Is he someone who committed a serious crime in his county? damn it! Are those lowly people just eating and not doing anything? If someone like this is caught, they won’t rush over to tell him! He is so confused now!

"Sir, this Shen Chengyao is a new criminal. I haven't had time yet..."

"Take me to the cell now!" How did this man become an official? The answer was wrong!

"Yes, yes, yes... Sir, please follow me." The county magistrate lowered his head and bent over to lead the way, but he was thinking about when Shen Chengyao was imprisoned and whether he would come to the door. Maybe there was a mistake in the investigation. Who are the people under his command? How could he possibly have made a mistake in the investigation? Then what exactly did he commit? He had to find a way to figure out how to get this credit.

At this time, Zhang Baotou happened to come in when he wanted to report something. He bowed his hands and said, "Sir."

County Magistrate Lin was overjoyed when he saw the visitor, "Zhang Captou, you've come at the right time. This gentleman is here to find Shen Chengyao. You are familiar with him in the prison, so you can lead the way."

Then he smiled flatteringly at Xiao Fuzi and said, "Sir, I don't know exactly where he will be detained. Let's let Zhang Baotou lead the way."

"What on earth did Shen Chengyao's family commit? Why were they all put in jail?" Xiao Zhi really couldn't figure it out. Could it be that Hidden Wing and the others also checked for leaks? Probably not!

When Capt. Zhang heard Shen Chengyao's name, he felt a little bad. This was the person he arrested privately. He thought he was a farmer with no background, and he just happened to be working with Shen Chengguang to make a fortune to celebrate the New Year, so he did this without telling the county magistrate. What happened, I didn’t expect that not long after I was locked up, someone came looking for me. It seems like this is the end of the stick.

"Zhang Baotou, you come to answer what the adults say."

"My lord, Shen Chengyao's family has a private collection of banned books." Shen Chengguang said that the masters in the academy all said that "it is not available to anyone but the imperial court." Isn't that what a banned book is?

"Banned books, what banned books?" Xiao Fuzi wondered, why didn't he know that there were banned books?

"It's "Essential Techniques for Elevating the People."

"Asshole! When did "Qi Min Yao Shu" become a banned book!" This book was given to them by their master, because this book put their whole family in jail, which made Miss Xiaoer think about her master. What a disaster!

"The person who listened to the report said that this book is said to be 'not available to anyone except the imperial court'. No one in Shen Chengyao's family has an official position. This..."

"Damn it! Is this what you mean by 'not for those who belong to the imperial court'? Lead the way, hurry up! Hurry!" Xiao Zizhi was so angry that he was too lazy to talk nonsense. It was business to rescue people quickly!

Hearing this, the county magistrate also understood that Xiao Fuzi was here to save people. He glared at Zhang Baotou so hard that he wanted to kill him with his eyes. What kind of things does this idiot do? If he hadn't thought that he was his wife's brother, he would have made him a catcher and caused him trouble many times!

"Yes, yes, yes, sir, please, this way..." Zhang Baotou was startled and couldn't speak clearly.

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