Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 88 Release from Prison

Xiao'er glanced at the direction of the gate and heard Xiao Fuzi's voice. She felt a little strange. Didn't he follow his official Xuan Yi back to the capital? But it’s nice to be here.

"Dad, Mom, we can go out."

After hearing this, several people looked in the direction of the cell door.

outside the cell

"Hurry up, you can open the door in half a day! How did you become the head catcher!" Xiao Fuzi wanted to kick him.

Zhang Baotou was pushed so much that his hands shook even more, and he couldn't open the door for a long time.

Xiao Fuzi grabbed the key and unlocked the door himself.

"Lead the way quickly!"

"Yes, sir, this way." Zhang Baotou bent down and made a gesture of invitation.

The three of them came to the cell where Xiaoer's family was. There was no need to push him this time, Zhang Baotou knew that he would immediately go forward and open the door.

Xiao Fuzi saw the family standing straight and graceful even though they were in a cell, with magnanimous eyes and no trace of fear or worry. He bowed respectfully and said, "Mr. Shen, Mrs. Shen, Xiao'er Girls, gentlemen and ladies, Xiao Fuzi is late, please forgive me."

"We have to thank our little brother for coming to rescue us. There is no way to forgive." Shen Chengyao hurriedly avoided returning the gift.

"If it weren't for the book sent by my master, your family would not have suffered this unreasonable disaster. You should apologize a little. If not, it's your master's fault when you go back." What Xiao Fuzi said was a double entendre.

The county magistrate understood, and he bowed to the end: "I really don't know that the people below have arrested Mr. Shen and his family. I hope Mr. Shen will not blame him." Who is this Shen Chengyao? It depends on the meaning. Who attaches great importance to this family?

The county magistrate apologized, and he, the person responsible for the arrest, even bowed: "I hope Third Master Shen will forgive me. I was deceived and arrested Third Master Shen's family. I'm really sorry."

"Who reported that Mr. Shen's family had "Essential Techniques for Elevating the People".

"It's Shen Chengguang."

As expected, it was Dafang's family who did it, and Shen Chengyao felt even more disappointed and heartbroken about his eldest brother.

"Let's go out first and then talk!" Xiao'er really didn't want to stay in this environment for one more second!

"Yes, get out first!" the county magistrate hurriedly agreed.

Several people walked out of the cell door. Doctor Luo and Shen Chengzu were waiting outside the door. When they saw a few people coming out, Shen Chengzu hurriedly greeted them: "Third brother, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I just went in for a while." Shen Chengyao shook his head.

"Let's go to the restaurant to freshen up and then eat. I've booked a table for the guests." Doctor Luo felt guilty. The third prince asked him to take good care of Shen Chengyao's family, but he didn't even know that he had entered the cell when he saw it. , he was also derelict in his duty.

"County Magistrate Lin, you have figured out the matter and will report to the guests later."

"I understand." County Magistrate Lin nodded in agreement.

The group of people got on the carriage and set off to the restaurant.

Although the whole family was very hungry, there was no way they could have an appetite just coming out of a place like that, so they just filled their stomachs.

Magistrate Lin arrived soon. What happened was that Shen Chengguang went to Zhang Baotou before dawn and said that he had found a person hiding a forbidden book. His son said that the master in the school said that "it is not available to anyone except the imperial court." Shen Chengyao The whole family is white, but it is illegal to collect this book. Although he was his younger brother, in the face of justice, he could only kill his relatives.

He also said that this younger brother had made some money recently and he would not take his elder brother seriously. He asked Zhang Baotou to help teach him a lesson and fined him a few silver taels. Then the two of them would divide it and lock him up for a few more days.

Is this how you understand "it is not available to people who are not members of the imperial court"? It was a waste of time for him to read books for so many years. This means that the rare copy of "Qi Min Yashu" is very rare, and even people who are not members of the imperial court can get it, okay!

I am really harmed by some people’s ignorance! How did he pass the Tongsheng examination? Xiaoer was filled with doubts and depression.

"Why is uncle so cruel? First it was Yun'er, and then this time, we didn't argue with him. Does he think we are easy to bully?" Mrs. Liu said angrily.

"Locked up for a few days, he can tell. He doesn't know that my little sister is still young. How many days can she survive in this prison?" Jing Hao was so angry after hearing this that he didn't even call him uncle and just used the word "uncle". He called his little sister "substitute" for a long time. He hadn't heard her cry so miserably.

"Did you say how much money the fine would be?" Xiaoer asked.

"The fine is one thousand taels, and Zhang gets three hundred taels for arresting the head." Originally, County Magistrate Lin didn't want to tell the matter, but the prince had many talents, and there was something he couldn't find out. He didn't dare to take the risk, so he could only Five Ten made it clear. Yibo will not be dismissed from office this time.

"A thousand taels, you really have nothing but money in your eyes!" Jingrui's face was full of anger. He could sell his niece for a hundred taels, and now he wants to cheat his brother by a thousand taels. Such a person is really scary. Compliment.

"Mr. Shen, what are your plans for this matter? If you want to vent your anger..." Xiao Fuzi asked tactfully. After all, it was his eldest brother who put them in jail.

Everyone understood the meaning of Xiao Fuzi's unfinished words and looked at Shen Chengyao.

"Treat him in his own way," Jing Hao said angrily.

"Hao'er has grown so much that he even knows how to use it to treat others in the same way." Xiao'er praised.

"Isn't this what my sister taught me just a few days ago? I remember what my sister taught me best." Jing Hao did not forget to express his sincerity.

"Otherwise, let's fine them a little money. Didn't Rui'er also say that there is nothing but money in the eyes of the eldest brother? He should be heartbroken by punishing him with money. He will learn a lesson next time." Shen Chengyao said hesitantly. .

Shen Chengyao felt uncomfortable in his heart. If his eldest brother had only held him prisoner, he would have felt better. After all, he had just given up to him, but he had also put his wife and children in prison, and even his several-month-old daughter. Don't think about it for a moment, why should they give in to him, why should they tolerate him being hurt again and again?

Mrs. Liu was also extremely angry. After being sent to prison, what kind of reputation would her children have after word got out? What kind of future would they dare to think about? It is estimated that it will be difficult to even marry the children of good families in the future. Before she married into the Shen family and split up, she had been living a life of being unfairly bullied. Although there were times when she was sad, her husband loved her and was devoted to her. She felt that he was better than anything else, so there were many The incident was forgotten in the blink of an eye, but when it came to taking revenge, she hesitated.

If the uncle is really sent to jail for this matter, then Jing Wen's future will be really ruined. The child is still young, and he has studied so hard these years... Mrs. Liu can't bear it. "I also think a small fine of silver would be fine."

After hearing this, the brothers and sisters were disappointed. Last time, they didn't care about Yun'er's matter. It happened again this time. Jingrui wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't.

Xiaoer understands Shen Chengyao and his wife. Although they will be angry and uncomfortable if their uncle does such a thing to their family, they will curse a few words and even ask for an explanation, but these will not cause any real harm. If you want them to retaliate and hurt you, even if you do it because of anger, they will suffer in the future, so it is better not to do it.

She hoped that they would always remember that Dafang's family could not be trusted, and it would be better to always be on guard against Dafang's family than to take revenge. They felt guilty and felt sorry for Dafang's family.

How can you be happy when you are feeling guilty and tormented in your heart? The most important prerequisite for happiness in life is the heart. If you are not ashamed of anyone and feel magnanimous, then your life will be easy, and you will work hard to make a fortune. , live your life well, then happiness will come naturally.

"The third master and his wife are both kind people." According to him, such people should be taught a lesson. Even if they are not beaten to death with a stick, they should be stepped on their painful feet so that they will never dare to mess with him again!

When leaving the restaurant, Xiao Fuzi whispered beside Xiaoer: "The third master and his wife are too kind-hearted. If you don't teach those people a lesson, you may not know what they will do next time." He said this kind of people I saw it a lot in the palace.

"Forget it, good and evil will be rewarded in the end. Let's tolerate him for the time being, let him, ignore him, and look at him again in a few years to see how he can live his life. You can also end up with something bad if you take action. Isn’t it famous?”

"Miss Xiaoer still has great wisdom."

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