Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 89 Wait for Chapter 89 to apologize.

Not long after Shen Chengyao's family returned home, Capt. Zhang calculated the time and immediately led a group of people to the door of Shen Chengyao's house beating gongs and drums to publicly apologize.

When the people in the village heard the sound of gongs and drums, they thought something big had happened, so they all ran out to watch the excitement. They saw a group of officials gathered in front of Shen Chengyao's house. The villagers pointed and whispered.

"What happened to Shen Chengyao's house this time? Didn't a group of officials come this morning and arrest everyone? Now what do they want from another group? They want to ransack the house, right?" Villager A said to himself curiously.

Villager B heard what he said and said, "No way. I just saw Shen Chengyao's family coming back. I also asked him why he was caught by the officials in the morning. He said it was a misunderstanding. These officials may have come to apologize."

Villager A nodded after hearing this. He heard at that time that Shen Chengyao was arrested by an official. After hearing various speculations from the villagers, he felt that Shen Laosan was not a criminal, but a man who abided by his duty. "Misunderstanding, then Even if we arrest the wrong person, it is really possible for him to apologize."

Villager C sneered, "Have you ever seen an official apologize to someone? That's ridiculous!"

"If you really make a mistake, it doesn't matter if you apologize. It proves that the officer is a good officer."

"I made a mistake. If I didn't try to save my face, I'd just let it go. I want to apologize to you, so go ahead and dream!" He is such a fool who has never seen the world. Villager C despises him in his heart.

When Shen Chengyao and his family heard the noise, they all came out and found that it was Zhang Baotou and others again. What surprised him even more was that they were beating gongs and drums in front of their house. What were they doing?

When Zhang Captou saw Shen Chengyao and the others coming out, he hurriedly raised his hands to signal the gongs and drums to stop.

Shen Chengyao pointed to the gongs and drums and asked, "Zhang Baotou, what's going on here?" What do you want from such a grand event?

Zhang Captou led ten officials and bowed to the head of Shen Chengyao's family: "Mr. Shen, we were offended this morning. We were deceived and sent your family to prison, causing you to suffer in prison. Now we are I came here specifically to apologize. This is one hundred taels of silver and some snacks and fruits. Please accept it, Mr. Shen, and buy some supplements to make you feel safe and calm."

When Villager C heard this, his jaw almost dropped. What kind of situation is this? He really came to apologize! This is rarer than money falling from the sky.

There were also screams in the crowd.

"One hundred taels of silver, my God, Shen Chengyao's family got rich this time, why wasn't I the one who caught the wrong one?"

"Yes, yes, yes... come and arrest me too. It doesn't matter how many times you arrest me. As long as you can give me a hundred taels, no, even fifty taels."

"This hundred taels of silver is enough for a lifetime. Shen Laosan is a blessing in disguise!"

"Tch, didn't you go to his house for a wedding banquet yesterday? The house was built for a hundred taels, so people won't take a hundred taels seriously now!"

"It's better to keep your eyes open. Forget it. I only dream about money."

"We have received Mr. Zhang's apology, but our family cannot accept the money. There is nothing to worry about. Mr. Zhang should take the money back."

"This is what so many of us have done to suppress the panic of Mr. Shen and his family. Mr. Shen, you must accept it." Accept it. If you don't accept it, I'm worried that I won't even be able to catch the head!

"We really can't accept it. You'd better take Zhang Baotou back." Shen Chengyao shook his head and refused to give in.

Zhang Captou secretly glanced at Xiao Fuzi, who was standing next to Xiaoer, and saw that he was not angry, but not happy either. He couldn't guess, so he could only feel anxious.

The land took back one hundred taels of silver. "If you don't accept the money, then you have to accept these snacks and fruits."

The snacks and fruits were not worth much money, so Shen Chengyao accepted them.

"Mr. Shen, it's my fault today. I will definitely repay what I owe you. If someone brings you trouble in the future, just come to me. As long as I can do anything, I won't hesitate. Who else will do it in the future?" If I am going to make fun of you by saying that I accidentally caught you this morning, you should also tell me, and I will definitely let him try the feeling of being in a prison cell."

After hearing this, many villagers covered their mouths.

"Thank you Zhang for taking care of me." Shen Chengyao bowed his hands and expressed his gratitude.

After Zhang Baotou and his party left, Xiao Fuzi also said goodbye. He was here to give a New Year gift. If something like this happened, he wanted to run back immediately and report it to his master.

"Xiao Fuzi, it's almost dark. If you leave now, you'll have to find a place to sleep for the short journey. Not to mention that it's not safe to travel at night. You can leave tomorrow and help us give my home to Brother Shangguan and Brother Di. It's just a good idea to send it back as a new year's gift, saving me having to find someone else to give it to me."

Xiao Fuzi stayed after hearing this.

After the family returned home, they washed themselves from head to toe and felt much better.

Shen Chengyao went back to his old house to tell Mr. Shen and Mr. Shen Zhuang that they were safe, but he didn't say anything else to avoid them worrying. Mr. Shen felt relieved knowing that it was a misunderstanding and he had arrested the wrong person.

Xiaoer is going to have hot pot in the evening. The weather is too cold, so hot pot is the best choice.

But Xiao Fuzi refused to sit at the same table with them, saying that he was just a slave and could not sit at the same table with his master.

"There are no slaves in my house, only friends, so don't mess around! Eating hot pot is only lively when there are many people." In her previous life, Xiaoer often went to dinner parties, KTV, and even travel with her employees. In her opinion, Xiao Fuzi was just a loyal employee of Shangguan Xuanyi.

Xiao Fuzi still refused. The rules in the palace were strict and Xiao Fuzi's servility was deep-rooted, so she could not help but be strong.

Later, a hot pot was prepared in another room for him and two servants of Dr. Luo's family to eat in another room. The dishes prepared were the same, but the portions were smaller, but enough to feed three people.

Doctor Luo saw a copper pot on the dining table being placed on the stove. The soup inside was boiling and boiling. There was only a bowl of white rice, a small empty bowl, a pair of chopsticks, and two plates with seasonings in front of each person. On the plate, a strange-shaped glass cup filled with half a glass of wine. A rack-like rack with wheels was filled with all kinds of food, but unfortunately they were all raw!

Doctor Luo pointed to a pile of raw food and said, "Girl Xiao'er, I'm old and can't tolerate fresh food. Are there any cooked dishes here?"

Poof, Xiaoer laughed out loud, "Doctor Luo, don't worry, my family doesn't eat raw food. That's what primitive people do. This is a new kind of food that can maintain the original taste of the food. What do you think of me?" Eat. Everyone, please serve, I'm very hungry."

After Xiaoer finished speaking, she walked to her seat, picked up a thin piece of little lamb, then put it in the pot to scald it back and forth, dipped it in some sauce, and put it in her mouth. Well, it was so delicious that it even melted on her tongue. After swallowing it, she was hundreds of blocks away from what she thought was the most delicious hotpot she had ever tasted in her previous life! The food in the space is really delicious. Fortunately, my physique seems to be that I can eat no matter how much I eat and not gain weight, but it would be really painful.

"You girl, you put a bunch of raw things here, it really scared me." Doctor Luo continued to eat, and after taking the first bite, he immediately picked up the second piece of meat, " Girl, how did you come up with this way of eating it? It’s delicious, it’s really wonderful!”

"Well, this is delicious, please put more."

"What's this from? This is more delicious. Put more in it, more... that's right, it's almost done. You have to leave some room for other things." Then during the whole meal, Dr. Luo only said this one sentence from time to time. I ate hard with my head down.

Mrs. Luo would say to Dr. Luo from time to time, "Slow down, you're not afraid of getting burned!"

"That's enough. If you eat too much at night, you will accumulate food..." Then she also ate a lot.

"Chengyao, what kind of wine is this? Why haven't I drunk it before?"

"This is wine, made from grapes. This is our first time making wine. How does it taste?"

“Very good, mellow, round, fruity and winey, harmonious and pleasant.”

"Doctor Luo likes to go back and take two jars home."

"Then I'm welcome." This wine is great! What about him? He is greedy for food, crazy about medicine, and nothing else.

This delicious hot pot meal led to the doctor Luo always being unable to taste the food in his own home in the following days. Then he went out for a walk every day. He came to Shen Chengyao's house for a meal and then went back. Then he said to himself, this It was to protect the Fuxing family and prevent them from being imprisoned again.

Thank you everyone for your subscription, thank you for your monthly votes and rewards, I am very touched, thank you

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