Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1004: Three story lines (one more)

With the continuous advancement of the plot, the panorama of the entire Luoshengdu, the different fates of the three protagonists, the different supporting roles of the characters... all of this is very subtly displayed in front of the players.

Many players who don't know about gta may think of this game as a cool swim.

Start a dog and drive by grab.

Buy once, play for a year, equipment does not cost a penny.

It is the brother who came to gta inside **** me!

In the past life of Chen Mo, many players were "San Antilles" when they first came into contact with gta. At that time, there was no localization. Many junior high school students and high school students were only allowed to grab a car on the road. Killing a few innocent passers-by, or using the code to call out a tank rampage in the street.

In this regard, many people still play very embarrassedly, obviously it is to play gta as a general cool swim to play.

Indeed, one of the big selling points of gta is that players can do illegal things in the game that they can't do in reality, but this is not the whole of gta. It can even be said that this is just connotation and gameplay in gta. small portion.

Many junior high school students and high school students have learned a little English or have checked the Raiders before discovering that this game has special tasks. !

Then, as soon as I did the task, I opened the door to the new world in an instant and found that the game was completely different from what I played before!

The mission is varied, there are assassinations, there are cars, there are gun battles, and the task is that the bombs at the bottom of the car must be kept at high speed for a long time to be dismantled, and there are RC helicopters to do things... In addition, players can also Buying various industries in the map, such as bars and nightclubs, these industries will continue to make money for you; after making money, players can buy more industries, buy better guns, better cars...

And to gta5 here, in addition to these original content is more colorful, the story of the game itself has been polished more refined.

The three protagonists got together for various special reasons. These three people helped the paparazzi, drove the trailer, worked as a filmmaker, stole the plane, destroyed the gang, stopped the train, worked over the fib, and grabbed the Fed. ......

The fate of the three people is intertwined. Different identities, statuses and personalities reflect the current situation of different classes of the beacon country in this era. It can be said that this game is an in-depth analysis of the beacon country society. Behind the seemingly absurd plot is profound. Social reality.

Of course, Zou Zhuo has not played that level yet, and he is still immersed in the pre-exquisite story line.

There are three protagonists in gta. How to tell the story of these three protagonists is an important topic in the early stage of the game. If the rhythm of the plot is not well handled, it is likely that there will be a preference, but the goal of gta is to let the players like each of these three characters, but also use a very The smooth rhythm puts the three characters together, which is obviously a problem.

From the initial prologue, the fate of the protagonists is closely linked.

In the prologue, Mike made two or five babies, and passed the sinister death of a wealthy life.

Franklin sneaked into Mike's house and gave Simon a car. As a result, Mike gave a lesson and the two sides got to know each other.

Mike faced a very serious middle-aged crisis and had to re-enter the old business, so Franklin gradually became his good helper.

The action of robbing the jewelry store exposed Mike to himself, so Trevor began looking for Mike.

In the process of the gradual convergence of the three lines, the characters and the dilemmas of the three characters are revealed through some scattered personal tasks.

Franklin is a black man at the bottom of the Beacons' society. He is eager to get ahead. He is eager to live in his own mansion like Mike, and the way he realizes his life is to learn from Mike. At the beginning, he helped Simon steal the car, but after being taken to the road by Mike, he devoted himself to a bigger crime.

Mike is the representative of the middle-aged crisis. Although he has lived a carefree and rich life through the witness protection plan, her wife madly gave him a green hat and finished the tennis coach to engage in yoga coaching. The son played at home all day. The game also sold his yacht, saying that he was a fat house and insulted the fat house; the daughter wanted to be a star, and even mixed with some people who did not.

The old Cuibi is purer than the two men. He is purely trying to destroy. He values ​​friends and has a sincere side, but he has to say that he is indeed a madman and kills the whole family without a word. Therefore, the question of Cuifo is probably that no one really regards him as a friend or even Mike. The potential insider also regards Lao Cui as a threat and hopes that he will die.

Strictly speaking, these three people are not the traditional protagonists.

Franklin is a black man who is not handsome.

Mike is a middle-aged uncle with a big belly.

Lao Cui is a bald middle-aged man and is a perverted murderer.

It is impossible to expect players to like these three people by relying on the value of the face, so this time will double the ability to test the shape of the characters.

With the in-depth experience of the story, players will feel that these three protagonists are still very cute, especially in the first-person perspective, players will habitually bring themselves into the role, when considering the problem, Better understand the behavior of these characters.

When Zou Zhuogang played the story of Cui Fo, the whole person was forced, and this cargo is also the protagonist?

Mike has a very good saying: "I am not a good person, but if you see Trevor, you will feel that my mother is as pure as an angel."

When I saw the news about Mike’s robbery at the jewelry store on TV, Lao Cui was coming back to someone else’s girlfriend. Then Johnny came to the door. As a result, Lao Cui not only wanted to do his girlfriend, but also to be with him... Then when Cui Fo comforted Johnny and hugged him, he suddenly grabbed his neck and pushed him to the ground. Then, with a series of feet, I directly stepped out the brain of Johnny.

After killing Johnny, it was not counted, but also the gang members related to Johnny nearby were all destroyed. Everything was only because Johnny found Cuifo saying "youmotherfxxker".

This story is almost a textbook describing mental illness, because you can never guess what Lao Cui will do next. The first time you play a lot of players will be a slap in the face, can this neurotic killer also be the protagonist?

But after playing, players will find that Trevor has a unique personal charm. He doesn't compromise like Mike. Whether it is an official or a triad, he dares to provoke him to go directly to the village with a gun. He is very loyal, and he is very worried about the people he cares about.

Cuifo is a torturous villain, but many players will like this neuropathy, which has to be said to be a great success in character shaping.

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