Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1005: Slaughter live website (two more)

Zou Zhuo made a live broadcast for four or five hours today, which came out of the matrix game compartment.

"Too! I really don't want to come out!" Zou Zhuo said with emotion.

At the beginning, the plot was a bit dull, but after an hour or two, various scenes began to appear.

In particular, the story related to Cuifo, under the soul-wearing experience of the first person, is simply cool to burst.

In the mission of [Anxious Ronaldinho], the player's possession of Cui Fo first went to the armed country to buy a sniper rifle, then climbed to a very tall water tower, waiting for the night to come. In the evening, the player should use the sniper rifle to get rid of all the lights at the speeding party's small airport. Ronaldinho sneaked in; the next step was to use a sniper rifle to solve all the flying party that stood guard.

For Zou Zhuo, it was difficult to use a sniper rifle for the first time, but it was also very exciting. This feeling of taking people hundreds of meters away is similar to that of "Just Survival", but gta's sniper war is easier and more cool. Moreover, because the next-generation vr operates in a completely different way, Zou Zhuo feels like he is using a real sniper rifle, whether he is a hand-cranked bolt or a strong recoil, which makes him feel better at the sharpshooter's feeling. .

Next, Lao Cui directly took the ak47 blood to wash the whole small airport. After opening the special ability, the old Cui is simply invincible. You can ignore all the bullets all the way, just like you are mowing the grass.

After that, the old Cui Wei madly **** bullets on the wing to kill the enemies that continued to come.

Finally, Lao Cui jumped on another plane on the runway and drove the plane back with Ronaldinho. During this journey, the player also needs to complete the special operation of flipping the wing, throwing the cargo, drilling the bridge hole, and stopping the aircraft on the runway.

The final part of the plane really gave Zou Zhuo a hard time crying. Although the game has been reduced, many actions have been completed automatically, but Zou Zhuo found that he did not even control the control of the aircraft. It was often a turn. The plane was planted directly on the ground.

Finally, it was hard to find the runway landing. Zou Zhuo died at least seven or eight times before finally stopping the plane in the hangar and almost knocking the wing away.

Although the plane was quite awkward, the moment of successful landing was very cool.

This time, Zou Zhuo can go out and brag, and the brother is also playing, oh no, the person who drove the plane!

"This game is really amazing! Really, I think even if it is not in the matrix game cabin, even if you are a traditional PC game, or you can use the handle to play on the sith, this game must become a classic. What's more, now is the next generation vr, can go in to shoot, can drive, can also fly, this is simply a great value!"

"You think about it, you have to pay 3,000 yuan for a driver's license... You can use this game for three!"

Zou Zhuo is difficult to conceal his excitement and is still bragging about the barrage.

The audience of the barrage expressed their opposition to his remarks about selling gta.

"I want to lie to me for money! Say, how much money do you receive Chen Mo, my emperor will give you double entertainment!"

"The emperor and the emperor have fun together? Later, a little brother, you really can't afford it. Now it's not the same individual amount of company to have fun with the Thunder."

"Oh, chubby, look at what you said, I am the one who lacks the three thousand dollars? I am missing the 300,000 in the game cabin!"

"Is that I am the one who lacks the three thousand dollars? Well, I am really missing..."

"The tears of poverty are shed... When does Chen Mo get a sith version of gta? If the price drops ten times, I can consider it..."

"The head can really train the car here, but the driver's license from the first test here, the traffic police recognize it..."

Everyone’s attitude is also very sincere. Well, we know that this is a good game, but we can’t afford it...

Zou Zhuo looked at the fish live broadcast platform, and the results were very shocking to find that the first page of the big anchors are almost all live gta!

Especially those game anchors, whether playing "League of Legends", "Jesus Survival" or other games, almost all fight in gta, the original game is not broadcast. However, there are also several anchors that are broadcasting in other games, but the popularity is obviously cold and clear, and the number is much less than usual.

The audience on the entire live fish platform is almost concentrated in several large live broadcast rooms, and the anchors are playing gta.

"I am going, should I be so hot?" Zou Zhuo was shocked. He looked at the number of people in his live broadcast room. It was originally more than 1.8 million. He plunged to 1.3 million in ten minutes after he came out of the game cabin. Needless to say. Those people must have watched him not broadcast gta, and went to the live room of others.

In fact, every time a new game is played by Chen Mo, it is possible to create a new batch of anchors. When the "Jesus Survival" is just on fire, Lao P, Zou Zhuo and Qin An are all hot by this game. So not only are the small anchors staring at Chen Mo's new game, but even a lot of big anchors are afraid that they can't keep up with the trend and cause their popularity to drop.

If it is the game "Detroit: Change Man", in fact, there is not much difference between the anchor and the anchor. It is difficult for the small anchor to have the space for cornering, but the gta is different, because the freedom of the game is too High, the space for the anchors to play is very large.

Zou Zhuo turned back a little, and saw several live broadcast rooms with good heat, and they also have their own characteristics.

There are special shooting enthusiasts, racers, even helicopters, aircraft pilots, these people live direct gimmicks are also direct, is the show gun or show car skills!

Like these shooting enthusiasts, they are good at shooting. They go to the game to do the gun battle missions. The guns are headshot and the players are very cool. The racers are crazy show cars, all kinds of drift, and also through this. The game tells the player the actions that need to be performed in the actual drift, attracting a lot of audiences; as for the helicopters and aircraft drivers, it is even more rare animals. Driving a plane to make a special aerobatic flight in the sky will allow the players to instantly brush. A wave of 666, a variety of gifts are also sent to fly.

As for other people, there are people who fight in gta, teach people to sail, travel to see the scenery, go to the amusement park, drive a taxi to pull a living... and others show the players how to do it in Luosheng The rules are in accordance with the traffic rules, the players have said that the anchor will really play, and then turn off the live room.

The anchors soon discovered that gta is a game with enough content, and everyone can have different ways of playing.

The same is the open world game, gta and "The Legend of Zelda" are completely different ways, and in some respects even better.

The plot is great, the city is well built, there are enough play, and it brings a little reflection on society.

Perhaps the only place that is not as good as the Legend of Zelda is that this game is not suitable for children to play...

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