Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1012: Chen Mo wants to go to current affairs? (two more)

The controversy about gta has not passed, and the players have heard a message that surprised them.

The well-known current affairs debate program "Today's Current Affairs Debate" will invite Chen Mo as a special guest to discuss the story about gta in R&D with some domestic experts, scholars and opinion leaders who questioned gta and discuss the game to players. Positive and negative effects!

Many players saw this news is completely forced, and even once thought they were blind.

What do you mean, Chen Mo wants to stand on c?

And also to be positively torn with these experts, scholars, and opinion leaders?

Look at the list of participating programs, it seems that more than half are against the gta people?

Chen Mo, is this going to play again?

But... can this work?

Everyone knows that although the Today's Current Affairs Debate is a current affairs program, it has a strong debate nature. The general affairs of the current affairs program is hosted by the host on the stage. I would like to ask a few experts and scholars to be a guest to prove a few words to prove their views. But the host of today’s current affairs debate is to strictly observe the neutral position. The main task is to guide the pros and cons of the two parties to debate the same issue. In the end, it will only summarize the two sides' speeches, and will not conclusively conclude the conclusions.

The selection of this program is basically a controversial issue, which means that both sides have a reason, so it is called a "debate."

However, when it comes to being tall, in fact, this program can easily evolve into a large torn scene...

Don't think that the experts, scholars, and opinion leaders are very gentlemanly. They stand up and speak like the college debates. If there is anything, let the other party finish talking and say no.

In fact, in this program, some experts and scholars really quarreled like the aunts who bargained at the market, and they interrupted and interrupted, even increasing the decibels until they were red-faced and full of grace.

This cannot be completely attributed to quality problems. On the one hand, these opinion leaders do not have to undergo special debate training. Many times they think about where to say, they will subconsciously interrupt others' speeches. Many people write a long text on the Internet. Bo can write very well, but the scene is open and arbitrarily said, it may be logically confusing; on the other hand, when everyone grabs the words, you will be in a very passive situation if you don’t rush, it’s a bit like “showing soldiers "When the gentleman encounters a rogue," even if you are reasonable, others can get the upper hand on the scene.

Apparently, the guests who participated in this program are very conceited, especially in their own professional field, it is impossible to admit defeat, so it is quite normal for the more arrogant.

The show lasted nearly an hour. At the beginning, everyone was polite and reserved, but in the last twenty minutes, the situation was often too much to control.

Of course, at this time, the host needs to guide the speeches of the guests, but the host is not omnipotent. Those who can come to this program are all people with heads and faces. Sometimes people say that the rise is endless, and the host is impossible. When people say half of it, they will be forced to interrupt immediately, and they will not be able to say it.

Therefore, the effect of each episode of this program is completely unpredictable. It is not easy to keep the program running normally.

As an important program of c-station, the Today's Current Affairs Debate is still very influential in China. The players are very clear, Chen Mo really went to the show this time, but it is equivalent to drowning.

Many people said that they did not understand, mainly because they did not have any benefit for Chen Mo in this program! Those so-called "opinion leaders" can take this opportunity to give themselves a wave of heat, increase powder, and get more money, but what benefits can Chen Mo get?

As the saying goes, it is not uncommon for a dog to bite. It is news that a person bites a dog. If Chen Mo really wins, it is also a bite of a dog.

Players even expect this to be a fake news, or Chen Mo can't change it temporarily, but as the show airing time approaches, there is no similar news.

Obviously, Chen Mo is a hard-hearted person who wants to bite the water and iron the heart.


On the day of the "Today's Current Affairs Debate", many players were uncharacteristically in front of the TV.

For many players, they have long been concerned about TV shows. There are various video websites, there are a lot of live broadcast platforms, and you want to see what you can search directly on the Internet. Why do you watch TV regularly?

Therefore, the ratings of many traditional TV programs are already very low, and they all rely on the network to broadcast their own lives. The "Today's Current Affairs Debate" is a c-station program. The situation is better than that of some small TV stations, but it is not much better.

The program was broadcast simultaneously by the TV station and the network. The result was only the ratings of the TV station, which has already made people stunned.

Real-time ratings of 6.47!

This is a jaw-dropping number, and it has set a record for the "Today's Current Affairs Debate", and even exploded some phenomenal TV shows and TV series!

You should know that the rating of a phenomenon-level food program in the parallel world is only 2.7, and the audience rating of a phenomenon-level TV series is only 5.44, an average of 2.83, which is already a god-made, even for several months. It is a hot topic on Weibo and major forums.

The ratings of a current affairs debate program can reach 6.47, which can be said to be the concern of the whole people.

What's more, this is the real-time rating of the statistics, and after the end of the program, the number is likely to rise...

Obviously, this is inseparable from the popularity of gta and the personal charm of Chen Mo. If it is said that the domestic hotspots, the gta and its controversy are indisputable absolute hot spots, and today’s current affairs debate is perfect. It is not surprising that you can get so much attention at the heart of the hot spot.

The popularity of the live webcasts also exploded, players have long been unable to wait, a variety of barrage filled the entire screen.

"Sit and wait for Chen Moge to fight the Confucianism! It is best to kill these so-called opinion leaders!"

"Always support gta! God does not explain!"

"The cloud player specifically likes gta!"

On the side of the barrage, all of them were supporting Chen Mo and Gta's remarks. Even if there were occasionally one or two "gta harming society", they would soon be drowned in the curtain.

Obviously, on the platform of the Internet, the support that Chen Mo and Gta received is overwhelming.

For the players, this debate is not just a TV show, it is a fight, a battle. If these views that support game restrictions prevail, then the entire domestic game industry will be affected, and even everyone's freedom to play games will be limited.

In order for players to play the game freely, it is absolutely necessary to fight!

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