Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1013: Cultural crystallization is still poison (three more)

At the beginning of the program, a video material was first played.

The title below is: "Grand Theft Auto" is the perfect game in the game industry, or is it a violent game to incite crime?"

In the picture, many news materials related to gta, real-time discussions, screenshots of online speech, game materials, etc., appear one after another.

"Grand Theft Auto" (English name gta) has received much attention at the beginning of the launch. As of now, it can be said to sweep the global game market, sales have climbed to millions, and it is on live and video sites all over the world. In the last week, the world-renowned authoritative game media tgn gave a full score to Grand Theft Auto and described it as 'God', 'Peak', 'Legend'. The historical status of the game."

"But correspondingly, the violence and crimes displayed in the game have also caused controversy around the world. Some experts and scholars and network opinion leaders believe that this game is a crime of abe, and there is no Respect for women, animal cruelty, and suspicion of some occupations."

"In the history of the game, there has never been a game that brings as much controversy as "Grand Theft Auto", and with the next generation of vr, this game is becoming the most influential game in the world. According to statistics, although this The number of players in the game is less than 10 million, but the number of players who watch game content through live broadcast websites and video websites may reach more than 1 billion. Although under the grading system, these viewers can almost all be considered adults, but such a huge impact Force, or can not help but cause concern."

"Is Grand Theft Auto demonized?"

“Does it bring pure entertainment to the players, or does it have a bad influence?”

“If the game has a negative social impact, who should be responsible?”

"Today's Current Affairs Debate" invited the designer of "Grand Theft Auto", Mr. Chen Mo, President of Thunder and Mutual Entertainment, and experts and scholars who raised many objections to this game. Today's topic: "Grand Theft Auto" is culture. Crystallization, or mental poison?"

After a burst of cool lights, in the warm applause of the audience, the spotlight hit the host's face.

As the famous male host in China, the host Hu Yue is well-rounded and has a clear logic and a fast speech. The "Today's Current Affairs Debate" program can not be seriously deviated in the heated debate, and the host's skill can be seen.

"Exploring today's current events and paying attention to the people's livelihood. Hello, everyone, I am the host of the Today's Current Affairs Debate, Hu Yue. Before the show started, I asked the audience in front of the TV and the computer screen a question, wait for this show. After the end, what kind of entertainment do you choose at night? Is watching or playing games?"

"Game games, now the hottest game is what we call the next generation vr, "Grand Theft Auto", and players around the world prefer to call it the English abbreviation, gta. As mentioned in the previous video material, It is indeed a global fire, but it has also been ravaged all over the world. There are people everywhere criticizing him everywhere. In the end, there is no reason for this criticism. Is gta a spiritual poison? Then, distinguished guests, Professor Xu?"

Hu Yue raised his hand and the lens was given to the next guest.

As a director of the Quality Education Research Center of a normal university, Professor Xu’s hair is gray and looks like about 60 years old, but his spirit is awkward and looks like a fighting force: “Of course. Not only I think so, in fact, research in some countries in Europe and America. The center has had similar conclusions. Long-term violent games can cause damage to the left brain, and this symptom is exactly the same as some drugs."

Hu Yue took the message: "A lot of players will feel that this statement is too serious when they hear Professor Xu's point of view. But it must be said that there is indeed such a criticism of the violent factors in the world, then Zhibin, your opinion?"

The lens was given to another male guest, ******, 30 years old, and the title was "senior media person" Zhang Zhibin.

"I think the poison is too much. If it is poison in the eyes of Professor Xu, it is a carbonated drink at best in my eyes. On the surface, we see that many media are criticizing, as if the whole people are denying, but it is not. There are many players who support gta on the Internet. Why is it a carbonated drink? You drink too much. Drinking water every day will definitely cause diabetes, but drink less and enjoy your body and mind."

Professor Xu immediately said: "But, drinking drinks can make people sin? But the violent factors presented in the game will actually affect people's behavior and even play a teaching role."

Zhang Zhibin smiled and said: "But many of us here have grown up playing games, especially at my age, but I have not committed crimes."

Professor Xu repeatedly waved: "You are not guilty, but it does not mean that other people have the same self-management ability as you do, and it does not mean that the negative impact of the game on everyone is the same."

Hu Yue hurriedly interrupted: "Okay, let's not discuss the connection here first, but just talk about the impact of the game itself. Mu Gang brother, Bai Youxiong, what do you guys think?"

The picture was transferred to two other guests. One title was “well-known blogger” Yuan Mugang, and the other title was “Wolf Dad” Chen Baiyou. The former looks like a fifties and the latter is in his early forties.

The "well-known blogger" Yuan Mugang said: "I used to play games and play computer games. It lasted for a month or two and played ten hours a day. Finally, now I have a lumbar disc herniation, and I have to commit twice a year because Play the game. Then I played the game control in recent years, and my waist disc has never been turned over."

Another "wolf dad" Chen Baiyou said: "I educate my children has always stressed that if you want to be the winner of this society, you must put an end to all games. Anyone who indulges in the game is a loser, because you have no such temptation. The ability to resist. But in society, parents like me are a minority. What should parents do with a lot of work and a lot of things? They can only accept the poison and temptation of the game for children."

Hu Yue nodded: "Okay, most of our guests have already published their views. Next, we invite Mr. Chen Mo, the designer of Grand Theft Auto, to express his views. Explain in advance. On the surface, it seems that the scene is two-on-three. It seems that it is not fair. In fact, this is what Mr. Chen Mo himself requested. What is your opinion on this matter?"

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