Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1014: Rebuttal (four more)

The lens turned and gave Chen Mo here.

In the scene of the live broadcast, a large block of barrage floated across the screen, and even the screen was covered.

The speeches of the previous anti-party guests have already caused a snoring and laughter on the barrage. Although many players feel that these arguments are very funny, but more of an anger, experts can be nonsense?

Many players sneaked into a fire, just to make a barrage, these people can not see, and now see the camera finally gave Chen Mo, are waiting for Chen Mo's rebuttal.

Chen Mo did not like the other guests to blush and thick neck, although the three opposing guests on the opposite side poured water on the game, but Chen Mo is still a cloud-like look.

In fact, Chen Mo is a thing that reduces the aura of wisdom, but this time it is useless.


Because the aura of the wisdom is used by normal people, Chen Mo himself feels that he is in a loss of panic when dealing with these three.

Chen Mo first looked at "well-known blogger" Yuan Mugang: "Mr. Yuan, although I am also a lumbar disc, I don't quite understand why you are so prominent, but I have to declare that your lumbar disc problem is entirely due to your lack of Correct sitting posture and long-term lack of exercise, no matter what you do for ten hours, you may have a lumbar disc. The vr game we are going to discuss today, the matrix game cabin is designed by many ergonomic experts. It is even more comfortable than the intensive care unit of the hospital. If you lie for ten hours, you won't have a lumbar disc, but you may also have a massage chair."

He looked at "Wolf Dad" Chen Baiyou again: "As for the impact of the game you said on children, I can only kindly remind you that there is a strict game grading system in China. The rating of gta is 18 years old or older, unless the parents specifically Cooperate with your child to cheat, otherwise it is impossible for children to play gta."

Chen Mo looked at Professor Zhang, who was white in hair. "As for Professor Xu, the violent game caused damage to the left brain... Well, as a s-level designer, I have access to the database to access all relevant documents. It includes a variety of domestic and foreign literature. Unfortunately, I searched for the two keywords 'brain degeneration' or 'left brain damage', and the search results are like this."

Chen Mo gently tapped on the phone, and a virtual projection screen appeared in front of it, clearly showing the title of the searched paper.

A Brief Analysis of Brain Degeneration

"The relationship between mirror writing and brain function integration and degradation"

"The study says that eating two leafy vegetables a day can delay brain degeneration and prevent dementia."

"Diabetes can cause brain function deterioration"

"Stressing aging and anti-aging effects of ginseng ingredients and its mechanism"


There are no "games" in the words of several pages.

Chen Mo said: "Considering that Professor Xu as a professional may not be the same as the channel for obtaining information, I have changed it again and searched it again."

This time he opened two search engines at home and abroad, searching again in both Chinese and English. The keyword was changed to "game + brain degradation".

"To prevent brain degeneration, Alzheimer's, play these games! 》

"Play these three games often to delay brain degradation"


The scene was a bit embarrassing.

Chen Mo smiled and continued: "Of course, I am not saying that Professor Xu has no basis for this argument. In fact, I have spent a lot of effort to finally find the source of this statement. A medical professor at Neon People who think that they often play games will lack expression and have poor self-restraint ability, but this statement has not been widely supported. It is only a statement of the family, not an authoritative conclusion. Moreover, there are many similar arguments, such as 'watching TV Children's brain degradation ', 'long-term running may lead to brain degeneration' and so on, these are more like some alarmist hypothesis, and there is no consensus at present, and even no major scholars in the mainstream academic circles are studying this aspect."

“On the contrary, I have a study of game neuroscience here, which shows:”

“People who spend a lot of time playing shooting games every week, their dynamic vision and contrast sensitivity are significantly improved compared to before playing games. This kind of game requires players to constantly observe the surrounding environment so that they can quickly distinguish in a messy background. Out of the details, a long game is actually a process of exercise."

“Players who play games often have more developed and more efficient top, frontal and frontal buckles in their brains, which means they have better control and focus than non-players, and they are multi-tasking.”

“Nature” Science Magazine specializes in the impact of games on the brains of the elderly. In fact, after a period of game training, the level of multitasking in the elderly can reach the level of young people and remain unchanged for six months. The cognitive ability that is weakened by aging can be effectively improved through games."

“European scientists scanned the brains of 152 young gamers and found that the more children the game played, the larger the gray matter in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and frontal eye movements, which are the centers responsible for executive capacity. This means that playing games with children can significantly improve their ability to execute."

“In addition, action-based gamers not only respond faster than non-player groups, but also have better precision.”

“British scholars and game designers have jointly developed a game called Ocean Journey, which provides an unprecedented amount of scientific research for amnesia and Alzheimer's disease by recording people's navigation in a 3D environment. The data has caused a sensation in the entire academic circle of neurological diseases. This game can provide valuable data for scientific research while providing auxiliary treatment for patients."

Chen Mo looked around at the three people: "So, I think the arguments of the three are not enough. What do you think?"

These three guests had some anger on their faces, especially Professor Xu, who had to shoot the table.

At this time, Hu Yue quickly pulled the topic back: "Okay, the five guests present have already expressed their own opinions, then we will let the audience present to speak freely. Do you think that it is a poison because of a certain game? Is harming the health of you and your friends. Do you have any experience to share with us? Come, this classmate in blue shirt."

The audience raised their hands and stood up and took the microphone: "I think the game will make us a lot of people immersed in the virtual world. What should we do with few of our friends? The more you are in the game, the less social you are. I feel that the whole person is out of touch with the society."

Chen Mo is very helpless to spread his hand: "You friends rarely blame me? "League of Legends", "Jesus Survival" This game allows many people to find the other half in the game, there are many friends who are together in the dark to organize a city party It is clear that the social circle has been expanded. If you have low emotional friendships, you will be able to reflect on yourself. It is as if you can find friends without the game."

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