Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1015: Games and essays (one more)

Hu Yue smiled and said: "Okay, we just listened to the guests and listened to the opinions of the audience. But just now we seem to have some problems. In fact, our focus is on gta, but at the beginning our guests seem to The spearhead is aimed at the whole 'game'."

"In this way, in order to prevent accidental injury, we will bring the topic back to gta. What do you think of the gta game? Mu Gang brother."

“Famous blogger” Yuan Mugang cleared his mind: “Well, then we will say gta this game. Obviously this game contains a lot of murder, violence and crime content. Is this not against it? Is it there? risk?"

Zhang Zhibin, a "senior media person" standing on the side of Chen Mo, shook his head: "I feel that it is impossible to use this method. The car is also at risk. There are a lot of people killed in car accidents every year. Then do we have to boycott the car?"

"How can it be the same?" Yuan Mugang raised his tone. "The car is a necessity in our lives. Is the game?"

Zhang Zhibin stunned.

Chen Mo smiled and said: "I don't know how Mr. Yuan's "required goods" are specifically defined. Then I want to ask the question, is the film a necessity? Is the TV program a necessity? If you say it in the world, according to your statement, All the entertainment activities that have been banned will not affect our normal life. We will not starve to death anyway. But people living in the world not only have material needs, but they just need to be hungry. We need to satisfy our own spirit. Demand, and in Maslow's hierarchy of needs, spiritual demand is a higher level of demand than material demand."

"You think that games are not a necessity in life. It's just that you think so. Just like you see others smoking and drinking, you don't think it's a necessity to ask someone to quit. Isn't that justified?"

Professor Xu immediately took the message: "You just mentioned spiritual needs. I just think that the spiritual needs you are talking about are false and harmful! Too much addiction to the virtual game world will make these people unclear about games and reality. Even if there are more crimes in the game, it will be done in reality!"

Chen Moyi spread his hand: "I think Professor Xu is skeptical about the IQ of this part of the adult. Our law believes that people who are 18 years old and have a sound mind have full civil capacity. The so-called 'complete civil capacity' means that they You can be responsible for your actions without the need for the society or others to blame their behavior. Professor Xu's idea is a 'parental mentality' and it is a parent who wants to be a national adult. This mentality is highly undesirable. ""

Hu Yue said: "Well, Mr. Chen Mo’s point of view is that since it is an adult, then there is the right to enjoy entertainment. I think this is very correct. Most of you here are adults, we are sure I don't want to do some entertainment activities within the scope of laws and regulations. But some people tell us that we can't."

"Of course, I also know what Professor Xu means, that is, if a game is socially harmful, then we still can't sit back and ignore it. Let's not talk about whether to sit down and ignore it. Let's talk about gta first. Whether the game is harmful or not. Just now, Mr. Muang mentioned that the game has a lot of violence and criminal content. Do you agree with Mr. Chen Mo?"

Chen Mo nodded: "Of course."

Hu Yue continued to ask: "That means that you think that these violent and criminal content will not adversely affect the players, right?"

Chen Mo said: "Not only will there be no adverse effects, but it will have a positive positive effect."

"Wolf dad" Chen Baiyou snorted: "A nonsense! How can violence and crime have a positive effect? ​​Can't you because you are the designer of this game, counting on it to make money, turn black and white?"

Chen Mo is not angry: "I would like to ask Mr. Chen Baiyou, since you are very proud of your education, do you have any essays selected in the language textbooks when you educate your children?"

Chen Baiyou nodded: "Of course."

Chen Mo: "These essays, such as "The True Story of xx" and "xx嫂", describe the life of a wandering farmer and a spiritual victory. The latter portrays the working women who donate money and donate their spirits. Does the article have a positive positive effect?"

Chen Baiyou replied with confidence: "Of course! This is a ruthless disclosure of the old society. It reflects the profound social reality! It depicts the social characteristics of feudalism, conservatism, vulgarity and corruption at that time, revealing the people of the old age. The scene of life in the depths of the heat is our cultural treasure."

Chen Mo nodded: "Yes, so is gta."

Chen Baiyou smashed: "?"

Professor Xu was a little trembled: "Do you actually compare the game with the essays? But please explain the explanation. How are the two the same?"

The atmosphere on the scene was still somewhat arrogant. As a result, Chen Mo’s argument came out, and everyone was not noisy. They all stared at Chen Mo to see what he was going to say.

The opposite guest felt that he had seized the handle of Chen Mo, and when he said a wrong sentence, he would immediately chase it.

Chen Mo looked at everyone: "How many of you are really playing gta? Trouble raising a hand."

Host Hu Yue and Zhang Zhibin standing on the side of Chen Mo raised their hands, and some players in the audience also raised their hands, but none of the three guests on the opposite side raised their hands.

Chen Mo said: "Let's see all the story stories of gta through live and video sites, please raise your hand."

This time, the hand raised was obviously more, but the three guests opposite did not raise their hands.

The scene is a bit embarrassing. In fact, the three opposites do not want to raise their hands. It is really not looking at the whole story. They didn't dare to lie. If Chen Mo asked a question and asked them to ask questions, wouldn't the scene be more embarrassing?

"Wolf Dad" Chen Baiyou expressed his protest: "I only felt very uncomfortable when I saw the criminal part at the beginning, so I didn't read it. I don't think this can be used as a basis for judging. A game is so fast. Just watching a paragraph is enough. You don't have to read it all."

Chen Mo smiled and said: "You should not worry, wait until I finish talking. I am not trying to question everyone's understanding of this game, but after all, there is no right to speak without investigation, if everyone does not even complete the plot After reading, then some of the details I buried in the game, everyone naturally do not know, right?"

"So, everyone misunderstood the intention of this game, I actually feel very sorry. This time I also hope to take a look at some of the details that have been buried in the game, so that we can better understand the game. Deep connotation."

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