Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1016: Exposing the ugly veil of capitalism (two more)

Chen Mo tapped a few times on the phone, and the picture on the phone was mapped to the front through the projection lens, so that most people in the room could see it clearly.

The first is what Mike said to Franklin: "Young people don't always want to fight and kill, go to college, and then you can exploit the people's property, drain the oil of these workers and lay money." This stuff is what is called 'capitalism'."

The three guests on the opposite side were obviously stunned. Obviously they didn't even understand what it was. What kind of lines are there in GTA? And is it a dialogue between the two protagonists?

Chen Mo continued to click on the screen of the mobile phone, and a close-up of a police car in the gta appeared on the screen. On the door of the police car, under the badge sign, ‘obey, survive’. (obedience, survival)

Chen Mo explained: "Maybe this stalk is relatively concealed. Many people don't understand slang. Let me explain it here. In the police car of the Beacon Country, I wrote two words, but wrote 'protet, serve' "(Protection, service)

Many people present at the scene looked at each other and their faces were full of surprises.

If the words of Mike in front are very explicit, then the stem is more concealed. Obviously this is a bully and fear of the police in the lighthouse country, as well as the conflict between the police and the people in the lighthouse country.

Obviously, the original meaning of the words on the lighthouse police car is that "the police should protect the people and serve the people." In fact, the police in the lighthouse country have always been violent law enforcement, and they have been fired indiscriminately. Every year, civilians are killed by innocent people. The probability of shooting without reason is several times higher than that of whites.

So gta changed these two words into (obedience, survival), which means that in the case of the police, the people of the Beacon Country must be absolutely obedient to survive.

Chen Mo continued to click on the screen of the mobile phone, and a piece of information was explained to him by the audience, as well as everyone in front of the TV and in front of the screen.

“The power company in Luoshengdu uses thermal power to generate electricity, claiming that their coal is clean coal with high-tech content and will not pollute the environment. In fact, when they go to the power plant, they will see the smoke rolling. In addition, they also ridicule the solar panels. Ugly and filthy wind power has been confirmed by scientists to cause many species of pigeons to face the species crisis, and also called on everyone to work together to resist wind power."

"This reveals that the big companies and big consortia of the Beacons are fooling and deceiving people, and they are doing everything under the driving of economic interests."

“Fleea Bank’s advertisement says “Lending money is effortless” and “Everything can be swiped”. However, the description of the fleea credit card on the lcn- website is 'issuing non-stop loan sharks’, indicating that this is an attractive The financial trap, which satirizes the greed, blackmail and the flood of consumerism in the big country."

"As for Epsilon, they are rich and rich, in the prime location by the headquarters building and a lot of luxury cars, their believers even penetrated into the fib, in fact, this is a true cult."

"However, there are similar religions in the lighthouse country in reality. I will not say the specific names. They persecuted and controlled the believers. The tragedy of the suicides of the believers was successively staged. This organization even penetrated the lighthouse country and intended to infect all kinds of state secrets. However, it was recognized as a legal religion by the lighthouse country."

"There are still many people who care about the 'missing women' problem. In fact, if you follow them, you will find that they are calling their mothers to report peace. The general idea is that there is an audition recently, and the producers are very optimistic about their own. Please be assured that my mother is doing very well."

"Good Maiwu, a group of girls with star dreams came here, but they can only live this life, and the metaphor is self-evident."

With the description of Chen Mo, various details of gta are pointed out one by one, and the disclosure and ridicule of the current social situation also made most people present stunned.

Chen Mo spoke very quickly. In the end, he concluded: "Obviously, what the gta game really wants to express is:"

"This is a story, a game, a fake. In reality, you can't live in the hospital after you die, and you can't complete most of the criminal activities inside. If you really do this, it will definitely It’s a very bad death.”

"Bad people are not good, even in gta, the fastest living is the national violence machine of the police, fib, iaa, army, in the name of the state and justice, and do not need to be responsible. Just like fib put the three main characters as The gun made his own hands clean."

"Secondly, it is private armed forces, triads, multinational groups. Money can make ghosts sway and arbitrage under the protection of the government. Even small insect repellent companies can hold the insignificant privilege to oppress civilians and earn black money. ""

"And the three protagonists look like scenery. In fact, these three people, Franklin is the blackest youth in the bottom of society, without any rising channels; Mike suffered a middle-aged crisis; Cuifo was disgusted by everyone."

"They seem to be crazy and infinite. They are just thieves. They are used by the state machine. They are shackled on the hands and feet. When the country needs you, you are a gun. When you don't need you, you have to be treated like garbage. Drop it."

"So, I said that gta is a work that exposes reality and criticizes reality. Is there a problem?"

The three guests on the opposite side were all froze and speechless.

Professor Xu raised his hand twitchingly: " are anti-government speech!"

Chen Mo nodded: "Yes, but I am against the government of the Beacon State. Is there a problem? I have always stressed that the game of gta takes place in the Beacon Country, which exposes the ugly veil of capitalism, no matter where it is. The police, the state machine, or the big companies and big consortia are all characteristics of capitalism. Of course, there is no such thing in our country."

"Not only that, but we can also let more players experience the evil and ugliness of capitalism through gta, let those cents that boast that 'the beacon country is a beacon of democracy' on the Internet to take a good look at the real situation of the beacon country, and thus more Cherish the happy life now."

The three guests on the opposite side were stunned. Even the host Hu Yue didn’t think how to pick up this...

This bend is so urgent, so everyone didn't have time to step on the brakes and think hard.

Chen Mo sighed: "As a game, gta shoulders the task of exposing the ugly veil of capitalism. It must present a real capitalist world to the players. Players can also honestly rent and make money in Luosheng, buy a house. , live a life of a small rich and safe."

"You, the Buddha's own heart, Luo Sheng has shown the whole picture of capitalism in a panoramic way, there are paper drunken fans, but also sinful. What is in your heart, what do you see in this game."

"Some people only want to fight and kill in their hearts. When they see the game, they are naturally full of killing and killing. I have hidden so many profound things in the game, but you turned a blind eye and blame me?"

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