Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1017: The future of the virtual world (three more)

The barrage of the live broadcast room has been screened by the overwhelming 666, and the audience on the scene are all full of face.

It can be said that most people present at the scene did not expect Chen Mo to come up with this set of rhetoric.

Professor Xu’s expression was very excited. Apparently he wanted to shoot the table and said that it was “a nonsense”, but his hands were lifted, but he could not shoot.

The other two guests are also facing each other. Obviously their brains are running fast and want to refute the rhetoric. However, the words are poor at one time.

Does Chen Mo have any problems?

The problem is gone!

At least the opposite reaction of the opposite guests in hearing Chen’s remarks is that this is not nonsense?

But from the beginning to the end, I shun the logic, it seems quite complete...

The examples cited by Chen Mo, including Mike's satirical capitalism, the words on the police car, the fib-related plots, etc., are indeed in the gta, and it is impossible for Chen Mo to openly swear. Since there are these elements, Chen Mo said that gta is exposing the ugliness of capitalism, as if it is logically very fluent.

Moreover, simply grasping the violent elements of gta is actually not very able to stand still.

When a carrier reveals the plot with "exposing" and "criticism" as its main goal, too much beautification of the scene will greatly reduce this criticism. To put it simply, like some essays, the old society is beheading, the ignorant and ignorant people use the blood of the revolutionaries to curb their blood. The plot is actually bloody, even shot in most movies and TV series. The dead are much more bloody.

However, if you want to eliminate this bloody, violent influence and over-beautify this episode, then the "critical" effect it has to achieve will not exist.

If you force all similar subjects to be like fairy tales, it will only make people feel extremely false, and eventually become a complete cultural waste.

These people's doubts about gta mainly focus on the appearance of its "violence", while Chen Mo is raising the issue to a higher level of "spiritual connotation", so he directly raised the topic and formed a A kind of "low-dimensional strike".

The key to this can be that gta must have enough rich content.

Gta is really there.

Is it a game that encourages crime? No.

Most people just touched a little fur, and they feel that gta encourages everyone to commit crimes, but it is not.

Gta does not encourage crime, nor does it induce players to kill and kill. It is not the blood of the rivers and lakes that most people think is drunk, not the unfettered and happy enmity of young people, but the shackles that are getting tighter and tighter. It tells the sorrow of the invisible enemy playing with the palm of the hand after defeating the visible enemy again and again.

In the world of gta, there has never been a false bridge to succumb to white beauty and embark on the bridge of life. Instead, he has been betrayed by his friends or betrayed his friends. He has to bow to the more powerful black and evil forces. For those who hate the fib, the dog is a biting dog.

The stories that seem to stimulate the player's hormones are actually just constantly rubbing their buttocks for others, completing one task after another, but they can never redeem their freedom from fib.

In the previous work, the protagonist of the wind and rain, perhaps in the next work will die like a wild dog, no one cares about his life and death.

When entering the gta world, many people may indulge in the thrill of killing and looting, but as the story deepens, the players feel the joys and sorrows of the protagonist, and they will find everyone in the story, even those little supporting actors. They also have their own sorrows. The deeper level of disclosure of the current social situation is the key to making gta different from a cool swim and a perfect score.


The debate on "Today's Current Affairs Debate" is still going on, but the wind on the Internet has completely fallen to Chen Mo.

Of course, Chen Mo’s remarks cannot conquer everyone. For those such as Professor Xu and Chen Baiyou, the position that “violent games inevitably lead to crime” has been presupposed in their brains, explaining them to them. It is impossible to convince.

But Chen Mo’s remarks were certainly not for the three opponents, but for the viewers who watched the hot spot before the TV and the computer.

What Chen wants is the public opinion's support for gta, or at least no objection. What is needed is the tolerance and understanding of the whole social environment for the development of games, especially virtual games.

In the second half of the program, several opponents and the audience were still trying to refute Chen Mo’s remarks, but Chen Mo responded one by one and completely occupied the initiative.

At the end of the program, Hu Yue asked Chen Mo: "I am very grateful to Mr. Chen for coming to participate in the "Today's Current Affairs Debate" today. The official interpretation of the game gta also allows us to better understand the true meaning of this game. Finally I also There is a problem, that is, a live audience has suggested that the traditional violent game may not affect much, but the matrix game cabin as the next generation vr, its immersion and realism are far beyond the traditional PC, mobile games, will not Will it have a more serious impact?"

Chen Mo did not answer directly, but asked in reverse: "Excuse me, what do you think is the future of virtual reality technology?"

Hu Yueyi said: "The future? I think the future should be closer to the real world."

Chen Mo nodded: "Yes, the so-called virtual reality, the focus is on 'reality'. Whether or not some people are willing to admit, the ultimate form of virtual reality will be a perfect reproduction of reality, even beyond reality. We will be in the future What kind of virtual reality world is it created? Is it a 'paradise' where everyone lives and works without any crime?"

“I am sorry, although this is a good wish, but it may only exist in the unrealistic thoughts of a few people. From the current literary works, whether it is, movies, TV series, comics or games, similar false images There is almost no existence. If you don't believe it, think about it. There are no popular movies or best-selling books that 'everyone live and work happily, happy life'. I think similar scenes are only available in heaven."

“Why? Because most people don’t like this kind of falsehood.”

"The development of virtual reality into the future is bound to be pluralistic, with truth, goodness and beauty, as well as false and ugly. Positive and negative, this is the two sides of the coin, all negative things are removed, the positive things are false, the whole world will become pale Powerless. The negative thing is to motivate people to yearn for good things, so that they can better understand what is good."

"So, will the violent elements of the next generation of vr be more serious? My answer is, no. Not only will not, and this is the only way for virtual reality, the future virtual world is an all-encompassing The world, as for what is good or bad, the most extensive players have this right to judge."

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