Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1025: Who is Heath Ledger (second)

"Heath Ledger? Wow, this actor feels great, and I don't know where Chen Mo was found, such a talented actor, can get Oscar. Um? Can't find this person?"

After the film was released, all the audience were very excited, all talking about the story of the whole movie.

Obviously this film is different from the general popcorn movie. Everyone is discussing some unintelligible places, as well as those high-intelligence crimes. Especially the two characters Batman and joker have left a very deep impression on everyone. Joker's crazy performance made him the focus of the audience.

Lin Xue tried to search for the keyword "Heathlej", and found nothing, even if there are several related information, it is also some foreigners who seem to be irrelevant.

None of the results found was about actors.

At the beginning, Lin Xue thought that this person's popularity was too low, but she searched other actors and found that they could find their specific information.

Now Chen Mo's action-capture actors selected during the game making are basically the top actors in the industry. Although they may not be as handsome as the first-rate movie stars, they are acting as good as those of the movie, and they will also target the vr games. Features, in the process of motion capture, deliberately make some more suitable expressions, making the action of the virtual character more realistic.

Therefore, although these people are not big stars, they are definitely not a nameless generation. It is impossible to find their information on the Internet.

This makes Lin Xue more puzzling, why can everyone's information be found, only this information of Heath Ledger can not be found?

Out of the cinema, Lin Xue found that many people gathered at the entrance of the cinema, and some people went to the cinema to go to the second brush after drinking two drinks outside.

Obviously, most of the people gathered at the entrance of the cinema are buying buy tickets for "The Dark Knight" or tickets for the second brush. This makes Lin Xue also entangled, because it is obviously not enough to watch such a good movie.

Although the first time I saw it very enjoyable, Lin Xue also felt that there were a lot of details in the movie. She didn’t notice it at all, including the beginning of the clown’s rush to the bank. She really wanted to see how the clown was mixed at first. The group of robbers inside.

"So... spend 480 buyouts forever?"

Lin Xue is tangled, the film is a good film, but she chose the most expensive payment method...

But for joker, she decided to buy it. After all, this movie is exactly the same level as many generations of vr games. Although the duration is far, the actors' superb acting, brain-burning plot and fast pace are the plus points of the movie.

What surprised Lin Xue was that when she re-selected the payment, the 480 of the buyout ticket was crossed out and changed to 380.

Obviously, this is the discount price she has seen after the first game.

"Wow, Serent is a conscience! Buy and buy, don't buy or people?"

Lin Xue did not hesitate to pay. Originally she was still struggling with the price of 480, but at a time it was cheaper than 100 yuan, she couldn't help it. If it is not bought, is it not a loss?

After watching the movie, Lin Xue went to the nameless small building and glanced at it. Well, it turned out to be closed.

No way, Lin Xue can only find another restaurant that tastes good, and while browsing, browse the discussion on "The Dark Knight" on the Internet.

After watching the film review, it is the basic operation of many people. Especially this kind of drama, the whole movie has a very fast rhythm, and the plot is very burning. If you don’t watch the movie, the whole movie can only understand the percentage. Sixty or seventy, the degree of excitement is greatly reduced.

For some good movies, many people even have such a process: first watch the movie to prevent spoilers, then watch the film review to find the details of their omissions, and then go to the second brush.

Obviously for the movie "Dark Knight", it is worth a process.

What surprised Lin Xue was that although "The Dark Knight" was not shown in the major theaters, it only served a small number of people in the matrix game cabin, but this entry appeared on the major movie sites, and There are still many evaluations.

Obviously, there are a lot of people here who are like Fan Xue’s fans. They watched the movie on the live website.

Although watching on the live website is only a 2d effect, all aspects have been discounted, but this completely does not detract from everyone's respect for this movie.

The film even scored an astonishing 9.6 points. Although it was not long before the release, only a few thousand people scored, but even if more people scored, this score is almost impossible to fall 9 points.

Obviously, this is a super master that exceeds most people's expectations.

Because the release time is relatively short, so there are not many long comments, but only from the content of the short review, it is enough to reflect the success of this film.

"Chen Mo can completely make a difference, no matter what the subject matter he takes over, even the superhero theme, even the film field."

"The three images of Batman, Double-faced Man and Clown show the contradictions and choices of people on both sides of good and evil. The movie is so flawless!"

"I didn't expect a game designer to be able to take the film to such a degree, so I don't want to waste it for a second! It is a Thunder movie studio, I have entered the 480 buyout, very worth it!"

"I have been smashed by joker! I want to know which actor is the hero who is responsible for joker motion capture? Is there a microblog in the country? It is a **** acting!"

"I feel that this joker is already a godsend! Even the performance of this goods can completely compete for the best supporting actor, but this is not a serious movie, but a game derivative, may only go to tgn to get the best Performance awards. Anyway, I hope that Chen Mo’s next game will continue to use him and bring us more exciting performances!”

Many people's eyes are focused on the joker. Obviously, the protagonist of this movie is not so much a Batman, but rather a joker, because this crazy man is not only a lot of drama, but also IQ is suppressing Batman everywhere, starting a game. Guns, equipment all rely on grab, all the way to the police to collect the younger brother, it is not surprising to rely on playing with the brain to put the well-equipped Batman to play.

However, a film review is to make everyone stunned.

"According to internal reliable news, all the expressions and actions of joker are personally adjusted by Chen Mo himself. That is to say, there is no such person as Heath Ledger. This is the evil taste of Chen Mo, deliberately compiling a name to lie to you. In fact, the joker was completed by three people, and the action collection was done by Qian Qian. This is not to say, smashing the sky, so Qian Qian strongly urged not to write his name on the cast; Chen Mosheng The place where the money was played was manually transferred to the current joker; there is the foreign dubbing Kevin Greene, who spent a lot of energy to interpret the perverted voice of joker, you can I saw it in the back voice actor table. That is to say, the role of joker is not from the show. Yes, I feel incredible, but the fact seems to be the case..."

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