Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1026: Undead knees gain epic level enhancements (three more)

The instant of this film review is filled with people who don’t know the truth. Many people’s first reaction is, don’t believe.

"Hand-tuned? Are you afraid of teasing me? This kind of performance that is more vivid than the capture of real people, is actually Chen Mo's hand-tuned??"

"This is really a subversion of my three views. If it is true, then everyone will not have to look for an actor. What kind of acting skills do you want Chen Mo to adjust?"

"I can't imagine this kind of work... Serent is really not a human, it is estimated that this product is artificial intelligence..."

"Serrent is actually a piece of artificial intelligence that invades the real world? Wow, think carefully!"

Although everyone has opened their minds under this film review, it is clear that the news that "joker's expressions are all Chen Mo's tone" has caused a great shock to everyone, even hidden behind it. It’s just “Chen Mo is showing off his skills” and represents more things.

Like the movie "The Dark Knight", Chen Mo allowed the anchor to broadcast the movie live. Why?

Although the audience in the live broadcast sees the 2d effect, it is completely incomparable to the 180-degree vr effect seen by the matrix game console players, but the most important part of The Dark Knight is the plot and the wonderful performance of the joker, let the audience live. Can you see that Serent is not a blood loss?

In fact, this is equivalent to a disguised advertisement.

The current high price of the matrix game cabin determines that it is only a small number of rich people to enjoy, as long as the matrix game cabin continues to maintain the current price, then the next generation vr is only a small circle of wealthy people. . If Dark Knight can't be broadcast live, it means it can only be broadcasted by players in the matrix game console and can't be seen by ordinary viewers.

Of course, Chen Mo can also choose to let this film release, really get the movie to make money for the movie ticket, but after all, he is not really going to enter the film industry, just show the next generation to the players in the matrix game cabin. The movie effect in vr.

Up to now, Chen Mo’s main goal is to sell the matrix game cabin to 10 million units worldwide as soon as possible, and to open the next technology point as soon as possible. As far as possible, the matrix game cabin will occupy the high-end market, and the future development will become faster and faster.

Moreover, there is a very crucial message behind the movie "Dark Knight".

Chen Mo can use a hand-tuned action to make a bunch of game models on the screen to perform in a false manner, so in the future, can artificial intelligence do this?

As an open player, Chen Mo is indeed stronger than artificial intelligence. If Chen Mo used a week of work, advanced artificial intelligence can be completed in three weeks or a month.

If you can, does it mean that this kind of movie made in the way of playing games will be popular?

This kind of movie doesn't need to go to great lengths to find big-name actors. If there is any special role in acting in the future, let the high-end artificial intelligence take a few months to slowly adjust it? As for the face, it is even less problematic. What you can do with what you want to do.

Of course, this idea can only be regarded as an unrealistic conjecture. After all, the current artificial intelligence technology is far worse than Chen Mo, let alone Chen Mo’s hand-picked action, this investment is not necessarily better than a big name. The movie star should be low. But in any case, this is a trend reflected in the film "The Dark Knight", which represents the infinite possibilities of the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology.


After the update of Oasis, the next step is to stir up the cold food that many players are excited about.

Gta's online mode is officially launched, players can experience the core fun of gta in this mode.

The story of gtaol still happens in Los Santo, but this time the player does not need to control the three protagonists to play according to the established plot process, but can use their own characters to develop freely in the city.

After coming to Luo Shengdu, the player will encounter a professional potter Rama, and receive some tasks such as racing and robbery from his hands. As the level increases, players can also begin to learn the driving skills in the flight school, earn money by completing various errands such as robbery, braking, and confrontation, and then buy a house to buy a car to realize their own life value.

Strictly speaking, gtaol is not a traditional online game. It is more like a networked mode of stand-alone games. Although players are in the same city, the game experience is relatively separate and relatively fragmented. The launch of the online model is mainly to satisfy the demands of friends to team up with each other and to buy a house together in Luosheng.

Chen Mo does not intend to make gtaol a highly sophisticated virtual world. At least the time is not mature.

In addition, the "Dark Soul" reset version, which is highly anticipated by players, was officially launched.

The original price of "Dark Soul" and "Dark Soul" is about 2000, so for the old players who have already bought, this next generation vr reset version costs 400 yuan to buy.

This price is a very conscience. I have to say that the game "Dark Soul" is difficult and very hard, but the cold rice is really fragrant. As soon as the reset version came out, the players of "Dark Soul" who bought the matrix game cabin almost all did not hesitate to start the reset version.

As for the biggest difference between the reset version and the original vr version, it should be that the player's optional behavior is more flexible.

The two most important points: First, the player can no longer stick to the original attack and avoidance actions. Different attack postures can be used during the attack. When you dodge, it does not necessarily roll every time. Sometimes you can avoid it by one side. The attack of the monster is fine; the other is that the undead's knee gets an epic buff and can jump freely.

The core players of "The Soul of Darkness" understand that these two changes have changed dramatically for this game!

The reason why the first re-made game chose "Dark Soul" was due to the type of game. After the introduction of the matrix game compartment, "Detroit: Change" and gta battle mode are shootouts, the current next generation vr game still lacks a cold weapon battle game, and "Dark Soul"... well, this is A good game that everyone likes.

What's more, Serent also lacks negative emotional value.

After the re-production, players can completely experience the battle mode in "Dark Soul". They don't need to roll on the ground every time the monster attacks. They can bow, bend, flick, jump to avoid. The attack only rolls when it is absolutely necessary.

The same is true for the attack. The player's armor and weapons are preset, the weight and material are determined, and the player wants to use them completely freely. For example, the player can cut with a big sword, cut it vertically, cut it obliquely, poke with a sword tip, and shoot with a sword ridge... As long as the player's power attribute is enough to control the sword, he can play it casually.

Of course, since it is a brand new platform, it is definitely not enough for the hard game of Dark Soul. Those old **** have been swearing new work and new games, so they should continue to suffer.

However, before this, Chen Mo has to give new technology points to the point.

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