Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1032: Ready to be a superhero (three more)

With the help of Jarvis, Iron Man's research and development progress is faster than many previous games.

Chen Mo could not help but feel: it really is that technology changes life.

Omitted the cost of communication between people, Jarvis can multi-threaded operation, combined with his own powerful computing power, its work efficiency is even higher than many senior designers add up.

Of course, the premise is that someone is ready to design a concept draft for him.

However, from the perspective of research and development, "Iron Man" is not much faster than the previous game, mainly because Chen Mo and Jarvis spent a lot of time adjusting the new artificial intelligence system, setting each for each npc. Basic attributes, including personality, behavior patterns, self-awareness, etc.

After all, these npcs are to communicate directly with the players. If they are exposed, it will seriously affect the perception of artificial intelligence technology in the minds of players.

Fortunately, the characters in Iron Man are not too many, and a large part of them are dragon characters. You only need to do a few key roles.

As for the game process, the overall process of the game is much longer than the movie. Even if the battle content in "Iron Man 1" is extended, and then some special gameplay is added, this time is not enough.

Therefore, the content of "Iron Man" was made in accordance with the contents of Chen Mo's previous films "Iron Man 1" and "Iron Man 2".

Extending the battle and the special gameplay part of the player's gaming experience, drastically reducing the shots of other unrelated characters (that is, no longer letting the player open the God's perspective to understand the action of the villain, but through some other clues to let the player infer, such as the TV station On the news), thus completing the film to game change.

To make players always believe that they are Tony Stark.

“Are we making the trailers by the way?” Jarvis asked.

Chen Mo is a bit surprised: "Hey, you know it very well."

Jarvis replied: "Yes, you designed me to be artificial intelligence for making games, so of course I..."

Chen Mo interrupted Jarvis's words: "Okay, of course, I know, should I add a little sense of humor to your artificial intelligence program?"

Jarvis: "Oh."

Chen Mo gently tapped the matrix glasses on his head: "Well, don't tell me that artificial intelligence will be careful. This video clip will be handed over to you, you should know what to do, remember to cut more points. Big scene, everyone likes to watch."


Three hours later.

Chen Mo is leaning against the chair, and the computer screen next to the sleep state lights up.

"The promo has been made," Jarvis said.

“The speed is really fast.” Chen Mo turned the chair and looked at the computer screen: “Play.”

The "Iron Man" promo was automatically played on the computer screen.


The background of the picture is a continuous mountain and an endless desert.

Tony Stark stood in the middle of the picture, wearing a pair of brown sunglasses and speaking to everyone.

“Respected, feared, which is better?”

"I want to say, can't the two be done at the same time?"

"Some people say that the best weapon is a weapon you will never use."

"I am very respectful to express different opinions. I think the best weapon is only needed once."

Tony gently waved his hand, and a missile next to it quickly lifted off and exploded in the air. Numerous sporadic warheads fell like scattered flowers, and the rolling hills were all shrouded in them. The violent explosion created a fierce shock wave. The lighthouse country soldiers standing far away are still completely obscured by the smoke from the missiles.

Tony is taking off the sunglasses and opening the box full of fine wine.

"A contract for every 500 million US dollars, give a box of fine wine. Cheers for peace!"

As the picture turned, Tony suddenly woke up.

He was lying on a dilapidated spring bed in a dark cave, tearing open the gauze of his chest and found that his chest was inlaid with a strange ring device.

The bearded terrorists shouted loudly about Tony's incomprehensible language, while the next uncle of glasses was translating for Tony.

"He wants you to make a missile, that's what you demonstrate."

Tony looked at the eyes of the terrorists and silenced for a moment: "I refuse."

In the dark caves.

Tony Stark slammed something and placed it on the table: the steel mask of mark1.

At the press conference.

Tony Stark sat in front of the podium and set the burger aside: "I saw young soldiers die and die under the weapons I wanted to protect them."

Then he stood up and came to the podium and said firmly to the microphone: "I decided to close the Stark Corporate Weapons Department immediately and take effect immediately."

On TV, the news is still reporting the latest battles in the distance.

"The chief culprit of recent violent incidents is the organization known as the Freedom Fighters. As you can see, these people are all fully armed to perform their tasks. Anyone trying to stop is a dead end. There is no police and international help, refugees. Their chances of survival are very slim. A woman is waiting for her husband’s news..."

Tony looked at the photos in his hand and clearly printed the words "Stark Industries" on the weapon box of the terrorist organization.

He walked slowly and opened his hands. The surface in front was cracked, and several robotic arms carried the golden red Iron Man's suit and put these parts one by one on him.

Feet, legs, arms, shoulders, back, breastplate, and finally a helmet.

The gold mask fell, and Iron Man's eyes lit up.

The video came to an abrupt end, the screen was black, and the game name appeared on the screen.



Chen Mo gently patted his hand: "Yes, very good. You can achieve this level, it really surprised me."

Jarvis’s voice is very dull: “Thank you. I just follow the system settings, select key shots according to the editing rules, then break them up, put them together, and add some exciting background music.”

"OK, let's post it on my Weibo." Chen Mo said.

Jarvis: "I don't have access to any real-world web software. My ability is limited to the games you create."

"Well, I forgot. It's really inconvenient."

Chen Mo had some helplessness, so he had to export the video file from the computer first, and then he made it on Weibo.

Then he taps the keyboard to match the video with a line.

"You, are you ready to be a superhero?"

"Or take off this battle armor and experience the life of geniuses, billionaires, playboys, philanthropists?"

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