Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1033: Combing your hair into an adult look (one more)

“Do you know about Weibo’s price?”


"The trough, what is your hand speed on the first floor?"

"What's special, I just clicked on the video, and the sofa is gone!"

"Look at Serent's new game! The promo has come out!"

"Hey, this introduction... superheroes, billionaires, playboys...this means to link the "Dark Knight" to change the movie into a game?"

"No, this is Batman, it's totally two people!"

"But... this is so cool than Batman!"

Chen Mo’s Weibo had just been sent out, and the news of the new game was spread. The promotional video was repeatedly reprinted.

In addition to the original introduction, Chen Mo deliberately emphasized: "This game is not a movie-like game experience, but a through-game experience!"

Soon, the new term “crossing game experience” was also reprinted by major game media, and instantly became a hot topic.

From the propaganda film, many people think that this is another movie-based game of Chen Mo, just like "Apocalyptic Day."

Obviously, from the content of the trailer, the game's story is very strong, and the main shots are concentrated on this very individual protagonist.

However, according to Chen Mo, this game is not the same type as "America's Doomsday". It is a "crossing game."

As for what is a "crossing game"?

Many players still don't catch a lot of it because they have to say "crossing", but they have already experienced it in gta.

The same is the game on the matrix game cabin. Why did Chen Mo use the phrase "crossing the game" when doing gta, but used it in "Iron Man"?

This makes many players somewhat puzzled. What new tricks are used in this new game?



The research and development cycle of "Iron Man" made Qian Qian and the designers of many project teams all stunned.

Just two weeks.

From Chen Mo to write the design concept draft, to Jarvis production, while the motion capture actor is responsible for motion capture, coupled with the new artificial intelligence training, issued a trailer, officially released, only two weeks.

Of course, during this period, Jarvis worked efficiently and continuously, and the action-capture actors also provided various expressions and motion templates for the artificial intelligence npc as much as possible, and the workload was still very large. But in any case, the two weeks of this time, still make most people shocked or even panic, because the new artificial intelligence technology, the efficiency is too high.

The whole process of the game of "Iron Man" is about 6 hours. This time is lower than some original 3a masterpieces, so there are some concessions in the price, only 1280.

Of course, the reduction of research and development costs, the attempt of new game types, the strategy of small profits but quick turnover, etc., are also the reasons for the slight downward adjustment of the price of Iron Man.

Just like many previous "conscience" pricing strategies, on the one hand, it is indeed to be able to further expand the market, on the other hand, Chen Mo is planning for the future. He hopes that the matrix game cabin and these classic games can enter thousands of households. Be an important entertainment for every player, whether you are poor or rich, you can enjoy the game. Rather than now, next-generation vr games are just the enjoyment of wealthy people.


Zhang Zhibin looked curiously at the row of matrix game cabins in front of him.

After the last "Today's Current Affairs Debate", as the only guest standing on the side of Chen Mo, they naturally left a contact with each other.

Although the title is "senior media person", Zhang Zhibin is also an avid game enthusiast in private, otherwise it will not be maintained for gta on the show.

This is the first time he has come to the Thunder Mutual Entertainment Headquarters, because his work location is in the south, and he does not often go to the emperor. This time, because of business trips, I took time to come to the headquarters of Thunder Entertainment. In addition, I heard that Chen Mo’s new game “Iron Man” was open for trial, and let’s take a look.

"Zhi Bin, here."

Zhang Zhibin heard someone calling his name and looked up. Chen Mo was waving at him not far away.

Zhang Zhibin is going two steps: "How do you still personally come down, Chen, nothing, I just turn around, you are busy with you."

Chen Mo smiled and patted his shoulder: "Don't see it, call me Chen Mo. It's a visitor. What do you want to drink? I please."

Zhang Zhibin shook his head. "It doesn't matter what you drink. You can drink anything in the Matrix Shopping Center. The interest in eating and drinking has already dropped a lot. I mainly want to experience what you said as a 'crossing game'. How is the crossing method?"

Chen Mo took the can of Coke from the service area next to him: "Come, happy house, happy house, be a happy fat house."

Zhang Zhibin: "..."

Chen Mo led Zhang Zhibin to go inside and found the empty matrix game cabin: "Let's take a look at what is a cross-over game."

Zhang Zhibin put Coke aside and drilled into the matrix game compartment.

"If I don't feel enough to 'crossing', I won't give money." Zhang Zhibin joked.

Chen Moyi: "I can't give money by ‘traveling,' I ask.”



Zhang Zhibin woke up in the seaside mansion and went directly to the mansion to find the entrance to Iron Man.

The entrance was very conspicuous and it was quickly found. It was... a luxury car.

The luxury car is not conspicuous in terms of color, because it is pure black, not a cool super run. But Zhang Zhibin can see that this car is also worth a lot because of its beautiful front and logo, and it is lengthened.

What is striking is the people around the luxury car, four bodyguards wearing suits, one waist is very straight, looking straight ahead, looks very reliable; a slightly blessed middle-aged white man pulls the door open Zhang Zhibin seems to be asking him to sit in.

Zhang Zhibin hesitated, and driver Harold said with some inquiries: "Mr. Stark? Is there any problem?"

Harold is speaking English, but Zhang Zhibin finds himself can understand his words without any obstacles.

Of course, Zhang Zhibin is fluent in English, and his English is not bad, but he has not been able to communicate with foreigners completely. Like most people, he is far from the level of listening and speaking in English. He can understand what it means, but he needs to respond.

But this time, the driver said that it was English. Zhang Zhibin’s mind immediately showed the meaning of this sentence, just like hearing a Chinese sentence.

Zhang Zhibin sat in the luxury car, and driver Harold drove in the distance.

At this time, Zhang Zhibin saw that he had passed a blue stream of data. His clothes in the seaside mansion turned into suits and suits. He had a pair of brown sunglasses in front of him, and then touched his mouth, and even more. Fine beard.

Zhang Zhibin touched his pocket, pulled out a smart phone, opened the camera and glanced at his face.

Sure enough, he has now become the look of Stark.

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