Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1036: Free choice and the inevitable plot (one more)

Demonstrate the new Jelico missile at the Beacon State military base.

Attacked during the departure of the car, a missile exploded around and lost consciousness.

Woke up in the cave and forced by terrorists to make missiles for them.

Successfully created mark1 to escape the birth day, returned to the lighthouse country to hold a press conference, announced the closure of the Stark military industry.

Inspired by mark1, it was decided to develop a new wearable armor.


Zhang Zhibin spent some time, and finally fully integrated into Tony Stark's character set.

In the process of advancing the plot, through the reaction of the surrounding npc, Zhang Zhibin slowly learned that Tony Stark was a man.

He is a technological genius who can develop technology products far beyond the times, but at the same time he is also a playboy. He is arrogant, punctual, often neglects the feelings of people around him, and sometimes lacks basic self-care ability like the science madman. .

But I have to admit that he has a unique personality charm, so that everyone around him can't help but get close to him. Even if he is always as self-willed as a child, they will also tolerate him.

Of course, these are all inferred by Zhang Zhibin through the reaction of the people around him. The "original Stark" no longer exists. Now, Stark, played by Zhang Zhibin, has become another person.

Zhang Zhibin did not feel that there was anything wrong with this. He played Tony Stark according to his own personality and habits, and he enjoyed it.

Obviously, people around Stark, including Colonel James and Little Pepper, are very different from Tony Stark's changes. This situation is very much that Zhang Zhibin is very happy to see.

This made him feel that he did not experience other people's lives from the perspective of others, but instead truly replaced them.

In the course of the game story, Zhang Zhibin also probably understands why this degree of freedom can be achieved in the game "Iron Man".

This so-called "freedom" is not unlimited.

In fact, Iron Man's game is a box game, its story is divided into small sections, inside each section, players can act as they please, and between the sections and the sections, will not be decisive Impact.

To give a simple example, in the "casino" scene, players can choose to go to the prize first, then go to the casino, or choose not to receive the prize, go directly to the casino.

If you choose the latter, then the plot is closer to the movie story; choosing the former is nothing more than adding a playable part of the speech to the player.

In the same way, do you choose to stay with the female journalist Christina, whether to be late when rushing to the lighthouse country military base, where to escape when the road was attacked, and whether to promise to make missiles for terrorists in the cave...

Players can try different options at their own pace in each session, but these choices will not affect the story of the next link.

For example, in this scene of the attack, no matter where the player ran, the missile will fall to the front of the player "precisely", then explode, and the key shrapnel that propels the story will be sent to the player's body.

But what if the player is facing something on some key plots?

For example, at the press conference, Tony Stark announced that he would close the weapons research and development department of Stark Industries. If the player deliberately said at the press conference that he would "increase the investment in weapons research and development", wouldn't it completely contradict the plot?

In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to use the consciousness implantation technique.

First of all, the player experienced the cave story personally. It is clear that the impact of the Stark Industries missiles. Most players will make the same choices as Tony Stark after the story.

Secondly, when the player stands on the stage, the consciousness implant technology will implant a strong idea in the mind of the player to "close the Stark Industrial Weapons Department". This idea will affect the player's decision and guide him to make it. The right choice.

Finally, if the player has to come back to the plot?

That is equivalent to driving into the river, not completing the mission was shot by terrorists, equal to gameover, the plot restarted from the last checkpoint.

Although the degree of freedom is high, the whole story still has a plot line and can be deviated, but certainly not completely.

This kind of practice is a good balance between the "degree of freedom" and the "main line of the plot". Through the practice of box game, the player achieves a preliminary "high degree of freedom" in the virtual world.


At this time, Zhang Zhibin, or Tony Stark, is standing in front of the holographic projection and making a new battle suit with the help of Jarvis, mark2.

"I didn't expect that I actually experienced the feeling of a science madman in the virtual world. I have to say that this awesome."

Zhang Zhibin looked at the mark1 projection in front of him. He only needed to move the virtual projections to remove the excess parts one by one, and then designed a new drawing with the help of Jarvis.

There are a lot of ideas in his mind, such as adding a jet component here, adding a controller there, or what special shape to use.

By following these ideas, you can get an increasingly accurate model. Or simply hand over most of the work to Jarvis, and the mark2 holographic projection model is automatically generated.

Then, Zhang Zhibin successfully produced the leg components of mark2.

After wearing it, Zhang Zhibin can't wait to put it on.

Jarvis suggested that he choose a numerical axial load support, and the recommended value is between 1% and 10%.

"Then 5%." Zhang Zhibin chose a middle number.

Three seconds later, Zhang Zhibin felt a strong thrust from his feet. He couldn't help but vacate, then turned his head and fell to the ground with his back.


The fire extinguishing robot next to it sprayed his face dry powder.

What Zhang Zhibin doesn't know is that he is actually very lucky.

Tony Stark chose 10% of the axial load support, and then the whole person stuck to the wall. And he chose 5%, just landed on the back.

Continue to manufacture hand armor.

This time, Zhang Zhibin wears the upper arm and the foot armor and chooses to start with 1% axial load support.

Mark1 is also a flying function, but it is not perfect. Tony just barely flew out of a parabola and crashed into the desert.

Starting from mark2, Iron Man's suits are considered to have the ability to fly freely and accurately, and what Zhang Zhibin is experiencing now is the process of conducting flight tests.

Zhang Zhibin felt that his hands and feet produced a strong thrust, and the whole person slowly took off.

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