Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1037: Flight test and independent color matching (two more)

The thrust of the foot allows him to fly freely, while the thrust of the hand can adjust the front and rear angles so that he does not stop.

Zhang Zhibin carefully controlled the thrust of his hands and feet, and his whole person began to float in the studio.

This feeling reminds Zhang Zhibin of the feeling of learning to ride a bicycle when he was a child. He needs to constantly mobilize the muscles of the body to find a balance in the air, maintain a specific posture to ensure that he is suspended in the air, or slowly advance in a certain direction.

"Hey, wait a minute, don't go here! Go back, go back..."

Although Jarvis can hear him, in fact, the armor's propulsion device does not support voice control. The reason why Zhang Zhibin could not help but shouted out, is because this feeling is really wonderful.

Just like the baby learns to walk, it feels very difficult at the beginning, always stumbles and inevitably falls; but once it adapts to this feeling, it will open up a new world.

When Zhang Zhibin spent half an hour finally flying smoothly, he had fallen in love with this feeling.

Jarvis controlled the robot arm to install a full set of mark2 armor, Zhang Zhibin's display in the armor began to appear in front of the scene, the field of vision is very open. Jarvis began to automatically scan the surrounding environment and display any information that Zhang Zhibin cares about on the display.

"Jarvis, check if you can fly now." Zhang Zhibin feels that he is completely okay.

Jarvis: "There is still a lot of computing work to do before the actual flight, suggest..."

Zhang Zhibin interrupted his words: "It doesn't matter, fly and say."

After half an hour of practice, Zhang Zhibin had just mastered the technique of suspension, and he couldn’t wait to test it. Besides, what is the problem that is calculated, this is in the game, big deal to start reloading the archive point.


Zhang Zhibin feels that his soles and hands are getting stronger and stronger. His body can't help but lean forward, and the thrust of the soles of the feet instantly rises to a very strong level!

The scenery in the field of vision began to retreat rapidly. Before Zhang Zhibin had the excitement of shouting, he had already flown out of the garage and began to take off quickly.

"Stimulation! Too exciting! Hey!!"

Zhang Zhibin also had difficulty suppressing the sound of a monkey. He thought that the actual flight would be difficult, but it was actually much simpler than he thought, at least easier than trying to keep himself floating in a narrow garage.

Just as many people think that subject 3 is easier than subject 2, because subject 2 involves fine manipulation of the vehicle, and subject 3 is driving on a relatively wide road.

After flying into the sky, Zhang Zhibin really felt what is free and unrestrained. He can do whatever he wants, rolling, rotating, accelerating, slowing, pulling, dive... he only needs to do the corresponding action. Jarvis will control the armor and aileron on the armor to match his flight movements, which is very smooth.

He looked down and saw his mansion at the seaside, which has turned into an inconspicuous light spot on the coastline. The brightly lit city cluster in the distance is like a splendid star sea. The well-connected viaduct and road surface are like soft light. Blood, everything is the same as the scene seen on the plane in gta, except... the city group is bigger.

He flew through the amusement park at night, and the seven-meter-high Ferris wheel flashed seven color lights. Jarvis automatically intercepted a close-up of a child on the Ferris wheel and opened up in the huge display in front of Zhang Zhibin. A picture-in-picture, and then constantly zooming.

Zhang Zhibin saw the child stupidly staring at himself in the sky, and even the ice cream in his hand was dropped on the ground.

Crossing the clouds, flying to the sky, and then flying over the city, watching the constant flow of cars and pedestrians full of amazing eyes, and finally leap to the sea, return to their residence, and steadily fall.

Until the moment when the feet landed, Zhang Zhibin still felt that his legs could not stop shaking.

It’s like flying for too long, and finally forgetting how to walk.

Unloading the armor of the whole body, Zhang Zhibin took a drink from the side.

Jarvis’s voice sounded: “The previous flight data showed that the main sensor may be out of height at a height of about 10,000 meters. The casing pressurization may cause problems due to icing. If you want space flight, you need to further improve the exhaust. Valve system."

Zhang Zhibin sat in the chair: "Well, is there any advice?"

Jarvis replied: "It is recommended to contact the Sith company to re-engineer the surface metal and use the gold-titanium alloy of the Angel Tactical Satellite to ensure the power-to-energy ratio while enhancing the strength of the fuselage."

Zhang Zhibin nodded: "OK, just follow this arrangement."

Jarvis: "Understand, here is the rendering of mark3."

Zhang Zhibin looked at the renderings on the screen. The whole body was a local gold, and it looked like an Oscar, or a statue of Huang Chengcheng.

"It's too yellow?" Zhang Zhibin frowned.

Jarvis replied: "You are free to color any part of mark3, or you can directly say a general preference color scheme, I will complete the specific renderings."

Zhang Zhibin looked at the mark3 renderings on the screen. Now he can directly select any piece of armor by hand, and then select any color he wants in the palette to change it, which is equivalent to diy; or he can just say something Color schemes, such as "main body with silver, plus some dark blue embellishment", Jarvis will automatically complete the color scheme, then you can fine-tune this color scheme, you can save a lot of effort.

If Zhang Zhibin is willing, he can even change the mark3 helmet to green. Of course, almost no players will do this.

Zhang Zhibin chose to adjust the color of his armor, just like pinching his face in most games.

"Black as the main color? No, too dark, too low-key."

"Sure enough, the silver is better, but it still looks too good, with a little gold-like elements."

"A little more red? No, the three colors seem to be too much. Jarvis, I want to use silver as the main color, add some red and gold elements, or do not gold, help me to make a basic color scheme."

"Ok." Jarvis said, the mark3 armor on the screen was immediately painted with a new color scheme, mainly silver, the body and hands and feet part of the relatively low-key red, feeling very handsome.

This color scheme is different from the classic Iron Man color scheme and is completely designed by the player.

“Starting automatic assembly is expected to be completed in 5 hours,” Jarvis said.

Zhang Zhibin looked at the watch: "So I have to wait for 5 hours?"

Jarvis said: "You can consider attending a party at the Disney Music Hall tonight. Although there is no invitation, you should be very popular there."

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