Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1040: This time I really decided to lose money (two more)

Chen Mo’s office.

Qiao Hua puts on the 1/6 Iron Man metal model in his hand: "You think about it again."

Chen Mo smiled: "OK, I will consider it."

Qiao Hua smiled helplessly: "Although you will give me a gift, my son will probably like it very much, but I still have to say that every time you said that you would consider it, but in fact you never cashed it."

Chen Mo took a technically-sense, special-customized fingertip gyro from his desk and let it spin on his index finger on his left hand, saying: "Mr. Qiao, privately, you know that Thunder has no entertainment. I don’t have any money at all for any listing needs. On the contrary, my money now has no place to spend."

Qiao Hua looked at the careless Chen Mo: "Do you know that if you send this sentence online, it is estimated that you can create a new stem."

The fingertip gyro is still spinning at a rapid speed, and the pattern above shows an unusually beautiful pattern in the fast rotation.

"You know that I am a person who has no need. I am not interested in things like houses, luxury cars, jewellery, luxury goods. I even thought about taking half of the money out of the matrix game compartment and letting its price drop to Within 50,000, the vast majority of families can afford it."

Qiao Hua put Iron Man's hand on the table: "But now you don't need to pay for it yourself. Whether it is the amusement committee or some foreign institutions are willing to provide a lot of subsidies for the Thunder entertainment. These grants are billions. For the unit."

Chen Mo looked at the fingertip top in his hand: "The premise is that the Thunder will enter the market for mutual entertainment, and it will be necessary for some people in the country to sell part of the shares."

Qiao Hua nodded: "Yes, maybe you have faced many similar decisions before, but this time is definitely the best time. You have to understand that the listing of Thunder and Mutual Entertainment means that your personal wealth will be If you turn it several times or even ten times, Thunder will have the opportunity to win the world's most highly valued technology company, and for you personally, the player's 'debt to the richest man' has been easy to achieve."

"Secondly, Thunder Entertainment will also get a lot of resources after the listing. Now the world's eyes are focused on the matrix game cabin and the next generation vr, which is likely to be the biggest outlet in the next decade. With these resources You don't even need to pay for it yourself. Naturally, investors will provide you with a lot of money to squander. When you want to reduce the price of the matrix game cabin to 50,000, it's perfectly fine."

Chen Mo’s finger is gently pressed to stop the fingertip gyro.

"Lei Mutual Entertainment has not been listed since its inception, and now, and beyond. I will not split any equity, nor will I manage it with anyone."

Chen Mo looked at Qiao Hua: "I don't care about the money. The money is nothing but a matter of time for me. I will earn it sooner or later. Thunder will continue to subsidize the matrix game cabin, so that its price will continue to drop. I can do this myself and I don't plan to ask for help. If the amusement committee is willing to subsidize the matrix game cabin, I certainly welcome it, but for the matrix game cabin, I have already given in and it is impossible to continue concessions."

"Okay." Qiao Hua sighed softly. "I respect your choice. I will report it to the amusement committee. You don't have to worry too much. Although some people may be upset, no one can take you." ""

Chen Mo smiled and said: "Thank you."

Qiao Hua stood up and put a 1/6 Iron Man into the box with him: "Thank you for your present."


It is also an old-fashioned repertoire about the issue of the Thunder's mutual entertainment listing.

However, Chen Mo’s attitude is as always.

The popularity of "Iron Man" in the world has once again triggered a rush of many people to snap up the matrix game cabin, and the whole world has discovered that under the concept of the next generation vr, the world has been farther and farther away by Chen Mo. .

Detroit: Changing People first proposed the concept of the next generation vr.

"Oasis" moved into the matrix game cabin, which has caused different degrees of impact on traditional industries such as restaurants, furniture and automobiles.

Gta gives the matrix game console a full-fledged, a signature, exclusive game that once again takes the next generation of vr games a big step forward.

Iron Man is pushing the next generation vr to the stage of “traveling experience”.

At this time, players and gamers all over the world were surprised to find that Chen Mo was invincible in the field of the next generation vr.

Because so far, no second hardware company in the world has been able to develop a next-generation vr game compartment that competes with the matrix game compartment, and no second artificial intelligence company can make those in Iron Man with almost no real people. Any difference in artificial intelligence.

Although traditional game companies can still eat some leftovers in mobile phones, PCs and traditional vr games, and even live well, it is clear that in the top game field, the next generation vr is like the 3a masterpiece of Chen Mo’s previous life. The new gaming industry benchmark.

But the key is that the so-called benchmark is only made by Chen Mo alone.

In the previous game industry, after a technological breakthrough, various manufacturers immediately followed, and soon the technology became popular. Various 3a masterpieces began to spring up, each with its own strengths and splendor.

But now, it is clear that in the face of the words "Chen Mo produced", the painstaking efforts of all other game makers have become so pale and weak.

Is this a lucky or a misfortune?

In any case, the tech tree moves forward so quickly that the players in this world feel a little uncomfortable. As for those capitals, they are even more eager to make the Thunder mutual entertainment a huge fat.

However, Chen Mo has never been a fat man, and his ideal has never been to monopolize the entire game market, let it completely lose its anger.

"Javis." Chen Mo said.

The computer screen on the table immediately lit up: "Always on call."

Chen Mo thought for a moment: "I plan a notice. First, starting next month, Thunder Mutual Entertainment will subsidize all the matrix game cabins that are on sale, each subsidizing 10,000 US dollars, that is, the price falls straight 6 In the second place, we will use the game editor and artificial intelligence technology template of the open source matrix game cabin for paid use by game companies all over the world."

"Help me estimate a reasonable price for the latter and then calculate the approximate loss."

Ten seconds later, Jarvis replied: "It is expected that there will be a sustained small loss in a year, with a monthly loss of about 130 million US dollars, but the sales of matrix game cabins, game sales and editors, artificial intelligence technology templates will steadily Improvement. After one year, it will gradually turn a profit, and the specific situation will continue to be observed."

Chen Mo gently tapped the table.

"First set a small goal, what is the loss of 1.5 billion US dollars next year? It sounds still acceptable. No, it should be said to be much less than I expected."

Chen Mo thought for a moment: "That's it, probably this time I really have to lose."

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